After she finished speaking, she suddenly pressed the hand brake on one side, and only heard a few "bangs, bangs, bangs", and the broken dragon stone suddenly dropped from the originally opened city gate!

Half of the influx of Tianyuan Army stayed outside the city, and then Xie Linlang disappeared from the city wall.

Yuan Tiancha didn't realize that it was bad, so he patted his horse quickly and moved up the city wall with light effort!

He stood on the wall, and as soon as he got up, he saw a scene that made his eyes distraught!

The cavalry who had rushed in did not notice the movement of the follow-up infantry, and still rode their horses into a no-man's land.

But at this moment, something happened suddenly!

On the seemingly unmanned grassland, some people with turf moved under the turf.

They ignited the fuse, then stood up and ran away. The cavalry didn't know, so immediately, there was a tearing explosion in their ears! They haven't understood what happened, even the man and horse were overturned!

The loud noises of "Boom, Boom" continued, and the expressions on the faces of the cavalry behind them froze. When they saw the people in front of them being bombarded to blood, their eyes suddenly turned into fear!

"Retreat! Retreat! There is an ambush!"

This is their most instinctive decision. Originally, their combat strategy was to run if they couldn't fight. They had fast action, strong lethality, and came and went like wind.

But unfortunately, what they met this time was Xie Linlang.

This kind of thunderbolt, which has been modified to resemble a landmine, was told by Xie Linlang to Qin Jue after the Battle of the Ze State Navy.

Both of them felt that this kind of weapon should not be spread.

So Qin Jue began to secretly manufacture this weapon in small batches.

This was also the reason why he insisted on repairing the city wall at that time. After repairing the city wall, whether he attacked from the top down, or attacked the enemy in the area, he could maximize the lethality of this weapon.

Also in order to avoid spreading, the leader must be his own, and the user must have experience, so a large part of the 50,000 reinforcements who rushed over were urgently transferred back from Xiangcheng Honghe Valley.

They have done a good job of confidentiality. Even Zeguo, most people have not seen its power, so they take it for granted as a water weapon, but don't think it is suitable for water and land.

The explosion sound continued, Xie Linlang knew how to deter the enemy from the momentum!

In addition, the enemies are all riding horses, once the horses are frightened, they will no longer listen to people's orders.

They fled in all directions, slammed their master off the horse, and stepped on them, causing more deaths and injuries to the Tianyuan army.

The grassland in the city suddenly wailed, and the 50,000 people were forced into a small area by the explosion before spreading out. In addition, the back road was blocked, and the enemy was not seen. If you were in a panic, you could die. Yourself.

Yuan Tianchai's mood fluctuated violently! He actually considered Xie Linlang's secret weapon!

But because last time, when Xie Linlang used this legendary weapon, he threw it out from a high place through a special thunderbolt, so he subconsciously guarded the city wall. Seeing that there was no thunderbolt on the wall, he relaxed his vigilance, but Unexpectedly, it can be buried underground!

But at this time it was too late to say anything. In such a intensive bombing, even if his cavalry could fight, his horses would not let it go. In order to avoid casualties, he had to retreat!

The Tianyuan army outside the city wall didn't know what was going on, but listening to the constant rumbling inside the city, they also knew that their comrades were in an ambush.

It's just... what kind of ambush, even the earth is shaking?

For an instant, their hearts were full of fear, so when the screams of their comrades in arms came out, they all forgot to break the broken dragon stone to save people.

Yuan Tianchai felt pain in his heart, but he made a decisive decision and jumped off the wall.

Seeing him three consecutive palms, he blasted the broken dragon stone a few inches thick, and the stone surface exploded, finally opening a gap for the stagnant Tianyuan Army that was stuck in the wall!

Before the Tianyuan Army inside discovered its vitality, Da Qin's retreating army over there, after hearing the loud noise that caused the ground to tremble, slammed forward!

When they got to the front of the formation, the explosion stopped, and then trapped in an area, the Tianyuan Army was frightened and wounded, before it had time to rectify, it was about to face the menacing Qin Army!

The Tianyuan Army, who has always been invincible on the grassland, retracted its claws for the first time and retreated like a frightened rabbit!

At this time, the three closed stone gates had been broken open in two, and when the Tianyuan Army retreated, it had to be another squeeze!

It can be said that they died in their own hands far more than those who died in the explosion.

Qin Jun was especially excited, this was the first time they chased Tianyuan Army everywhere on the grassland!

If they can, they can't wait to rush to the opponent's camp directly!

After a short period of short-term combat, the Tianyuan Army killed a lot of people. When the moveable escaped from the city to the outside, there were only more than 10,000 people left!

Most of the remaining people were injured and became prisoners before they could escape. It can be said that this is the first time that the Northland has won such a big victory since the war began!

Originally, Yuan Tianchuan wanted to break through the third stone gate to save more people, but at this time, a flying arrow struck him and brushed his shoulder, almost setting him on the wall!

Yuan Tianli looked up with a gloomy face, and Xie Linlang, who had disappeared earlier, did not know when to reappear.

At this time, some people were still fleeing outside, and others were resisting the Qin army's pursuit and killing within the city wall.

The Tianyuan army outside couldn't help at all, and could only watch, let alone attack the city at this time.

In a chaotic wailing, Xie Linlang stood on the wall, stubbornly pointing her bow at Yuan Tiancra.

"How? How does it feel to be cheated?"

"You fool me!" Yuan Tianshou was burning with anger, and his expression became even colder!

It turns out that Xie Linlang's previous panic was done for him, the purpose is to let him relax his vigilance!

She retreated, but not because he was forced to retreat because of the transaction, but deliberately retreated, and then ran out to pit him!

"Aren't you lying to me?" Xie Linlang sneered, "Soldiers are not tired of fraud! Didn't your mother tell you that you can't believe women's words?"

Yuan Tian cracked his qi to the extreme and laughed instead. All who could escape at this time escaped, but Qin Jun is still chasing after such a good opportunity, who would let it go?

Yuan Tianlie turned his head and glanced at the chaotic city gate, staring at Xie Linlang with scarlet eyes, and stepped back.

"Very well, I remember you, a woman who is as cold-blooded and ruthless as me! It's so pitiful, Qin Jue is so relieved to give everything to you, does he know you ignore his life and death like this?"

Xie Linlang's face slowly spread a smile, "I don't know, but don't rush away, we can still trade right now."

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