The guards who didn't know that they were cannon fodder, shouting to embolden themselves, while raising their weapons, they killed Xie Linlang!

The originally beautiful lawn on the top of the mountain was trampled by these thousands of people, and a violent mountain breeze passed by, causing Xie Linlang to take a deep breath.

In the next second, she took photos of her internal force outside, forming an internal force shield at the moment when everyone's knives were cut off, not only bounced all the knives away, but also shocked a group of people who rushed to the ground!

At the same time, a terrifying murderous aura centered on Xie Linlang, oscillating in all directions!

Upon seeing this, King Swamp couldn't help but step back and narrowed his old eyes.

It seems that Xie Linlang is really moving, so her sanity will disappear immediately.

What's surprising is that Xie Linlang didn't arrange traps. Does she want to resist the siege of thousands of people alone?

A joke, let's not say that she will slowly lose control, even if she is sane, it is impossible for one person to deal with thousands of people, otherwise the internal masters would have dominated the world long ago.

He estimated that more than a thousand people should be the limit of Xie Linlang, and he could also sneak attacks secretly to speed up the process...

King Marsh sneered a few times, and the palm of his hand rolled into a golden copper tube in the next second.

Just as he was secretly looking for opportunities, the airflow around him suddenly changed...

The mountain wind seemed to reverse its direction in an instant, converging from the four directions toward a point. The guards who were shaken keenly felt the change, but they had all entered the invisible eye of the wind, with fierce murderous aura, Sweep everything around!

Xie Linlang, who had originally closed her eyes, suddenly opened her eyes. The next second, she suddenly pulled out the Heavenly Meteorite Sword on her side, the sword pointed downward, and raised it high!

Everyone didn't understand what she was going to do, but they still rushed towards her. She didn't care about everything around her, but instead accumulated all her strength in the sword, and then slammed down!

Hearing a "click", the Heavenly Meteorite Sword was half submerged in the soil, and the tyrannical sword aura shook away. Everyone felt their feet shake and swayed!

King Marsh realized that it was not good, but it was too late.

I saw the ground quickly cracked with Xie Linlang as the center! The top of the entire flat-shaped mountain suddenly sank, and those who rushed to Xie Linlang only had time to scream and fell off!

At the same time, King Marsh fell. He wanted to grab something to stabilize himself, but everything around him collapsed!

The top of the mountain seemed to instantly become a funnel, and even the people on the edge fell into the cracks due to the sudden tilt.

Amidst the sound of collapse, Xie Linlang had prepared for the light work and stepped on the flowing stone to a safe position.

Although King Swamp was panicked, but the strength was there, he quickly recovered, stepping on the shoulder of someone who fell, and flew out of the pit with light effort.

When he stood on the edge of the ground and looked back, he saw that a huge black hole suddenly appeared on the original flat roof behind him!

With so many of his men, he only had time to shout before they fell and were drowned in earth and rocks.

This shocked King Marsh for a while. He hadn't realized that all his followers were gone, and Xie Linlang had flew in front of him!

King Marsh quickly swung his weapon to block, a burst of sparks flashed, and Xie Linlang's enlarged face was in front of him!

She saw her red eyes, the corners of her mouth hooked diagonally, and an evil spirit came upon her face!

Queen Marsh immediately aroused a cold sweat on her back! He himself was a wicked person and fearless in his life, but at this moment, Xie Linlang is more like a demon than he is!

One blow resisted, and the two separated again, and Xie Linlang laughed. At this time, she was obviously on the verge of losing control, and the laughter was full of evil!

"that's nice……"

She laughed loudly as she attacked, her eyes full of fanaticism!

"In this way, our fight will be fair!"

At this time, King Marsh finally came back to his senses, and all the people he brought were killed by Xie Linlang!

Why is there such a big pit here? Who hollowed out this mountain? It is impossible for Xie Linlang to hollow out a mountain in a few days, so how did she know this place? !

Too many questions fill the brain of King Marsh, and Xie Linlang has launched a new round of attacks!

Every time the two weapons collided, sparks would be ignited. Under the squeezing of internal force, the surrounding air shook the sound of tearing silk!

The position of the two of them also came from the side of the pothole to halfway up the mountain. After Xie Linlang took the shot, only a few breaths of effort, the two had done dozens of moves!

During the period, before the Marsh King's hidden weapon was shot, it was knocked out by Xie Linlang.

Both of them are masters with more than a hundred years of internal strength. Where can these masters make a sneak attack?

Their killing power is also extraordinary. One can only imagine from the potholes on the mountain to the mountainside, wherever they hit, the trees will fall, like a violent wind passing by!

Xie Linlang must kill him, kill him, take poison valley, everything in the marsh country will be calm again!

In this way, no matter what conspiracy the man has, he will never succeed!

It's a pity that no matter how she controls her, her consciousness is still being swallowed up a little bit. King Marsh is barely supporting him. He is not Xie Linlang's opponent, not only his internal strength, but his physical stamina is not as good as that of young people.

But seeing Xie Linlang's eyes getting more and more crazy, like a beast, Marsh King was cut through her arm with a sword, but a gloomy smile appeared on his face.

He took out a hidden weapon again to sneak an attack. This time, although Xie Linlang avoided, he obviously became irritable.

Even if she has a much better control of Kuva than before, there is still a trace of reason at this time, but King Marsh is very cunning, he no longer confronts the enemy head-on, but tries his best to provoke her away.

As expected of someone who knows Kudu very well, he knows how to crush Xie Linlang's last trace of reason and try his best to expand his advantage.

The surrounding trees fell, and the sound of cracking air kept coming from my ears. During this period, the two had already gone through hundreds of moves, and they were all startled to run away.

Xie Linlang was panting slightly, even with the effect of the Buddha beads, she couldn't control herself...

The state of Marsh King is no better than Xie Linlang, he has several wounds on his body, and his flexible movements have gradually become dull.

He hadn't gotten out of Xie Linlang's behavior of killing his subordinates before, but now he faces Xie Linlang with only one thought in his mind.

Such a deceitful person is impossible to guard against. After gaining her power, he must kill her as soon as possible.

At the same time, he is also a little strange. For ordinary people with superb force, they often rely on internal forces in combat, not on their brains, let alone arranging traps.

This Xie Linlang is really weird, she was forced to the end before choosing to shoot, but that's it, she still can't beat him!

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