The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 413: The tricks in the temple

Xie Linlang frowned. According to the map, they only walked one-fifth of the forest. Who knows how long Gu An can last?

She squeezed the sachet tightly in her hand with some annoyance, but accidentally squeezed it. The materials distributed to the believers by the Goddess Temple were of poor quality, not to mention Xie Linlang's strong hands.

After the sachet broke, the powder inside was sprinkled out. Xie Linlang didn't care about it, but it didn't take long before her fingers began to turn black, and the place where the powder got it itched.

Xie Linlang’s first reaction was poison, but she was not poisonous, even if it was a poison designed specifically for her, it was impossible to respond to it only when she encountered it. Could it be...

Everyone was shocked when Xie Linlang's fingers were black! Xunfeng quickly threw the sachet away. In a hurry, he grabbed it with his hands, but he did nothing to grab it, and his hands did not turn black.

Xie Linlang immediately knew what the snake powder was made of, it turned out to be the kind of black beetle.

Yes, the Witch King said to his subordinates that this kind of insect is the first of all insects. As long as its corpse is ground into powder and mixed with insect repellent powder, most poisonous insects can be prevented from approaching.

Xie Linlang thought, sneered. This kind of bug was her childhood nightmare. At that time, she had nothing. If she was bitten, she could only suffer it until the poison was exhausted.

But now she only needs to hold on for a while, the poison will be eaten by Kuva.

Although she can't threaten her anymore, she still feels uncomfortable seeing that kind of bug, which is probably a psychological shadow.

Xunfeng looked at her black fingers and asked nervously, "Master, are you okay?"

Xie Linlang shook her head so that they don't have to worry, and she had to thank the sachet. If it weren't for it, she still didn't know where the other party was hiding.

Sure enough, the most dangerous place is the safest place. Who would have thought that the temple of Goddess, which is admired by all people, is also tricky?

Bells rang, and all those who were going to hunt in the forest would first come to the Temple of Goddess to pray for themselves, so from the morning, people here are in an endless stream.

Xie Linlang looked at the domed wooden building in front of him and nodded. The whole temple is not too big, but it is very delicately repaired, and it blends well with the forest.

After Xie Linlang walked in, she saw the goddess statue enshrined in the center.

The face of the goddess is very vaguely portrayed, because no one can imagine the beauty of the goddess. On the dome above the goddess statue, there is a large colorful mural. The mural depicts the story of the goddess nurturing mankind on the seventh night. Both abstract and mysterious.

At this time, Xun Feng was around Xie Linlang, and the rest had been sent elsewhere by her.

Because of her extraordinary temperament, as soon as she entered, the **** servants from the temple came to receive her. There are no male **** servants in the goddess hall, only goddess servants, and only virgins can become **** servants. The veil cannot show the true face.

Xie Linlang took the incense from her, learned the etiquette of others, gave the goddess incense, and left a couple of silver for incense.

Seeing that she was generous, the servant asked her if she wanted to go to the backyard to divination for herself.

Xie Linlang readily agreed and came to the back of the palace with her.

The whole temple of Goddess is divided into three entrances, the first entrance is the place where the goddess is worshipped.

The second entrance is a place where the eldest son of the goddess "Ye Zhi Ling" is enshrined, and some believers can live there.

The third entrance is the place where the servants of the Goddess Temple rest, and outsiders are not allowed to enter.

Xie Linlang guessed that the secret should be hidden in the third entry.

When she was thinking about problems, the servants around her were also looking at her.

There is no way, because of the problem of belief, the Numa Kingdom is really powerless to fight against this indistinguishable beauty!

The servant even felt that the people in front of him were even more beautiful than the sons of the goddess enshrined in the second hall!

Xie Linlang noticed the look in her eyes, but pretended not to notice. On the contrary, Xunfeng on one side was a little angry. Didn't it mean that the **** servant could not break the precept? Why does this man always stare at his master?

Before reaching the second hall to ask for a sign, Xie Linlang suddenly covered her forehead and said with some uncomfortable expression.

"My head is a little bit painful, it may be an old disease, dare to ask the spiritual girl, is there a room here for me to rest?"

Outsiders all call the servants of the gods spiritual women, thinking that they are people who are favored by the gods.

Upon hearing this, the **** servant who received her said quickly.

"Yes, please believers follow me."

After she finished speaking, she took Xie Linlang to the guest room next to the Erjin Hall.

After entering the room, Xie Linlang asked Xunfeng to wait outside and only took the servants in.

Xunfeng suddenly became a little nervous. Isn't Mr. Xie trying to be seduced? This sacrifice is too great?

Unexpectedly, after Xie Linlang entered the door, he put it on the other side without saying anything, then took off her clothes, put on her veil and head cloth, and walked out like this.

After she came out, Xun Feng was stunned for a moment, then his eyes rounded!

"Lord, master..."

Xie Linlang let out an "um" and said indifferently.

"I'll go in and take a look at the third entrance. Go in and take a good look at her. Don't let her make trouble."

After she finished speaking, she left calmly, completely disregarding Xunfeng's confused expression when she saw her dress!

——It is indeed the man your Majesty is fond of. He said that he would pretend to be a female, without any psychological pressure! It's just weird, will Master Xie shrink his bones? It looked a lot shorter than before, more like a woman.

Xie Linlang also made a temporary intention. The **** servants here wear veiled turbans. The only thing that distinguishes each other is the pattern on the clothes. Is there a better disguise than this?

Xie Linlang showed only one pair of eyes outside, then slightly lowered his head and walked in the third.

Sure enough, the two Kong Wu's powerful goddess servants at the door didn't even glance at her, so they let her in.

This third entry is a house neat on three sides, and it is neat and tidy without any abnormalities.

In addition, most of the servants of the gods are entertaining believers outside, and there is no individual here... Is such a loose guard really a secret?

Just when Xie Linlang was a little self-doubt, a woman suddenly hugged her from behind, and she was startled!

Xie Linlang had reflexed to throw her out, who knew the first thing the other party said.

"Jun Jun, tonight, you take me to serve the adults, OK?"

Xie Linlang hadn't spoken yet, she was in her ear, talking very ambiguously.

"As long as you are willing to take me there, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, I will accompany you..."

She said, pointing her fingers up, as if she wanted to hit her chest, but was quickly caught by Xie Linlang's eyes and hands!

She was a little confused about this relationship for a while, anyway, it was a little messy, she recalled the voice of the woman she was pretending to be, and whispered.

"This is not in compliance." Although I don't know what it is, if it is in compliance, the other party will not come to beg her.

Sure enough, the other party quickly said.

"Then don't wait for the evening, let's go now, your lord likes you the most, he will definitely not blame you for being abrupt!"

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