The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 444: God won't know

Although these gods were covered up and down tightly, they could only see the eyeballs, but the **** aura could not be covered!

Obviously, not everyone in this world can practice martial arts. Even if they practice martial arts, most people have ordinary talents. Even if they have practiced martial arts for many years, their internal strength is meager.

But the six thousand gods in front of them are different. They seem to have internal strength for everyone, and their internal strength is not low!

Such a team is like playing with one enemy ten, but how many people Xie Linlang can fight with them?

At this time, Guo Quan was very fortunate that he had kept an eye on him. He remembered all the deployments and traps of Xie Linlang during this period, and also secretly heard about the lurking place of Qiyehui, otherwise he could not easily gain the trust of priests.

As long as he can help the priest catch Xie Linlang this time, and make great contributions, he will be just around the corner!

After the six thousand gods were divided into two groups, Qi Shu brought the remaining three thousand people straight to Dingxiang City, saying that it was a massacre, but they still had another task, which was to take all the women of Dingxiang City away.

At the moment, if the palace wants to expand the **** army, the conch girl is indispensable, but after becoming a conch girl, the life span is extremely short, and the servant of the goddess hall alone is far from being consumed, so this time, taking this opportunity, the king hall Plans to start with the common people.

Lilac City is a good choice. As long as all the people here are killed, no one will know where the women were arrested.

Then they set a fire again and said to the outside that this place was massacred by a cult called Qiyehui, and there was no problem.

Although there may be some fish that slip through the net, they are just like the previous Seven Nights. Even if they know the truth, they cannot become a climate without a leader.

As for the leader Xie Linlang this time... even if she is more powerful, they have six thousand gods and a copper barrel weapon specially designed for her. Even if she can go to heaven, she will only be caught!

After Qi Shu carefully considered everything, he led someone to bypass the trap and break the door.

What made him strange was that there was no guard at the door.

Even if the lord and soldiers of Dingxiang City were arrested, Xie Linlang should arrange for someone to follow him. There were so many outposts on the periphery before, why there weren't at the city gate?

With this suspicion, he led people to open the city gate silently, then bypassed the trench and came to the city.

Everything is the same as Guo Quan said, the only difference is that the city is extremely quiet, not to mention the sentry, not even a guardian can see it.

Qi Shu gave a wink at the divine army behind everyone, let them spread out, sneak into every house, women and girls of the right age were knocked out and tied up, and all the others were killed, none left!

Upon receiving the instruction, the silent and depressed army of gods moved immediately. At the moment they acted, it was as if a beast came out of the cage, scattered, and sneaked into each house!

The city was filled with thin mist, and the third shift was when everyone was asleep. At this time, the city was caught off guard, and the city massacre was only a matter of a few quarters of an hour.

Sure enough, there was a scream soon, Qi Shu frowned, a little unhappy, didn't it mean that they should be lighter and try not to cause a counterattack? Scream so loudly, the whole city will wake up!

In a short while, several of the gods who had sneaked into the house screamed and ran out, only to see that they were either lime-faced, their legs caught by large traps, or oily faces.

There is no one in every house, but there are small hidden weapons waiting for them, and they have been calculated!

Qi Shu's secret path was not good, and before he could gather the gods, more screams came from the city!

Countless figures in night clothes are like ghosts in this uninhabited city. They are lurking in the night with bows and arrows and other weapons, and when they encounter a single **** army, they will attack together!

Divine Army that does not ride horses does not wear armor, after all, the armor is very heavy, which consumes too much for infantry without horses.

So those dark arrows can cause harm to them. Although the arrows didn't pierce deep because of the sneak attack, as long as they saw the blood, those gods would become more and more manic as if they were stimulated!

Qi Shu heard the screams scattered in the city, and hurriedly blew the horn to get them to gather.

But the irritated Divine Army didn't listen to him at all. They relied on their immense strength, pulling those sneak attackers everywhere, and destroying the city!

Only some people heard the sound of the horn and gathered again.

This time, everyone's emotions were not as relaxed as when they came, especially Qi Shu, he suddenly realized that this is a trap!

The city suddenly became chaotic. Just as Qi Shu assembled the people to keep them from chaos, a group of people wearing red hunting suits and masks joined the battlefield with torches!

The smell on those torches, as long as they are familiar to the people of Marsh country, are used to lure animals, make them manic or lure spring.

Qi Shu hurriedly let the Divine Army around him cover his mouth and nose, and at this moment, a figure also wearing a red hunting suit stood on the roof of a stilted building not far from them.

The moon was behind her, her robe was blown by the night wind in the thin mist,

Qi Shu saw her at a glance. As soon as his gaze came over, Xie Linlang's slender fingers lifted off the white mask, revealing a smiley face.

"Priest Qi, meet again."

Qi Shu was a little flustered at this time. He didn't listen to the angry shouts and screams in the city, but just stared at Xie Linlangdao.

"Where are the people in the city? Where did you hide them?"

In fact, what Qi Shu wants to ask more is, where are the people around Xie Linlang? Is it someone from the Seven Nights Club? They are not in the Snake Bone Forest, but ambush them here? If this is the case, Zhong Wei is probably going to make a splash.

But it doesn't matter, Zhong Wei will come soon when he finds that he is in the air, when the six thousand gods will converge, they will be able to level the city!

Xie Linlang squinted and said with a smile, "What are you looking for? To slaughter the city, still want to catch the woman and go back to ruin?"

Qi Shu snorted coldly and said loudly.

"Everyone in Dingxiang City betrayed the palace and betrayed the saint. It is not a pity to die! It would be a redemption for them to dedicate their lives to the palace before death!"

While talking, he held the copper tube and approached in secret, bewitching.

"People of acquaintance, you still have time to get out now, this marsh country is not Da Qin, you can let you do anything wrong!

Feel free to intervene in the affairs of the palace, you are really bold! "

Xie Linlang shook her head and chuckled, "The palace defiles the gods and persecutes the **** servants, and now wants to attack the people. Are you not afraid of the goddess' appearance and the punishment of gods?"

Qi Shu snorted coldly, and he had completely calmed down.

"God's punishment? As long as all of you are dead, God won't know!"

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