Xie Linlang blinked, and it took a long time to react from the words of "I'm about to die".

Then she frowned and looked at him.

"I'm dying, are you afraid?"

Her reaction made Qin Jue stunned for a moment, and then Xie Linlang frowned further, and reached out to touch his face.

"I'm not dead, don't be afraid..."

Her words made Qin Jue's eyes flicker, as if afraid that she would find her heart trembling, Qin Jue hugged her tightly, and said seriously while combing her back with fingers.

"I told your true identity."

"What, what?"

"From now on, there will be no romantic talents, only Da Qin female state scholar, Xie Linlang."

He said, holding Xie Linlang's face in both hands, squinting and smiling.

"Lin Lang in my family can no longer provoke flowers, because I have already told the world that I want to marry you."

This huge "strike" made Xie Linlang's eyes widened! She quickly touched the clothes on her body and found that she was wearing a pale pink shirt that women would wear!

Not only that, she also didn't tie her chest, opened her clothes to see, she was wearing a bellyband inside!

Seeing Xie Linlang's bewildered appearance, Qin Jue couldn't help but laugh, but now it's too late to regret it, after all, he "cut first and play later"!

At this time, Xu Hui's respectful voice came from outside the palace gate.

"Your Majesty, the medicated diet is ready."

Qin Jue just replied, "Come in."

During Xie Linlang's sleep, Qin Jue would feed her nourishing decoction every day, so Xie Linlang slept for so long without feeling weak.

Xu Hui had heard Xie Linlang's voice outside before. To be honest, Xie Linlang was a woman, and the entire Daqin and even the world were shocked!

See what did she do?

He joined the imperial teacher since he was young, proposed the imperial examination system, and became the first civilian champion.

A variety of things that benefit the country and the people have been developed and won unanimous praise from all over the world.

When I went to Xiangcheng, I turned Xiangcheng from a barren land into the largest gold kiln in Daqin.

When the country is in trouble, you can stand up and join hands with your Majesty to turn the tide...

After going to Zeguo, he not only helped Zeguo calm the chaos, but also became Zeguo's prime minister.

Going to Marsh State also gave birth to a new dynasty in Marsh State.

From literary to martial arts, she seems to be good at everything!

When she doesn't do anything, she can slap Fang Qiu and drink hundreds of thousands of water soldiers from Tuize State.

When she does it, she can kill tens of thousands of enemies alone and establish a victory!

...... This is no longer human beings can do, manpower is exhausted, but Xie Linlang does not!

So when the world knew that Xie Linlang was a daughter, they were already shocked and numb.

Although it is still unbelievable, but as long as it is she, she feels understandable, as if all impossible things, as long as the three words "Xie Linlang" are added in front of it, it becomes natural...

Her extraordinary wisdom and superhuman force have made her a legend that cannot be desecrated!

In addition to worship, people only accept it.

After Xu Hui entered, Xie Linlang was still a little afraid to look at him. She used to behave like a baby in front of Father Xu, which was exactly what he had grown up watching.

As a result, the little boy who grew up turned into a big girl. I wonder if he can accept it?

Xu Hui handed the medicine to Qin Jue, not daring to look at Xie Linlang during the whole process.

I didn't know it before, but now I know that Master Xie Guoshi is the person on the cusp of your Majesty's heart. Is it worth it?

People outside wanted to serve him and wouldn't let them in, after all, this collision was terrible.

Qin Jue took the medicine bowl and was about to feed Xie Linlang. Xie Linlang was very embarrassed to see Xu Hui still standing with his eyebrows down.

She reached out and said she wanted to drink by herself, but after taking two sips, she suddenly asked with a strange expression.

"Wait... Did you also feed me the medicinal soup when I was unconscious? How did you feed it?"

After Xie Linlang asked, he regretted it, then Qin Jue raised an eyebrow and asked, "What does Linlang think?"

Xie Linlang immediately understood! Obviously Xu Hui didn't laugh at her, she still made a big blush!

Seeing her so cute, Qin Jue kissed her hard in front of Xu Hui!

"Lin Lang, because of many issues, my enthronement ceremony has been postponed, and now the Ministry of Ritual is ready and can proceed at any time.

But compared to the enthronement ceremony, what I want is the post-season ceremony!

On the tenth day of the next month, auspicious day, on the day when I officially canonized as the emperor, are you willing to become my queen at the same time? "

Xie Linlang was stunned, how could she...

But looking at Qin Jue's serious expression, she felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

He is not only the son of the emperor, but also her lover. What's wrong with the marriage of two happy people?

So she happily shook his hand, her bright eyes narrowed with a smile.

"Well! Since you are so sincere, then I reluctantly agreed! Who said... you are the one asking for marriage?"

Xu Hui, who was temporarily ignored, only felt that his teeth were sore.

But he understood very well, so he knelt down and said with great joy.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, to see the Queen Empress!"

With his congratulations, there was a whirlwind in the Great Qin Palace!

Everyone knows that Xie Linlang is awake, and he knows that his Majesty will marry the queen of the country on the day of enthronement!

Such specifications and such importance show how valuable Xie Guoshi was in the emperor's heart.

And after the news spread throughout the capital, the boudoir girl's heart was broken once, and it was so broken that there was no scum left!

Originally Xie Linlang was their dream lover, the most perfect husband-in-law candidate in the world!

After all, in the world, who else can be like her, gentle and considerate, capable of literary and military skills, high in authority, and dedicated and infatuated?


In the end, she turned out to be a woman...Many people shouted that they didn't believe it after they knew the news!

Especially the young ladies in the Red Chamber, they asked themselves to read countless men, but they didn't expect to be "lied" by a fake man for so many years? It's embarrassing to say it!

More boudoir girls cry softly!

The legend written by Xie Linlang, her strength and unique personality charm, unknowingly captured the hearts of countless girls!

Before they had time to let Xie Linlang know them, they knew that she was a woman, and the illusions of the past suddenly vanished. Could this be sad?

Who knows that the sadder is yet to come. Originally, Da Qin doubled bibi, one bib less, and one bib!

It didn't take long for their majesty to get married, and it was the person they wanted to marry most before!

This makes many people who want to marry the emperor desperate. After all, after your Majesty has a legendary kingdom like Xie Linlang, is it the difference between sand and pearls for ordinary women in front of her?

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