You can search for "The Cruel Good Search Novels of Attacking Giants (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"What did that guy Keni tell you?" Lewell looked at me panicked mockingly, "You have the smell of that old guy."

The corners of my mouth twitched, "Isn't that the same smell of disinfectant as your body?" Hearing this, Levi's eyebrows were raised, and the drooping eyelids were also obvious. He realized that he had said something wrong. The back of my neck suddenly became cold, "Good smell, I'll take a bath after I finish talking." Levire returned to his calm look, and I secretly breathed a sigh of relief, "Levere, you still remember your last name What?"

Lewell obviously hesitated for a while, and it took a long time to squeeze out the word "Ackerman" suspiciously, "Could that old guy ask you to ask about this useless thing?"

"It's the Ackerman family business." I replied with a long sigh, "Your Ackerman family was born extraordinary. All the secrets are in Alan's father's basement. Unfortunately, the basement has not been discovered until now. Kenny I don’t know it clearly. His original intention should be to ask me to look for this basement on your behalf, and then to dissolve your relationship with the Jaeger family."

"Relationship?" Lewell caught the word, and I took the conversation. "Yes, Yeager is like Ackerman's host. It was Grisha Yeager who created you, in order to get close to the royal family and gain the giant's Power. Maybe to break through the wall, maybe to kill the giant, maybe it’s a secret we don’t know. Each of you Ackerman is born with a part of the power of a giant, but before being awakened by Jaeger, It stays asleep. Once an Ackerman identifies a Jaeger, he will guard the host unswervingly to death."

Lewell was silent, and the atmosphere fell into a deadlock.For a long time Liwill said solemnly, "So this is why Mikasa is so persistent to Allen."

"Perhaps," I agreed, "Mikasa was saved by Alan when he was very young, and thus possessed the power that he is now. But by analogy, if every Ackerman needs to find a Jaeger as If the host can awaken, when did your Levier suddenly become stronger?"

"How do I know." Lewell seemed to have a bit of a complaint about my words, "I am who I am. I don't need any annoying host. Don't force the experience of this kid like Mikasa on me."

"I didn't mean that..." The murdered me felt 10,000 grievances, but if I really think about it carefully, maybe Lewell's so-called awakening happened at the moment when Isabel and Fran were killed.I always remember the whirlwind-like figure I saw in the dimness. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would not believe that a human could do this.

If I am demonized, I may not be able to fight.

"Hey, what are you thinking about?" Suddenly, I was patted heavily on my head. I took a few steps back with my head, and yelled aggrievedly, "You are fierce to me! You are not allowed to be wronged, right?"


"Oh, break up"

Early the next morning, I was called by Irvine to the office. When I knocked on the door and walked in, I found Petra was there.I glanced at the heavy post-war analysis in her arms, "Head, what's the matter?"

"A big deal." Irwin put down the pen and motioned to Petra and I to sit down. "The 104th issue of Ymir Fritz has now been confirmed to have the ability to become giants. I now order Han Ji to quarantine them. Observe. Now our first task is to find out if there are any enemies of mankind in the remaining 104 periods, and to draw up a new protection plan for Allen."

"Allen can give it to me." I said, "you must have known the culprit that caused the siege of the giant this time. It is the monkey-like giant. At first I thought it was dead, but today it not only appeared intact. It has awakened my power again. I guess that this giant should have been made by humans, just like Ellen and Ymir did.” 17 Biquge

Irvine frowned, and his deep blue eyes seemed to show some tension for me.I shook my head, "I think it's not me who is worried now."

"The ring tone should be able to control oneself. According to the previous battle, the ring tone can even suppress the giant ape, so I think the ring tone is firmly standing on the human side." Petra firmly sent me. , I immediately answered the conversation and joked, "Yes, if I lose control again, isn't it still advantageous to Will?"

Irwin seemed to believe I was joking, and he waved his hand, "Okay, let's get back to business. Lingyin, have you read that diary, right?"

"Yes, I remember very clearly. Ymir is the ancestor of the Eldia. It is rumored that she signed a contract with the demon of the earth and gained the power of a giant, and based on this, established the Eldia Empire. But this has been It's a long time ago, and the Eldia Empire has long ceased to exist."

"That's it, but Han Ji brought back a guess from today's outside investigation." Irvin began to state calmly, "The original giant was changed by the people of the Eldia Empire."

"Impossible." I immediately denied, "The appearance of the giant dates back to before the establishment of the Eldia Empire, and only Ymir signed the agreement, not all the Eldia."

Irwin did not speak, as if he was skeptical of this unrealistic idea.For a long time, he opened his mouth and issued a eviction order, "Get here first."

Petra and I got up to salute and walked out of the office.

Petra seemed to be worried. I patted her and took away a pile of documents that she could barely hold. "Hey, silly?"

Petra raised his head as if waking up from a dream, "No, but there are too many things to worry about now. Walls, giant apes, and if there is a traitor among them, what should we do? what."

"I don't know." I sighed, I hope not.

"By the way, I might go home to see my father." Petra smiled. "Since I recovered and returned to the special operations class, he has been particularly worried about me."

"Oh, help me and uncle take it." Petra's father was as kind as a warm sun. He also asked someone to send supplies to the Corps last time. It's no wonder that Petra can have such a good daughter.

"When will you come to my house with me? The butter bread my father baked is delicious."

"Then wait for the hardest time to pass."

"A word is settled."

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