As for the previous poison, this would have been eaten by Kuva.

Xie Linlang was also considered a blessing in disguise. After Kupu had eaten those highly foreign poisons, it strengthened a lot, just enough to withstand her sudden internal strength.

It's just that this process of "washing the essence and cutting the marrow" is not something ordinary people can bear, so Xie Linlang fainted.

After Qin Jue probed the pulse, Xiaoxi also probed the pulse. In terms of medical skills, Xiaoxi was better than Xiaoxi, he pondered for a moment.

"The son is okay, it's just... it's just that the son pulls out a piercing nail, and this will make the skill soar... It's about the same as the skill of ordinary people for nearly two hundred years, I... I haven't seen anyone who can cultivate the inner strength for two hundred years. "

Even those with outstanding talents like Xun Lao have reached a bottleneck when their internal strength has accumulated to the level of a hundred years, let alone those with poor aptitude. After more than ten or two decades of martial arts, their internal strength will no longer grow.

These two hundred years are really a bit terrifying. If Xie Linlang had cultivated a little bit by herself, it would be okay, and her foundation was solid, but her internal strength was not her own.

At the beginning, she took advantage of her young age and had not fully formed her vitality, she sealed herself with piercing nails in advance. Now, once opened, it is irreversible, and she does not know what ending it will lead to.

Qin Jue frowned when he heard the words, and he asked, "Why did Lin Lang want to go through the nails? What happened during this period?"

Xiao Xi quickly told Qin Jue what happened during this period.

The son-in-law told him her worries in private before. She said that the saint desperately wanted to cultivate a poisonous body, not for herself, but for the messenger behind the scenes.

And those experiments... From the bright side, whether it's the medicine to broaden the Qi pulse, or the snail girl cultivated, they are all prepared for Marsh King to improve his strength.

King Marsh thought so too, so he actively participated, asking people for people, asking for things for things, and giving full play to his super poisonous skills, helping the saint to complete many ideas...

For example, the improved version of Kuva in the saint woman's body, the medicine taken by the **** army, the evil skills practiced by the conch girl, etc., these are all made by the Marsh King.

Because of this, King Marsh has indeed become stronger, but King Marsh may not have thought that the things he made can be enjoyed by others.

Even the saint urged King Marsh to plunder her power... Xie Linlang believed that this was probably an experiment by the messenger behind the scenes.

He also wants to be the legendary person who breaks through the boundaries of humans, but no one knows what it will be like to break through the boundaries.

Therefore, through the saint, he encouraged King Marsh to try first. It can be said that King Marsh was thoroughly used by them!

But King Swamp fumbled around and hit the wall, and finally became so strong. The messenger behind the scenes who took a shortcut behind him might be stronger than him.

In theory, as long as he is more talented than King Marsh, then this guess is true.

In particular, the arrow he shot at a distance of more than two hundred meters at the beginning also confirmed this possibility.

Xie Linlang was worried that she had already possessed the internal power, even if she took away the beads, she would not be the opponent of that person, so she moved the idea of ​​piercing the **** nails and saw it put into practice.

After Qin Jue heard everything, he only found it absurd.

The human spirit, who lived for over a hundred years, was so thoroughly used by those behind the scenes?

But when you think about it, you can understand that when a person wants to live, that is when he is the most obedient, King Suma is undoubtedly like this.

He was so stunned that he wanted to live forever, the appearance of the saint and everything she brought were hope for him.

He didn't care even if it would mess up the marsh country.

Even if he vaguely feels that he has become a pawn, he will be mistaken as if he doesn't know... this is human greed.

Qin Jue looked at Xie Linlang, who was no longer trembling and fell asleep, and couldn't help holding her tightly.

He also has greed, perhaps even crazier than Marsh King.

If one day Lin Lang falls in love with someone else, if one day he can no longer be with her, he doesn't know what he will do.

At this time, the people Qin Jue had brought back had come back in full blood. In the last melee, some of the gods escaped, but most of them died in the forest. They also captured a few prisoners and asked them. The purpose of coming here.

After Qin Jue listened to the prisoner's confession and learned everything from Xiaoxi, even if Xie Linlang was not awake, he knew what to do next.

He who has been able to experience the aftermath, as long as he comes, Xie Linlang will feel more at ease.

First, he asked Bai Heng to take someone to the Poison Valley to clean up the remaining remnants, and after the cleaning was completed, he would explore the Poison Valley in depth to see if there were other hidden dangers.

The secret guard that Lin Lang sent out to find someone should return soon. As long as these people from the Marsh Country come and there are no other hidden dangers in the Poison Valley, the rest of the Poison Valley can be solved by the people of the Marsh Country themselves.

The fermentation of the rumors and the transmission of the news, as long as the promotion is after the fact.

As for the escaped saint...

Since her purpose is to let King Marsh kill Lin Lang, or make them both lose, then she must have made plans for the follow-up.

In addition, the divine army also confessed that they originally came to kill the people in the Anti-Poison Valley, which also shows from the side that the saint and the people behind her have given up on the Marsh King.

It's just that the saint gave up her mouth in the end, but chose to help King Marsh kill Lin Lang... Qin Jue narrowed his eyes and sneered.

If you want to come behind the scenes, the envoy will never think that the saint will lift a rock and hit her own foot.

When the saint fled back to Luoye City, it was already three days later. According to the original plan, she should have slaughtered the Poison Valley and destroyed all the traces left by the Marsh King before going to the Marsh King.

If King Marsh dies, take his body back. If he is not dead, and if he is lucky enough to get Xie Linlang's strength and break through the bottleneck smoothly, then take advantage of his weakness to catch him and put him underground and start the next step. In the experiment, it was said that he was dead.

As for those ministers, most of them took the poison given by King Marsh. She knew the antidote, so she could continue to control them and use them to push a little prince to the throne after King Marsh died.

In this way, unless Xie Linlang tells Daqin to go to war, she would never want to shake the regime of the Marsh Kingdom!

After all, the old emperor is dead, and there is nothing to prove him guilty. In the hearts of the people, he is still Mingjun.

If Bai Shui Qiye were to usurp the throne, first, no people would support him, second, no army to support him, and third, she still had the army of gods, why would she be afraid?

It's a pity, because she was impulsive, she seemed to have ruined the master's good deeds.

Qu Yang has not contacted her until now. It is very likely that he has failed...

Could it be that Xie Linlang was so powerful that he not only killed thousands of guards and Marsh King, but also killed her a thousand gods?

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