The next day, Xie Linlang packed up her things and was about to bid farewell to Qin Jue.

Not to mention that saving people can't be delayed, just talk about herself, and want to go back quickly, and then help Qin Jue and share some affairs.

And deep down in her heart, a feeling of reluctance began to sprout, and she had already wanted to return before she left.

Thinking about this, Xie Linlang shook her head. She didn't expect that she would be like this one day. This is really, people are not as good as the sky!

Qin Jue also seemed to leave in a hurry.

The sixth type of purple golden viper venom, after entering the body, will make the skin color appear faint purple, and it will take a day to dissipate. He does not want Lin Lang to see that this process of introducing the poison into the body cannot be interrupted.

Xie Linlang thought he was in a hurry to go back to deal with the multinational agreement, so there was no doubt.

Before leaving, Xie Linlang was going to send Qin Jue away. In the morning, the palace people were packing things. Xie Linlang came to Qin Jue with a snack and saw Qin Jue sorting out books.

The winter sun fell on his azure robes, drawing his profile beautifully, like a god.

He is personally categorizing the books published by the palace people. When dealing with books, he is always gentle, and these books also have a different meaning to him. They are books that his grandfather loves to read.

Xie Linlang quietly admired him for a while with a snack in his mouth, and then remembered that this person was her own, she was filled with joy, then swallowed the snack, jumped over and hugged him from behind. !

"Don't move! You have been caught by me. If you don't say three nice words, I won't let you go!"

The silk book in Qin Jue's hand suddenly fell on the wooden stand. He was taken aback for a moment, then chuckled, then he turned around and hugged Xie Linlang, but only said a word.

"...Then you must not let me go, I want to keep being caught by you."

When he didn't agree with him, he started teasing, and Xie Linlang's heartbeat began to speed up again, but she refused to admit defeat! She raised her head and pouted slightly, a little proud.

"Then I changed my mind. If there are no good sentences, I will let go now!"

Qin Jue quickly hugged her tighter when he heard the words, a thoughtful expression appeared on his handsome face, and then he looked at Xie Linlang with a smile, and said softly.

"Lin Lang is getting better every year."

"Lin Lang is even better today than yesterday."


Xie Linlang was so complimented that he stopped and immediately asked.

"One more sentence?"

Qin Jue smiled, lowered his eyelids, and said in her ear.

"...Every moment I love you more than the last moment."

Xie Linlang's heart jumped! In the next second, Qin Jue lifted her chin and kissed her lips...

The winter sun fell on the two of them through the hollow window. There was obviously no temperature, but she felt that she was about to melt, and there was a heartbeat in her tympanum.

This-is it love?

Xie Linlang felt that she seemed a little dangerous...

The danger was not that Qin Jue wanted to eat her, but that she had the urge to be eaten by Qin Jue.

At this time, Qin Jue's team was ready and was about to leave, and Xie Linlang hid behind a tree, thinking of saying goodbye, but hesitated.

Recalling the previous kiss in the study, her heart beats so fast that after the kiss, she didn't say a word and ran away panicked.

Fortunately, she ran fast, otherwise she was a little worried that she would be unable to control herself and made a move to throw him down, then... Qin Jue was afraid that she would not be able to set off on time.

No, no, she must calm herself down, they are making progress too fast!

How long has it been since Qin Jue confessed to the present? It's that way between them, it's too unreserved!

So she still don't want to go out, anyway, the previous kiss is regarded as a goodbye.

Before Qin Jue got into the car, he waited for a while, and saw that Xie Linlang hadn't come out, he knew she was shy.

Since the last secret between the two was broken, he could clearly feel her closeness to him.

There was no gap between them, and when he kissed her, she was more emotional than before.

This is very good, it shows that he is getting heavier in her heart, presumably after he detoxifies her, she will agree to marry him.

Thinking about this, Qin Jue chuckled softly, and then got into the carriage.

Upon seeing this, Bai Heng hesitated to ask.

"Your Majesty, do I need to wait for Master Xie?"

Qin Jue's voice contained a smile, "No, let's go."

He was too irritated before, and his Linlang wouldn't know where he was hiding, so he should stop irritating her. If she took the initiative, he would not be able to restrain the toxins in his body.

Hearing this, Bai Heng nodded and let everyone set off.

Seeing Qin Jue finally left, Xie Linlang breathed a sigh of relief, but she was also a little disappointed.

Just as she was about to leave quietly, Xun Feng and Ye Bai suddenly appeared, shocking Xie Linlang!

"Why are you here?"

The two guards looked at each other and said in unison.

"Your Majesty is worried about the safety of your lord's trip, so he ordered the two of us to take care of each other."

Xie Linlang didn't expect that although Qin Jue hadn't said, but had arranged everything, he couldn't help but smile.

"Okay! I allow you to follow me, but..."

She suddenly stared at Ye Bai fiercely, "But you are my people following me, and you are not allowed to pass on the letter to your majesty behind me, otherwise, I won't need you!"

After hearing the words, the two quickly promised that, in fact, his Majesty also told them this time, letting them follow Master Xie in the future, and everything will be based on Master Xie's instructions, and there is no need to listen to him.

So Master Xie will be their new master and the only person they must obey.

Xie Linlang was very satisfied after listening, she said.

"Okay, go and take my carriage out, we are also ready to set off, first to meet Miss Du, and then to pick up Afeng."


Xie Linlang thought very clearly, Du Zhiyan was pregnant, she must not be able to set off with her, so you must tell her clearly so that she can wait at home with peace of mind and don't do anything stupid.

After picking up Afeng and the others, you can go to Marsh Country.

If things go well, it is estimated that it can be done in two or three months. I hope everything will go well!

Soon, Xie Linlang's carriage was brought over. After getting in the carriage, Ye Bai and Xunfeng drove the carriage. She was going to make up for sleep in the carriage.

This carriage is unique, it has a lot of things on the outside and inside, and it has everything to eat and lodging. It was specially made for her by the people of Xiangcheng, and a lot of ingenuity came from the integration.

Xie Linlang was planning to go to bed, but suddenly she was caught by something. She lifted the quilt and found that it was the Heavenly Fallen Sword.

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