The cruel beauty of the attacking giant

The God of the Gods·The Lord of All Demons

You can search for "The Cruel Good Search Novels of Attacking Giants (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Uh...Ah..." There was a regain of consciousness, and the tearing pain in my lower body made me groan. Almost at the same time, an unprecedented force burst in my body and the pain intensified. I curled my body subconsciously, "click..." There was a bursting sound around my body. I was taken aback and opened my eyes slightly, surrounded by red.Suddenly realized that I was in the crystal.

"Woo..." I bit my lip fiercely, and my whole body began to tremble violently with the pain, and the sound of crystals bursting from my side continued, and the dazzling golden light bloomed from the cracks. I held my breath, and there was a little bit between my teeth. The smell of blood spread, and I tried my best to suppress the painful choke, but in the end the choke turned into a scream and broke through the shackles of my throat. My teeth were embedded in my bloody lips, and my eyes widened...


The crystal splashed out like blood, I stood up effortlessly, and when I kicked my feet, my feather-light body flew out like lightning. The crystal in my left hand condensed and turned into a sharp blade. I waved my hand and split a giant's head. He turned around and kicked the huge head away from the back of his neck.There was no fatigue, no pain, the power and killing intent in my body impacted my nerves like a tsunami. I couldn't help but smile. It seemed that Uli's words were true, and the power and killing intent were hard to control.The surrounding giants gradually retreated. Suddenly, a few whirlwind-like figures whirled over and rushed into the giant crowd. In an instant, I raised my head and one of the figures quickly fell in front of me, embracing me with a bloody hug. There was a flower in front of him, but between the flashes of light, the other party immediately retreated.

"Lewell..." I smiled, and gently touched the face that was still anxious and surprised: "I'm fine, don't worry."


"Huh? What's the matter?" Looking at his face that suddenly became extremely embarrassed, I was taken aback. Levi's eyes quickly avoided like a kid who had done something wrong, and then took off his cloak and forced him to surround me. , I just realized it, clothes...When breaking free just now, all followed the crystal...

It was blown up...

"I can't accompany you, you go to the medical department to change your clothes," Lewell's eyes became sharper, "Be careful about everything."

"I see." I turned around and ran to the medical department hiding on the edge of the wall.When I came to the medical department, I didn't explain anything, took a set of clothes and a three-dimensional maneuver and hid in the tent.When I took off my clothes, I realized that my body was covered with red lines at some point, the lines snaking all over the group, and for a while, it seemed extremely enchanting.

"God..." I murmured, but time did not allow me to take a close look at this magical pen, hurriedly put on my clothes and put on the three-dimensional maneuver, I checked the gas and the steel cable and rushed out, pressing the wrench to shoot the steel cable. The tip of the cable was nailed to the back of a giant's head. I squeezed the button and quickly moved to the back of its neck to swing a knife. Blood splashed and the giant was killed.

"I want to kill you..." I turned around to avoid the attack of the other giant and fell to the ground. The giants gathered from all directions, I lowered my head, and my long hair covered it with a fatal smile: "Come on, I'm going to see Look, you die, or I live!" The power in the body swelled strangely, and the demon under the seal regained its power. It did not hide its desire for bloodthirsty instinct. I felt that my left eye became extremely cold, but then It was flame-like scorching heat, everything in front of me turned into blood-like scarlet, I raised my head, I don't know when the long red hair flew up, I grabbed a giant, and screamed, my hands were torn hard, and the flesh was torn. With the sound of breaking bones, I tore the giant in half.While enjoying the thrill of powerful power, I also feel inexplicably sad, yes...I'm not a human anymore, I'm just a monster with painted skin...Love 999 novel

"Put... Ye Lingyin..." The flame-like anger burned in my heart, and the tongue licked my shaky sense, "Give it back to me!" Screaming tore on the tip of my tongue, I I felt strange power erupting around my body, but I could no longer see anything. The increasingly rich scarlet obscured my vision. Vaguely I heard Adelina’s scream. The next second, I felt myself Being hugged tightly, the girl's sobbing sound remained in her ears.

"Ai..." I fell stiffly, but my consciousness manipulated my hands to embrace Adelina's thinner body...


"Ringtone! Remember! You are a human, not a monster! Calm down!" Adelina's sobbing slowly turned into a hysterical roar, "Wake me up, idiot, you see what you are now what!"

"I hate..." I spit out two words vaguely, and I closed my eyes, but the bloody storm in front of the wall clearly appeared before my eyes, "I hate them so much... Why, take everything from me ..." The sound of three-dimensional maneuvering breaking wind and screams continued to be heard around him...Just like hell, the once stable but humiliating life is broken, and the shame of a hundred years is also interrupted. Now we are going to be reduced to the food of giants...

"Ring tone! Don't ring tones!" Adelina seemed to feel the violent fluctuations in my emotions. She shook me in horror, and I opened my eyes suddenly, "Go to death! Ah-"

"Hmm--" The sharp cry awakened my human mind. I raised my head, and everything in front of me shocked everyone. Adelina was hovering in mid-air with a pair of white wings on her back, her golden hair now It turned silver, and the blue crystal painted a sharp blade pointed at the tip of my nose.


"I command you as the god of the gods," Adelina's voice was as beautiful as the sound of a piano, but it also cut through my heart like a sharp blade, "Kneel me down!"

I was stunned, but I didn’t know what was controlling me. I stood up, the skin on my back was pierced and torn apart, and the blood was left freely. A pair of blood-red wings and sharp feathers grew behind me. Unfolding slowly, my consciousness recovered, I faced Adelina and knelt down on one knee without any struggle or resistance. The whole world seemed to be quiet, watching the demon surrender to the angel.

At that moment, all the giants in the wall disappeared, leaving only countless broken walls...

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