Xie Linlang went all the way to the south. As time went by, the weather became colder and colder. By the day of Lidong, she finally returned to Xiangcheng!

The feeling of coming back to Xiangcheng is probably the same as going back to my mother's house... Uh, no! It's like going home!

Xie Linlang straightened his clothes, and asked the little brother Anwei to ease himself a little bit, and then got out of the carriage.

Her facial features have become more refined due to the skyrocketing Yin Qi, although the people in Xiangcheng have a deep-rooted impression of her and believe that she is a man.

But she still had to make her facial features a little more three-dimensional and a little more heroic, so that it was less suspicious.

The city residents of Xiangcheng who knew that Xie Linlang was coming back quickly opened the city gate to greet him.

Xie Linlang looked at her city wall through the car window, and suddenly felt that the city wall seemed to be built higher! And the whole body was glowing with black-gray light. Was it filled with lead water or molten iron? Why do you look so grand?

Mr. Liu brought everyone to greet him. Mr. Liu, who had learned a lot of money, was indifferent to fame and fortune, and was a little arrogant, now looked very grounded.

When Xie Linlang saw him, he seemed to have come up from the field. The burlap and sackcloth on his body were covered with mud. Xie Linlang was a little surprised and asked.

"Mr. Liu, it's this season, what are you up to?"

American Uncle Liu Jizong said with a smile, "Although it is cold, you can still plant some cold-resistant vegetables, so that in early spring, there will be fresh vegetables in the city and you can change the taste."

Xie Linlang thought of greenhouse vegetables without realizing it, but her knowledge of greenhouse vegetables was limited to greenhouses, and she didn't know exactly how to operate it.

But she didn't know, she could tell Mr. Liu and let Mr. Liu convey this idea and leave it to someone who knows how to study it.

I can figure it out, and we can supply off-season vegetables in the future. If I can’t figure it out, it’s okay. Anyway, she just took a new route, and if she has money, she can burn it!

While talking with Mr. Liu, Xie Linlang responded to the excited cheers of the city residents.

It is estimated that all the people in the city were dispatched, and they were crowded in the streets, making Xie Linlang gradually unable to get through.

At this time, a woman asked boldly on the side, "My Lord, are you leaving this time when you come back?"

Although knowing that Qin Jue was enthroned, Xie Linlang will definitely go to a bigger place to develop, but for these ordinary people, they still hope that Xie Linlang can stay in their hearts, so when someone asks this, everyone is quiet. Wait for Xie Linlang to answer.

Xie Linlang smiled a little apologetically, and said to everyone.

"Thank you folks for showing your love, Lin Lang will not hide it from you, and will still go to the capital in the future.

However, this city will always be my Xiangcheng, and you will always be my city citizens. I will always pay attention to this city and treat it as my home. "

Everyone regrets what Xie Linlang said.

But letting such an outstanding talent as Xie Linlang live in the corner of Da Qin is indeed a bit violent.

And if Master Xie is absent, they also have Mr. Liu, Master Zhang, and Guan Shi. They are all very good and talented people. With them, Xiang Cheng will get better and better.

So someone cheered up and said loudly.

"The Lord of the City must work hard! You get married and give birth to heirs, then you can let your heirs come and take care of Xiangcheng!"

After Xie Linlang listened, her cheeks suddenly turned red. She accidentally remembered Qin Jue. If she told Qin Jue the truth, Qin Jue would be afraid that she would immediately drag her to give birth, right?

There is no contraceptive method in this era, she doesn't want to hold them for three years! It's terrible, terrible!

Seeing Xie Linlang flushed and did not speak, Mr. Liu hurriedly relieved.

"Don't get stuck here, you are all gone! The city lord is tired all the way, it will definitely be tired. Tomorrow the city lord's mansion will put a lot of water on the table, and then everyone will come to the city lord to toast again!"

When everyone heard it, they quickly dispersed, but some people reluctantly sent Xie Linlang to the City Lord's Mansion.

So before Xie Linlang entered the mansion, he turned around and saluted them, causing some little girls in the crowd to be very embarrassed and ran away quickly.

Seeing Xie Linlang's popularity so high, Mr. Liu shook his head and smiled.

"When you come back, I don't know how many little girls you have, and you should not be able to sleep tonight."

Xie Linlang was a little embarrassed when she heard that, "Sir, don’t make fun of me. I’m still me, sir. Today’s view is very different from before. It’s not an exaggeration to say it’s reborn. What do you want to understand? So big!"

Mr. Liu said with a smile while heading to the City Lord's Mansion with Xie Linlang.

"It's probably because I'm getting older...Sometimes I feel that writing a beautiful article is more interesting than thinking about new farm tools with the common people, but you are the one who really changed me!"


"Yeah..." Mr. Liu said with a smile, "I originally thought that the Datong World in the book was an impossible vision, but it was impossible, but with the efforts of you and everyone, it became possible. .

Perhaps this Datong is not perfect yet, but I can participate in it and build Datong together. The significance of this matter is more valuable than I read and write more poems.

So you changed me, this city changed me, I found a meaning here that I didn't find in the first half of my life. Now I live a very fulfilling life. "

Xie Linlang sighed when she heard the words, "I am very glad you can find a sense of belonging here. I believe that with your help, this city will become better and better."

This is really not flattery. Right now the people in Xiangcheng are affluent, and there are people in charge of all aspects, so you can't go wrong.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is leading the world in technology, but it is a shortcoming in culture.

The existence of Mr. Liu can just make up for this shortcoming. He alone represents countless poems and songs. With him in the ancient books of the Book of Changes, the cultural aspect will become more and more perfect, so Xiangcheng will be more and more perfect. The Great Harmony of Shanghai took another step.

Next, Xie Linlang met with the stewards.

When she is away, Xiangcheng's affairs will be reported to Mr. Liu, and Mr. Liu is sending a letter to Xiaoxi.

Because all aspects are already running on the right track, Xiangcheng has no major issues. Xie Linlang is also very confident in Xiangcheng's managers. So far, there has been no trouble.

After seeing the steward, Xie Linlang went to see Ke Ya specially.

Keya and the others walked by water, so they were a little faster than Xie Linlang, and arrived six days ago.

After arriving, Mr. Liu arranged them separately according to the instructions in Xie Linlang's letter, took them to wash, see a doctor, and then visit Xiangcheng.

When they first arrived, they were very nervous, even wearing clean clothes, they were incompatible with Xiangcheng's personality.

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