On the other side, Xie Linlang returned to the capital that same day, and left the same day.

However, she brought only a dozen people when she came, and when she left, she brought a total of 50,000 people. These 50,000 people were transferred from other places to support the North, and it happened that Xie Linlang was going over, so she was the one who led them. Soldiers.

She should have been repairing at least one day in the capital, but in the evening, an emergency report came from Babaili, saying that the border defense of the Northland had been attacked by the enemy, so she decided to drive overnight.

Fortunately, Mr. Huang had prepared food and grass in advance, and he had also rectified his troops so that he could set off at any time, so there was no time wasted.

But before leaving, Xie Linlang looked at the map and suddenly had an idea.

She wrote a letter to Xiaoxi, gave Xiaoxi a token, and told him to go east.

After doing all this, Xie Linlang stopped staying and went straight to the north.

She visited Beidi once when she was almost fourteen, and that time she missed the death of the queen.

From then on, she decided to change her way and went all the way to the present.

Fate went round and round, and sent her to the place where she started.

But this time, she no longer hesitated, she has grown up!

The Northland borders the Tianyuan Kingdom, and since the Tianyuan Kingdom captured the Gaoshan tribe, the entire northern region has been the territory of the Tianyuan Kingdom.

Before Tianyuan's raid, because Da Qin was always on guard, it did not cause much casualties.

But the short-term engagement of weapons made the stationed general Xiao Chengjun aware of the gap.

The other party only sent more than 1,000 people to make a surprise attack, but he mobilized more than 3,000 people to defend. As a result, the other party did not lose their troops, and dozens of people died on his side.

The gap between the individual soldiers made General Xiao a little uneasy. It was crucial that the cavalry of the Tianyuan Kingdom cooperated well with each other. If they were all of this strength, then this battle would not be easy to fight!

Their only advantage here is probably the city wall.

After Qin Jue became the throne, he had to spend a lot of money and material resources to repair the city wall. At that time, many ministers opposed it because there was a wall in the north, so there was no need to repair it again.

But Qin Jue insisted that the original city wall was old and worn out. Once a war broke out, it would not be useful at all. Therefore, he opposed the crowd to allocate funds to repair the wall. Thanks to his insistence at the time, they now have such a good wall defense.

It can be said that from all aspects, although Qin Jue is young, he is still a Mingjun. It is no wonder that after he ascended the throne and Xie Linlang showed his edge, there were so many demons and demons who could not sit still and wanted to come out to make trouble.

In addition, in Tianyuan, there is actually not that unity.

Before the Northern Territory was divided into hundreds of tribes, large and small, each tribe had its own tribal leader, but it was completely annexed by Tianyuan. It is conceivable that the hearts of the people are not uniform.

That's why Tian Yuan was so anxious to attack Da Qin. After unifying the Northern Territory, Tian Yuan urgently needed a lot of funds and an external war to lay the foundation for its authority and development.

And be quick. Once the war drags on from spring to autumn and winter, the grass will turn yellow, and horses and people will be short of food. They can't afford it than endurance. They can only fight quickly.

Da Qin and Tian Yuan knew this very well, which meant that once Tian Yuan started to attack, he would do his best!

Da Qin naturally didn't dare to slacken his efforts, he could only see him on the battlefield!

Xie Linlang hurried all the way.

Tianyuan's first raid was obviously a temptation, but even if they found that Daqin was heavily defended, they couldn't retreat.

After the Northern Territory is unified, Tianyuan has no battle to fight, so who will raise so many soldiers?

It is impossible to disband most soldiers. So many tribes have been integrated and their loyalty is very low. If Tianyuan cuts the soldiers, what will they do if they rebel? Then it falls apart again.

So they can only go out in unison, so as to accelerate the integration between the tribes.

It can only be said that the people behind the scenes have very good ideas, and this means of promoting integration is bold and novel.

The reason why Marsh Country is not hit is because it is still separated from the desert, and Ze Country is not hit, because they are separated from Ze Country by hills.

Only Daqin has the best location to attack, the largest border area, and it has money and food.

Thinking about it this way, everyone rushed to the road even more anxiously. Just as the army was about to enter the Northland, a burst of arrows came suddenly!

Everyone quickly erected their shields to resist.

After the arrow passed, a horse came out of the forest. A masked man sat on the horse's back, and a man was tied behind the horse. Seeing Xie Linlang looking over, a dozen horses ran in different directions. , Dragging those who are obviously ordinary people to struggle behind.

Seeing the lieutenant by his side, he wanted to chase after him!

Xie Linlang stopped them and took a big bow from the back seat of the horse.

She raised her bow and drew arrows, shooting three at a time, and one after another.

The range of ordinary bows and arrows is very short, but she is different, and her bow is also different. Although she is a human, she can show the power of a bed crossbow.

After the three arrows were shot out, they quickly picked up three more arrows, everyone just felt that there were arrows shooting out in front of them!

However, after a few breaths of effort, more than 30 horses running in different directions were all shot to death!

The masked man obviously did not expect Xie Linlang to be so against the sky, and he failed in the first step of leading the battle! After rolling off their horses, they hurried into the woods to escape.

However, there were so many people behind Xie Linlang who surrounded him as early as the moment the horse fell.

They captured the masked man and rescued the poor people who were tied behind the horse.

A small storm was subdued in an instant.

When the prisoners were caught, they had to be interrogated, but those prisoners seemed to be dead men. After being caught by Xie Linlang's people, they broke the poison sac in their mouths without saying anything. Only one grade older did not do that.

After tearing off the mask, he saw a piercing scar on his face. Seeing Xie Linlang walking towards him, he was kneeled on the ground by someone, but he raised his head and gave Xie Linlang a gloomy smile.

"Tianyuan's spy?" Xie Linlang stood still one meter away from him.

Scarface heard the words and said with a grinning smile.

"You are... Xie Linlang?"


He looked around at the people around him, including the neat army behind Xie Linlang, and laughed!

"Could Da Qin's men be so unkind? You were ordered by a woman to die? Or that all of your bones are filled with powder, so don't be embarrassed. Go home for milk!"

His words shocked everyone, everyone first glanced at each other, and then at Xie Linlang.

woman? This person says Master Xie is a woman? How can it be? !

Xie Linlang couldn't help but sneered when he saw that this person was here to disturb the military's mind.

"If I were a woman, you were defeated by a woman. What's so proud of?"

With that, she said to the soldier who was pressing down on the man, "Kill it, keep the dead soldier, it's meaningless."

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