You can search for "The Cruel Good Search Novels of Attacking Giants (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!I feel dizzy...

I lay on my back in bed crying, and the death of last night was exchanged for the high fever of the next day. I watched Petra busy and finally found a chance to grab her hand while she helped me cover the quilt. .

"Where is it uncomfortable?" Petra touched my forehead with concern. "It's still hot..."

"It's not a big deal..." I forcefully squeezed an ugly smile, "Don't toss and take a break."

"You stupid girl..." Petra sat down helplessly, "Don't mess around in the future, ran to the roof in winter, and didn't wear a jacket. Let me tell you what's good about you. I really hate my body. Great, isn't it?"

I slumped my mouth and didn’t speak, and the hair scattered on the bed became a lot whiter. Life was like a candle, swaying as if I was about to fall into a dark abyss, but I caught it like a moth into the fire, and went up to the sky. Pray for the last time.

"Okay, okay, don't be wronged," Petra patted me on the head angrily and funny, "I'll be with you, can I have a good rest?"

"Okay!" This kind of childish answer hasn't been heard from my mouth for a long time, and even I can't help being surprised and sad. It's hardly possible that illness will lower my IQ...

"Look at the outside." Petra said with a smile. I turned my head and looked out the window. On the training ground, the children of New Levi's class stood straight. Levi stood in front of them and seemed to be saying something. It was also about cleaning instructions. When the sun was shining, I was stupefied to see Oluo and they looked at Liwell's meticulous inspection of hygiene. They seemed to be afraid of being caught in a dead end and receiving pain and discipline.

"Ellen and the others, they are all grown up..." Petra's smile is very beautiful, but with a touch of sadness, she lowered her head for a long time, "I haven't said a word, ring tone, thank you for saving I."

"Huh?" I was taken aback, "Thank me for what..."

Originally, I left my job without permission...

"How can I not thank you, fool?" Petra lowered his head and looked at me, smiling like a world away: "If it weren't for you, I would have been trampled to death by Yani."

"Petra, you idiot." I closed my eyes, "If I don't save you, what happened to me? The injury that day was really painful, but you know, I will hurt forever without you, you Fool, instead of thanking me here, it’s better to stay by my side." The domineering tone doesn’t allow Petra to say any more words of thanks. For a long time Petra smiled, "Well, I promise you that I will always be by your side. For a lifetime, okay?"

"It's almost the same." I touched my forehead, and it didn't seem to be that hot anymore. "You won't regret it?"

"of course not."


My little fingers hooked together and drawn a beautiful arc. I smiled, but my eyes were sour. Petra's smile was so pure that it was difficult for me to face it, just like a demon in front of an angel, I just wanted to hide myself.

Sorry, I might break my promise...

Winter has not passed yet, I look back at the sunny sun, a few flowing clouds can make me feel scared, for fear that after a while the flowing clouds will turn into dark clouds and turn into heavy snow to take away my life. Now I am strong and weak. , Strong enough to catch up with Lewell, weak enough to not be able to bear a snow, really don't know whether to say that he is useless or to pray for the sky to stop snowing.

The door opened, Petra and I turned our heads at the same time, and the other members of the Levereban came in.The first Chinese website

"Sister, how are you now?" Khrista trot over and touched my forehead. "Is it still uncomfortable?"

"I'm fine." Holding the scarred little hand, I turned my head to look at Lewell, "Hey, please be nice to her, otherwise I might punish you."

Levi's expression showed a pattern of splitting, "You all go out."

"Yes." No one dared to defy.Soon there were only Levi and I in the room. I barely supported my body and sat up, "How is their training today?"

"That's it." Lewell sat next to me and raised his legs. "Except for Mikasa and Allen, everything else is normal."

"Your requirements are too high." I laughed. "They are all ten blades of the 104th period. If they still feel weak, the requirements are too strict. After all, they are still children." They are all children after all. what."

"I just asked them for what I asked you at the time, so there is no harshness." Levi's eyes were a little cold, "If they can't do this, then I would rather disband this so-called special combat. Save a few lives."

"..." I was silent for a moment, "Let me train them."

"You?" Levi's brows wrinkled without a trace. "This kind of thing is..."

"First, I'm still the chief instructor, and my ability to lead recruits is definitely better than you." I reached out and touched Liwell's head, and watched with contentment as he shrank his neck with disgust. "Second, think about them. Do these children stay at ease with a boss who can laugh, or do they stay at ease with a boss with a paralyzed face and a fisheye?"

"You say it again?" Lewell grasped the back of my head and pressed his whole body on my body. "If you haven't been well trained for so long, will you have a mouthful?"

"I'm telling the truth." I was calm, knowing that Lewell wouldn't do anything. "Why don't you believe me or don't want to admit defeat?"

"Cut!" Lewell curled his lips and stood up, angrily helping me pull the quilt, "Don't mess around with me until you get well, or I will find a way to keep you out of the way. These little ghosts are still me. Come to discipline, there is no discussion, unless you are stronger than me in all aspects."

He used strength to crush me again...

I curled my lips in anger, "I see!"

Lewell stretched out his hand and rubbed the top of my head, "Without enough strength, it is a trash in this corps. There will be nothing left that will die like rubbish. I remember that you said this at the beginning. "

"That's it..." I nodded, and some things I had forgotten were dug out by the roots. The bloodshot bitterness made me close my eyes to suppress tears, "That's it..."

"So if you want to protect them, let them suffer. If you keep them as comfortable as the pigs in the mainland, they will never make progress."

"Now I know about Levell." I sighed and laughed, "Then leave it to you~"


The setting sun outside the window dyed the window sill red, and the bloody brilliance made me feel a little trance.I have experienced how many sunsets, how many times I have seen such colors, and I can't even count them myself...

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