The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 498: Back to the capital again

But it seems that wanting to host a banquet for her is not enough.

Thinking of this, Bai Shui Qiye lowered his eyes and smiled, then said to Xie Linlang.

"The marsh country is in a mess, and I don't have any good farewell gifts for you. You said that the music I played was good, but you haven't listened to it yet. Right now, I'll play it again, and I will practice it for you."

Upon hearing this, Xie Linlang paused when she was about to leave, and then showed her face.

"Still blowing with leaves?"

"still is."

As Bai Shui Qiye said, he walked to the edge of the corridor and picked a long and narrow leaf.

The moment he took off the leaves, rain suddenly fell from the gloomy sky, and the yard in front of him was suddenly immersed in the rain curtain, and a layer of water vapor filled the corridor.

At this time Bo Shuixi had already fallen asleep, and the guards who had been guarding this neighborhood also retreated temporarily.

Bai Shui Qiye rubbed the emerald green leaves with his thumb. At this time, he was still wearing a silver armor hunting suit studded with silver pieces. His long hair was tied into a bunch. When viewed from the side, his silhouette was deep and three-dimensional, and his lips were beautiful. , Is simply the typical look of a girl's sweetheart fantasy.

Bai Shui Qiye held the leaves between her lips, her long eyelashes were drooping, and the sweet and light tunes melodiously turned, blending with the rustle of rain.

Xie Linlang's irritable heart calmed down a little bit. She looked at the outstanding man in front of her, turned her eyes from him to the rain curtain, and finally closed her eyes to listen to the song.

There are thousands of temptations in the world, especially people, there is no best, only better.

Everyone is also unique. They will show off their brilliance when they don't expect it, and become an indelible light spot in the memory of others. Even if they look back many years later, they are still amazing. This is the most moving part of memory...

The first half of the advent song is light and sweet, but the second half is tactfully and lingering. The person who composed the song must love the woman who saved him, right? I don't know if that woman can perceive this love when she hears this moving music?

Bai Shui Qiye closed his eyes and seemed to have a deep understanding of the feelings that had been deposited for hundreds of years, but no matter how long the song was, it would come to an end. When he opened his eyes again, Xie Linlang had left silently...

And where she originally stood, there was a pink-white flower lying.

The rain outside the corridor splashed, and water drops fell on the petals, making the petals tremble slightly.

Bai Shui Qiye bent down and picked it up. There was a small musical instrument in his palm... Xie Linlang was afraid that he would never know his carefulness in this life.

Daqin, the capital.

Qin Jue's behavior of dispatching troops and generals before leaving made the entire capital nervous.

However, there are six cabinets in charge and the assistance of the emperor's teacher. As a whole, nothing has happened in the capital.

On this day, the emperor was coming out of the palace. After he got in the carriage, the gentle smile on his face faded a little.

At this time, he was more prominent and noble than before. After Qin Jue succeeded to the throne, he did not suppress him, but allowed him to achieve the highest level of civil service, continue to assume the position of emperor and teach the world.

This means that the Shen family has become extremely noble, and it can be regarded as the head of the well-deserved family.

The only thing Qin Jue took away from the family was military power. In the past, the family could have a private army, and even if he had not been on the battlefield, he could still be a general.

But not now. People who read poetry and books can obtain high-ranking official positions and rich benefits, but the nobles are not allowed to participate in the march and war.

As a result, military attaches in the court are gradually being monopolized by civilians. Civil officials look down on military attaches, and military attaches of the same level are not as good as civilian officials. The chain of contempt is obvious.

However, military attachés who are despised will not be upset, on the contrary, because there were very few civilians in the past, the emperor was very grateful for giving them this opportunity to reimburse the country.

With this kind of thinking, civil and military attachés get along fairly well.

On the surface, Qin Jue was already very good to the family, without any suppression, and vigorously engaged in business, so that they could double the money they had invested in the war to earn back. He was a rare Mingjun.

But the emperor knew that deprivation of military power was the most severe cut. Originally the family wanted to stop it, but when Qin Jue issued the decree, or during the war, all those who dissatisfied would go to the battlefield!

At that time, the situation was so critical that everyone felt that Xie Linlang would definitely not be able to stop the 200,000 naval forces of Ze State. Who would dare to go up with this situation? Therefore, the military power was closed, and everything became a foregone conclusion after the war.

Thinking of this, the emperor closed his eyes with a headache.

A family without military power is rich and fat. It is good that they don't make mistakes. After all, the emperor himself has money, and sitting in their position, the silver and the silver are just numbers, and it doesn't matter.

But once a family makes a mistake, the emperor may not be so gentle now!

A cold light appeared in the eyes of the emperor, and as soon as his consciousness was shaken, he remembered the letter he had seen before, and his right hand suddenly clenched into a fist.

Lin Lang is coming back...

It has been more than a year since the original two-year agreement, but the so-called two-year agreement was only his wishful thinking. Lin Lang did not agree at all, but was caught by external forces and did not return to Beijing for so long.

Now that she is coming back, he really looks forward to it...

After returning to the mansion, Shen Shaofeng immediately greeted him, and after seeing the dark purple official robe of the emperor, he lowered his head subconsciously.

Seeing that he was hesitant to speak, the emperor asked in a deep voice.

"The goods are ready?"

Shen Shaofeng hesitated for a moment, frowning together.

"Ready, just..."


Shen Shaofeng knelt down and asked with some difficulty.

"Master Emperor, do you really want to do this?!"

The emperor paused for a while, then slowly turned around and glanced at him.

In his eyes, it seemed as if the storm was engulfing, the gloomy and violent kind of mountain rain, made Shen Shaofeng shudder!

"What I am going to do, it is not your turn to teach. If I speak rudely, I will punish myself."

Seeing that he had finished speaking, he went to the study, Shen Shaofeng lowered his head and said "yes" in a heavy voice.

On the other side, Xie Linlang looked at the official road and estimated that he would be there in half a day.

In fact, she can go directly to the Northland, because the situation there is so pressing that the soldiers and horses have passed.

But she has reasons to return to Beijing.

Since the people behind the scenes have set up the game in both Ze and Marsh, it is impossible to miss Da Qin.

Before Da Qin could not protect himself, he might not interfere too much, but now, Da Qin is getting stronger and stronger, where can he sit still?

However, under Qin Jue's reform and governance, the Daqin court was reorganized, and he was afraid that it would not be easy to start.

But Xie Linlang was worried that he would take advantage of the emperor's master, so she had to go back and solve the matter. It was... to give him an explanation.

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