The cruel beauty of the attacking giant

Return to the Investigation Corps

You can search for "The Cruel Good Search Novels of Attacking Giants (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!When my injuries were almost full of scabs, I wanted to go back to the investigation corps. Finally, after a few days of hard work, the burnt-out Keni agreed to send me back to the investigation corps.

"It's been half a month." Keni jokingly watched the moonlight streaming down from the vents and me, who was finishing the three-dimensional motorized belt. "I'm afraid the gendarmerie regiment has spread the news of your death long ago."

"That's good too." Tightening the last belt on my shoulder, I checked the knife and gas, "I'm going back now just to let them taste the taste of the face." Am I dead?Ye Lingyin didn't die so easily. The pigs in the gendarmerie regiment underestimated me and Keni too much.

"Hahaha, good idea, are you ready?"


Keni launched a steel cable nailed to the side of the vent exhaust fan. The crisp sound of the steel cable piercing the metal reverberated in the underground street for a long time. I immediately followed. The two left the underground street one after another, leaving this place that saved me countless times. .

"Ring tone, I have something to ask you." Fly, Keni suddenly slowed down and came to me, I turned my head: "Huh?"

"Where is the necklace I gave you?"

I was taken aback, necklace...

"In my body, later..." I smiled bitterly, "Adelina used her life to help me eliminate the power of God. I survived, but she..."

"I'm sorry to mention your sadness." Keni's voice became unnoticeably gentle, and then again with her usual banter, "That girl Adelina is not easy. In fact, if she treats someone with this strength If ordinary people do this, the two of them will die together, but she knows you will be fine."

"..." I opened my mouth, feeling depressed, "what do you want to express."

"You are not an ordinary person." Keni's gaze fell on my face. "To be precise, you are not from this era. I don't believe Adelina has not hinted at you."

Hint...Breathing trembling in the cool night breeze, Adelina's words sounded clearly in my ears:

"Unless, you are not from this era."

"Hahaha but how is this possible..."

My pupils diminished, and I bit my lips tightly. Why didn't I realize that I was an idiot at that time...

"If I could realize it sooner..." She shouldn't die...

"Don't blame yourself." Keni's voice woke me up, "It's her own choice. She doesn't regret what you are upset. And I still have something to tell you."

"what's up?"

"Your giant's power has not disappeared, but is sleeping in your body." Keni said, "If there is one thing that can generate and strong enough faith for you, this power will awaken again and become more violent."

"So is this a good thing or a bad thing?" I reluctantly curled the corner of my mouth. What was Adelina for?..Book Bag Network

"Bad thing." Keni's answer was so cold that I didn't know what to say, "Awakening again, the day of awakening is the day of your death."


"The reason why Adelina took the first shot is to keep you alive. When you are in the hands of giants, your beliefs have surpassed everything. The power gathered in your body can not only destroy ape-man giants, but also destroy them. Drop yourself."

I was silent, only my breath was shaking slightly, why...

You silly girl, I am not worth your rescue at all...

You know that I am not a person of this age, and knowing that I am not going to die, why bother to save my life...

"I told you this, not to make you regret it." Keni's voice was slightly dissatisfied, "You remember, Adelina is much stronger than you, and knows so much more than you, she must do so There is a reason. What you need to do now is to live well and protect the people around you. Can it be done?"

"Yes." My answer was categorical.

"It's fine." Keni's tone softened. "Let's go."


The moon was already west, and Keni and I finally arrived at the investigative corps. I landed on the roof and turned around, only to find that the person behind me made a whistle. Then I jumped and disappeared into the moonlight like a bat.I ran after the eaves in a panic, but I could no longer see him.

"Asshole, don't even give me a chance to say thank you..."

"Hey." The voice behind me stopped me moving, and the cold blade gently pressed against the back of my neck. "It is a good time for the pigs to do business in the middle of the night." Plain and cold. As always, with a sense of oppressiveness that would resist people from thousands of miles away, I smiled, and suddenly I pulled out the Taoist’s palm and flipped it. The blade flew directly with a strange arc that almost pierced my back of the neck. I brushed it Turned around and looked at the other's stunned expression, "I am not a businessman, let alone a pig. As for you, call me a kid. It's a good talk, right, Captain Liwill?"

The wind blew my cloak open, and the moonlight reflected the scars on my face, "It's been a long time." The moonlight made me tremble in the cold, and the cloak was blown away by the wind and fell on the ground. Nothing can hide my shocking face. I grinned, but tears fell, "I, I... I'm sorry..."

"You kid." Lewell put away the blade and walked over, his ice blue eyes gleaming, "Do you know how much we worry about you." The calm tone suddenly became hard and hard, and he grabbed it. My shoulders, slender fingers stuck into the skin, and I clearly felt the wound rupture again.

"You stupid, don't you know to say it? Do you think you can carry everything by yourself? What are we doing, foil, furnishings, or rubbish in your eyes!? "

"I..." I looked at the furious Liwell in fear, "I just..."

I just don't know how to protect you...

It seemed that he had noticed the blood stains on the fingertips. Livel looked at me for a while, and I bit my lip tremblingly all over, because of pain and fear.He sighed and hugged me tightly into his arms, with great force as if he wanted to imprison me forever, and gently kissed my sweaty forehead, his voice softened as weak as power...

"Welcome back, don't leave when you come back, okay."

"it is good."

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