You can search for "The Cruel Good Search Novels of Attacking Giants (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Standing on the ruins, I quietly watched the blood-stained sunset. The tall Maria’s wall was nearly half destroyed. The honest dark yellow was covered by smoky gray and dark red. The goddess Maria was silent. Looking up at the sky, there seemed to be tears in the stone-carved eyes.After the stream of consciousness was blown up by me, I finally rushed out, only to find that I was still in the air, with the bleeding wings half open, maintaining a dive posture.No longer struggling, I fell to the ground, because this war is over.

Allen was gone, Mikasa was gone, Ermin was gone, everyone was gone. On the empty ruins, I was the only one standing alone. The sound of leather boots stepping on bricks occasionally came, accompanied by the wind. The sound of fallen leaves, this is the world at this moment.I walked without any feelings. I don’t want to take my wings back. It looks like at least I still have a bright color on my body. The cool evening breeze swirls with a strong smell of blood, flapping the feathers on the wings and flying. My desire to stimulate me, I spread my wings, kicked up under my feet, and landed on the wall.

Looking down at the outside world, I stretched out my hand, and the wind washed away the winding red spots on my hand.If you say, I want to go back to the past and make the normal Ye Ling sound, okay?

If I want to go back to before the wall is broken, at least the inside of the wall is still singing and dancing, can it?

If I want to go back to before the first external investigation, when everyone was still there, can I?

If I want everyone to come back, everything back, everything back, everything I love, want, and miss, all come back to me, tell me, happy birthday, okay?

Today is my birthday...

I hugged my shoulders and lowered my head. Tears fell to the outside world drop by drop. The crystal disappeared in an instant. Looking at the teardrop, I finally realized that it is impossible for such a tiny drop of water to reflect its rainbow, because, It is too small.

Sitting on this broken boulder, I leaned on the broken stone, fatigue came, and the heavy eyelids finally closed, I fell asleep, but the strange dreamland claws held my throat, making it difficult for me to breathe...

"Why are you again?" I looked at Uli in disgust.

"Don't be angry, I haven't spoken yet." Uli held his arm and smiled at me, "If you are too angry, are you afraid that your stream of consciousness will be destroyed again?"

"You..." I was speechless for a while, and finally closed my mouth with a sharp eye knife.Seeing this, Uli deepened his smile, "It's still interesting, I want to discuss something with you this time."

"What's the matter?" Ziwei novel

"As for your power, I found a way to recycle it," Uli said casually, "It's up to the blond girl."

"Blond?" I was taken aback, "Histeria?"

Uli shook his head, "She is too young to have that ability."

"Adelina?" My instinctive sense of vigilance made me frown, "What do you want?"

Uli did not speak, he spread his left hand, then spread his right hand, and finally came together slowly."That's it, but..." The right hand was wrapped to the left, "It must be."

My pupils diminished slowly, I clenched my fists in horror, and the consciousness space began to shake violently. Uli quickly rushed to me and grabbed my hand. The power was isolated and the space stabilized. I was almost trembling. Uli clenched tightly. The increasing strength of my hand made me calm down. I took a deep breath and spoke, but my voice was still trembling, "It must be...Is that so..."


I closed my eyes and suddenly smiled for a long time, "Well, I know, thank you!"

Uli was not too surprised, just smiled faintly, "Hmm." He let go of my hand, "Go back."

"Yeah!" I nodded and closed my eyes randomly. The consciousness space gradually collapsed with my own thoughts. I faded out these fragmented illusions and returned to reality.

But when I opened my eyes, tears burst out, "Why, why..."

I don't want this power, unless I want to die, but I, Ye Lingyin, can't leave you.I bit my lip to know the bleeding, "I won't let you leave me."

This is also the agreement of our two gods, right?

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