Originally it was just breaking the cage, which was nothing to him, but now that the cage is covered with stones, he has no way to escape!

The flames under his feet burned more and more intense, and soon ignited his clothes and burned his armor. The burning pain on his skin made him lose all his manners and shouted like crazy!

For the first time in his life, he felt the horror of being in hell! Obviously, there are voices asking him to insist, but in his ears, it is all the roars of the women he killed!

There seemed to be a hand in the flames to pull him down to hell, but he didn't want to die, he didn't want to die!

That person just now was Xie Linlang! He has not yet communicated the news!

In the screaming screams, the common people, despite the increasing fire under the stone, moved the stone harder.

At this time, some soldiers also rushed to help with the move.

But when they finally removed a boulder to reveal a corner of the cage, the gust of wind blasted and aggravated the fire inside. Everyone only heard the priest shout "Xie Linlang" sharply, and there was no sound!

The flames continued, but everyone saw that there were still cages, they knew they couldn’t be saved...

Xie Linlang did not see this scene. After setting the fire, he turned back to the gate of the city.

The women she brought, panicked and ran to the city gate and shouted the first time the ruined temple collapsed.

"Not good! Lord priest is trapped, he is going to be burned to death!"

When everyone heard it, it was still worth it? The reason why so many soldiers can gather in this place is to protect the priests. When he heard that something happened, his subordinates and soldiers all ran into the city.

Then after a while, some soldiers hurriedly turned back, saying that the priest was suppressed, and asked them to help move the rocks!

Upon hearing this, more people ran to save people.

As a result, when they removed the stone, they only heard the priest shout "Xie Linlang" and died.

He shouted these three words full of hatred and tried his best! Therefore, not only the people who saved him, but also the people watching and even further away heard those three words!

Xie Linlang... She is here! Not only did she come, she was also extremely high profile!

She didn't hide, but killed the priest in full view.

She didn't kill him directly, but killed him in a way similar to **** punishment.

For a while, everyone who heard this name felt a haze in their hearts.

Especially the subordinates of the priest, they saw that the priest was burned to death in a cage, and their faces suddenly became pale.

Because the scene before me is exactly the same as the way the forest goddess punishes the devil described in The Book of Seven Nights!

In other words, Xie Linlang knows what they have done in the Palace of God Queen!

Xie Linlang... She was telling them in this way that they were doing it and the goddess was watching! All sins will be liquidated one day...

At this time, the soldiers thought of the two people hanging at the gate of the city, but when they went back to see, the other party had been rescued long ago.

And Xie Linlang didn't leave anything behind. When saving people, she thought of the saint of snake spirit, doing everything possible to evil people's practice, ruining people's life, and thinking of the old emperor of the marsh country, who was old and still studied snails.

She sneered, and carved a dozen ridiculous characters on the city gate with her sword!

——Snake-spirit saint, all evil is unforgivable, the old thief of marsh country, a nest of snakes and rats!

After writing, she took others to Shiran.

Presumably this time, she doesn't need to look for them, those people should also come.

After returning to the underground stronghold, the old woman almost fainted when she heard her report on what Xie Linlang had done before!

Over the years, why did they hide in hiding? Isn't the opponent too powerful to be shaken?

It is not that they have never fought back. After all, more and more people have been saved over the years, and they are considered to have a foundation, but the result? They all failed...

Moreover, after being caught back, life is worse than death, so that they are a little scared and have not dared to take much action.

Xie Linlang handed Xunfeng and Ye Bai to Afeng and the others, then walked to the panicked old woman, squatted down, holding her trembling hand, and looking up at her.

"All these years, if you hide in hiding, have they let you go?

No, no matter if you fight back or not, they will not give up chasing you, because you are a hidden danger if you are alive.

And in the past ten years, they have never stopped persecuting the Temple of Goddess, persecuting those innocent **** servants.

Since hiding and retreating are useless, then why don't we just go ahead and attack with all our strength? "

The old woman looked a little scared at Xie Linlang at this time, but this was a man who killed a priest in one move!

Although there is a trickery relationship, it is a fact that the other party died, and it still died in that way. For the palace, this is undoubtedly a declaration of war!

And this is indeed a declaration of war.

If Xie Linlang is not demonized in one-on-one fights, she really can't kill the priest. After all, she can't fight for a long time. This is the biggest drawback.

But she was born with her mind to solve problems. She not only wanted to kill, but also made the other person die with a sense of ritual.

Only in this way, will the people in the Queen of God's Palace be angry, and they will do messy things, including the words she left on the wall, for this purpose.

When the power is not equal, she has the chance only when the other party is in chaos.

As for the blasting of names, will it affect the relations between the two countries?

This Xie Linlang is not worried. First, the current Marsh State does not dare to fight Da Qin. Second, the officials on the side of Da Qin can push four, five or six. If someone is posing as their Xie Guoshi, they can push the blame. Clean.

So she didn't have much scruples.

After hearing Xie Linlang's words, the old woman said tremblingly after a long time.

"But the palace of the king has been in operation for many years, and now most of the servants of the palace of the goddess are bewitched by them. They can't listen to them. They still have a huge and powerful'army of gods' in their hands, as well as priests, and a dozen Wan Dajun’s support! Including Emperor Niu, he is also a peerless master with more than a hundred years of internal strength! What do we, do we fight against them?"

Xie Linlang added in his heart, there may be more than that, maybe there is a behind-the-scenes behind the scenes, but it is also possible that Emperor Swamp is behind the scenes.

But she didn't say, instead she slapped the back of the old woman's hand and laughed in a low voice.

"Win with less and more with less. There is no helper to create a helper. You must know that the opponent is not a piece of iron bucket. The embankment of a thousand miles may be destroyed by the ant's nest."

An edge appeared in Xie Linlang's eyes, and while her voice was soothing, it also brought them faith.

"Have you forgotten what the seventh divine metaphor says in the "Book of Seven Nights"? The forest goddess tells the world that evil does not suppress righteousness. She sees all the sins in her eyes, and then she will be punished on the day of God's punishment. Drag all the demons into hell."

"And the day of God's punishment has already come."

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