Xie Linlang looked at the saint with some playfulness, wondering if she was a member of her own tribe.

I don't know if her eyes are too strong or what, after the saint walked down the steps of the palace, she looked in her direction seemingly.

Her gaze swept away without stopping. Then, surrounded by the **** servants, she walked across the carpet in a perfect manner and stepped onto the altar of prayer.

Everyone's eyes moved with the saint. No matter what the rumors say, whether it is true or not, the image of the saint has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people for so many years. What's more, in order to prove its innocence, everyone in the palace has lit the sand.

Looking at the bright traces on the back of the saint's hand, the people who were still suspicious gradually dispelled their doubts. Today is the birth day of the gods. Under the watch of the gods, they believe that no one can lie.

The back of each **** servant's hand also lit the palace sand, and they would sprinkle holy water in front of the palace gate every day for baptism. The trace has never faded, so it seems more credible.

The saint saw that everyone's eyes on her returned to their previous piety, and she felt a little proud.

A fool is a fool, even if someone tells the truth, as long as she is under the aura of the goddess and bewitched a little in the name of God, they will admire her as before.

With this pride, she held the first two ceremonies of the prayer ceremony with a solemn and dignified face.

Everything is going well. It will be the sprinkling of holy water soon. At that time, holy water will flow from the middle of the altar of prayer. The holy water flows along the stone canal at the feet of the goddess to the four sides of the altar. Export.

After the water flows down, the people will take turns to pick it up with silver vessels. During this process, the **** servants will kneel by the canal on the altar, hold the holy water in their hands, and sprinkle them on the crowds in line below.

Being sown by water is also a blessing, and in front of the gods, no one will jump in the line. Everyone walks in front of the altar with a very pious heart, receives the holy water, and accepts the baptism of the **** servant.

This holy water is different from the holy water normally used in the palace, it is drawn from a well.

This well has a great background. It is said that hundreds of years ago, there was a plague in Marsh Country, and many people died. The goddess was very sad when she saw that her people were suffering, so she shed a tear.

That tear turned into a spring. After drinking the spring water, people recovered their health and the plague ended.

The people who had recovered their lives repaired the spring and turned it into a well, and built an altar around the well. On the altar, the largest forest goddess statue in the Marsh country was erected, and it was already standing. It has been hundreds of years.

This sacred well is not open at ordinary times, only the prayer ceremony will open on this day.

It represents life, health and gifts in the Marsh Kingdom. Many people travel long distances from other cities to the royal city, just to drink a sacred well of water on the day of prayer.

Because this is also the only place where gods have appeared in the marsh country, the royal city of fallen leaves is also called the holy capital by believers.

Xie Linlang recalled the records previously seen in the "Seven Nights Book" in his heart, and looked at the altar with interest.

But at this time, she noticed that there were a few people in the crowd who looked not quite right. They described them as haggard, but their eyes were fiery and bright, much like what they would have after taking medicine.

Xie Linlang pondered for a moment and suddenly realized that she might not be the only one who wanted to make trouble today.

But she was relieved soon, because she would start before everyone else!

The saint looked at the people deployed in the crowd and smiled slightly.

She will only do it after the holy water ceremony, because for people of faith, when she sends holy water, it is the time when her personal image is the most glorious. At this time, she will not destroy it, but then there will be no problem.

Soon, the well in the middle of the altar opened, and a stream of clear springs slowly rushed up amid the singing of the **** servants.

Because of the high terrain of the well, everyone can see the process of its spread.

At this time, all the people were not making noise, but quietly listening to the singing, looking at the saint with fiery eyes.

The saint took off the gorgeous robe outside, revealing the plain white clothes inside. She walked up the seven steps, then knelt by the well, baptizing herself with the first handful of holy water.

Legend has it that this holy water can get rid of all evil in the world. Therefore, the saint who has received the baptism of the holy water is extremely noble and extremely holy in the eyes of everyone at this moment.

Everyone's admiration for her also rose to new heights at this time!

Soon, water flowed down from all sides of the altar. Everyone was holding silverware to collect the water. At this time, no one spoke. The **** servants knelt and sang while sprinkling water on everyone from the canal. Next to the sacred well, every time the saint prayed, she held up a handful of water and poured herself from the head.

Because the terrain is the highest in the middle, all the people can see her piety, and see that she represents the people of the marsh country, praying to the goddess.

This was originally the most sacred moment in the hearts of all ordinary people, but unexpectedly, when such a pious and quiet time, someone suddenly screamed!

"The saint... The saint's gecko sand is gone!"

As soon as these words came out, all the people who prayed in their hearts and were emptied, their eyes all fell on the saint!

When the saint heard the harsh sound, she froze for a moment, and looked down at her hand.

Her fingers were white and flawless, but after turning it over, the "Shougongsha" in her left hand, which originally symbolized loyalty, was gone...

For a moment, everyone was stunned! Immediately afterwards, a woman receiving water looked at the **** servant who was baptizing herself on the stage and shouted in shock.

"The Shougongsha on the back of the servant's hand is gone!"

In an instant, everyone's eyes were on the **** servants again, and then they found that all the **** servants who had been soaked in holy water had washed away the sand in their hands!

But usually, they would also baptize everyone with the holy water from the palace of the king. This has never happened. What does this mean?

This shows that the goddess has appeared! The goddess is using this method to expose the infidelity of the palace!

In the large square of tens of thousands of people, after a few seconds of weird silence, everyone burst out!

"The goddess has manifested! The people in the palace are unfaithful and betray the goddess. Their shougongsha is fake!"

With this shout, many angry people rushed to the altar, and the posture made all the **** servants scream!

Xie Linlang witnessed this good show, seeing that the guards on the side of the palace came here, she said to Xiaoxi sideways.

"You go to the officials now and let the officials intervene in this matter. The King Palace and King Swamp are the same raccoon dogs. At this time, how can you be alone?"

Xiao Xi nodded, but asked again.

"My son, what are you going to do?"

Xie Linlang looked at the rioting crowd and said in a calm tone.

"There is no one in the palace at the moment, I am going to sneak in and have a look, maybe there will be surprises."

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