You can search for "The Cruel Good Search Novels of Attacking Giants (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Hey, I said eldest sister," the rare Oluo looked at me sitting in a puff of blood with a silent face, "I know you won't hurt, but please, it will be troublesome to clean like this... ."

Then you find a place for me to practice!?I slandered badly, and then stood up, "I see, I'm sorry." The wings grew bigger and bigger for no reason. As the wound on my back healed, I carefully flapped the blood-red wings. Ignoring Oluo’s funny expression of biting his tongue because of shock, "Can you go out?"

"Just drive me away, and I will be asked to clean up..."

"If you don't want to be shot to death by me." I joked, and with a wave of my wings, I swept the unwilling person out of the door and closed the door by the way.I am the only one left in the huge room.I gritted my teeth, my wings suddenly opened to the largest extent, the wound that had almost healed was stretched open, blood poured out more wantonly, I shuddered with pain, but crystals also began to emerge around the wound, slowly covering the wound, and The wings are connected together.The comforting cold drowned the hot pain. I let out a long sigh of relief. The impossible that Adelina said at the beginning has become a complete possibility for me, although it is soaked in blood, and there is no light. At the end, although I have made up my mind to abandon this power that can make me immortal, the biggest pain it brings to me is that I will always see off and kill until I lose my heart.And I will never feel again how valuable what I get after hard work, I can get everything I want without effort.but..Uli’s words hovered in my mind over and over again. When the gesture crossed my eyes, I already understood it. It was the cruelest thing. My happiness and freedom would ruin me. I can’t make a decision like that.I can already decide the life and death of a person, because I am stronger than her, but I am weak because I can't do it at all.

"What should I do..."

"You will come over for dinner, Ringtone." Petra looked at me with a grimace, "I thought you were a fairy!"

"Think too much!" I tried to make myself look more pleasant, "If I become a fairy, I will come down and accept you."

"Huh!" Petra snorted unconvincedly, and then started eating. I nibbled on the not very delicious bread, and turned my eyes on Adelina. The thin girl was covered by tight clothes. Wrapped in an exquisite curve, the normally tied-up blond hair is scattered randomly, and the bangs cover the delicate features, which is breathtakingly beautiful, but inaccessible.I have never dared to look at her eyes carefully. Those blue eyes that look like mine always make me feel like I can see through everything, and see each other through the eyes of the other person.

"What are you looking at?" Petra suddenly reached out to my eyes and shook, "Lingyin? The soup is almost cold..."

"In a daze~" I rubbed Petra's short orange hair lightly, "Thank you for your reminder."

"Ring tone you... oh my hair is messed up..." The dinner time passed very quickly, it seems that my mood was a lot happier, it seems that I really can't always bore myself in the office...Go to listen to the book network

"Are you looking at me?" Adelina asked me at night, I didn't deny it, "Yeah."

"Because you told me before, the giant's secret?"

"Hmm..." Huh?She really guessed wrong once.

"Hehe, silly girl." Adelina smiled and touched my head. "Don't worry, we will all be fine, right? Besides, when nothing happens, I start to worry about when the scared person will become you. Up?"

"Huh! Not at all!" I smiled, "How is it possible, when have I been afraid of things I decide!"

"Then when is our strong and courageous chief instructor going to leave?"



Although it is a lot of relief, I still have a sense of anxiety, and this uneasiness has stabbed my heart.Adelina is very strong, and I am also very strong. Together, we are the strongest in this wall, but this time, our destination is outside the wall, the forest of giant trees.

That's right, it's the death forbidden area wrapped in a shroud.

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