The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 441: Can Lin Lang marry me?

When Qin Jue saw the last few words, his mood was ups and downs, and he couldn't restrain himself for almost a moment.

In his arms, there is also the love letter that Lin Lang wrote before.

Two completely different letters can see her changes.

When she wrote the love letter, she used countless sweet words, but these nice words were meant to coax rather than affect.

Including the letters she wrote before, each has its own playfulness, and each one has a clear purpose and a free mind.

Only in this letter, she wrote very restrained, straightforward, and most of it was state affairs, but let him taste her feelings every word.

Lin Lang's heart was upset. When she was not moving like a mountain, she was open and wanton. When she moved her heart, when she was upset, she restrained and hesitated everywhere.

She has never loved a single person, so lovesickness and longing are extremely strange experiences.

So she asked him, very serious and without literary talent, and wrote down her lovesickness.

...It's so cute and annoying.

Qin Jue sighed. Originally, he had missed her very, very much, but this guy didn't think he had enough teasing. He also wrote a serious letter that was more like a love letter than a love letter, but he refused to let him pass and gave it back. He sent a mission so that the two could not meet.

She is simply torturing him!

But when he received such a letter, the torture also recognized, Qin Jue smiled bitterly and shook his head. The originally deserted eyes were full of smiles that were gentler than sunshine.

I saw him spread out the letter paper, intentionally replying to a letter to Lin Lang and helping her relieve lovesickness.

But after picking up the pen, he pondered for a long time, but he didn't know where to start. Because of lovesickness, his situation is probably much more serious than Linlang.

So in the end, he only wrote one sentence.

——Will Lin Lang marry me when I return to the capital?


Qin Jue only wrote such a sentence in the letter to Lin Lang, but he explained very carefully to those who were to be sent to Marsh Country.

Considering Lin Lang's situation in Marsh Country and the dangers she might encounter, Qin Jue paid great attention to her selection.

As for persuading Xun Lao, it's actually quite simple. Xun Lao didn't want to cooperate with Xie Linlang, but Qin Jue just said that many people have been poisoned and are in misery. It is difficult for him to sit idly by, and finally agrees very reluctantly. Up.

After sending them away, Qin Jue couldn't relax either.

Although Lin Lang only doubted in the letter, he had to implement the situation.

If the old emperor and saint of Numa were not behind the scenes, nor were they the people who made trouble in the country of Ze, then while contacting the countries and signing agreements, he must also distinguish his spirit and investigate other suspicious candidates. Up.

He has always had a lot of things in his hands, whether it is the post-war construction in the country, or the stationing of the water army on the Shenxian Island, or the repair of the city wall in the north, and the signing of contracts for various countries, he has been watching these major events very closely.

He never forgot to give Lin Lang the court she wanted. With the joint efforts of everyone, Da Qin was completely different from a year ago.

Presumably in a few more years, Da Qin will grow to a point where no one can shake it. At that time, no matter where his Linlang goes, no one dares to deceive him.

Naturally, Xie Linlang didn't know what psychological changes Qin Jue experienced after receiving the letter. She only knew that after the letter was sent out, she felt a lot relaxed.

Moreover, when it was really not a time when the children were in love, Wang Dian knew that Dingxiangcheng was "rebellious", and he would react soon.

Although she waits for work with ease, she has to be fully prepared.

The people in Dingxiang City rioted until late at night, and the reason they were so angry was that those who were rescued from the dungeon and were taken away were not in the city lord's mansion at this time, but were sent to other places!

In other words, they may have just left the wolf den and entered the tiger den again.

More likely, they have been silenced!

No matter how the city lord asked, he said that he didn't know, because it meant the above.

His evasiveness made the people very disappointed, so the people at the Seven Nights Club immediately captured the city lord, and they didn't say anything. As for the officers and soldiers, they had long since seen the situation and hid.

In this way, Lilac City became an uncontrolled city. At the moment, the Palace of the Gods had two options. One was to use the emperor to deploy troops to suppress it, and the other was to secretly send a "divine army" to deal with it.

But the first choice was ruled out by Xie Linlang, because ordinary soldiers didn't take drugs, so they had to attack innocent people for no reason, and they had to have a proper reason.

In addition, if ordinary soldiers came, they might be instigated by the people in Dingxiang City. The King Palace would not take risks considering the risks.

Only the Divine Army is completely under their control, so Xie Linlang is sure that the Royal Palace will use the Divine Army next.

Because she was not sure how many people the other party would come, Xie Linlang had been leading people to prepare these days.

At the same time, she continued to bomb the people in Lilac City with different information every day to keep them angry!

She has a lot of such news, and every one of the **** servants saved by Qiyehui over the years can tell a shocking past.

So that in the next few days, Xie Linlang could see the common people gathering together and talking in the city at any time.

Of course, there are also those who swear to the death to believe in the palace, but the most questionable people have already accounted for the vast majority. They even decided to wait for the spring to go to other goddess palace to verify this information, or go directly to the palace to confront!

On this day, Guo Quan came to Xie Linlang, he was almost on the verge of poisoning, and in three days, if there is no cure, he will die!

He doesn't want to die, so these days, he has spared no effort to promote the evil deeds of the palace.

Xie Linlang was satisfied with his performance during this period, but she felt that his role was more than that.

So she said lightly.

"I can completely eradicate the poison from you.

However, because you have done a lot of evil and killed many people, if you want to live, you can only prove that you have the value of living, otherwise even if I save you, you will soon be killed by the people of the Seven Nights Club. "

The divine servants who had been rescued before have now joined the Seven Nights Club. They didn't find Guo Quan to settle the account, but they felt that he was worthwhile now, but with such a little value, it couldn't last a long time.

Although Guo Quan is a pure villain, he is also a wise man. He was taken aback for a moment, and then asked seriously.

"Then how do I prove that I have value?"

Xie Linlang smiled lightly, "It's very simple, I want you to lie to someone. If you lie, you can live, but if you lie, you can only die."

Guo Quan suddenly became nervous when he heard this, "Who do you want me to lie to?"

Xie Linlang squinted her eyes and said in a soothing tone.

"Of course I lied to your original master."

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