You can search for "The Cruel Good Search Novels of Attacking Giants (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The giant ape didn't speak, his bottomless eyes slowly lifted up, staring straight at me, staring at me all over.He seemed to see my fear, but smiled lightly, "I want to kill you, can you still live to this day?" He plucked a flower, "Look, the life of a flower is extremely short. But it can bloom so beautifully in such a short time."

"What do you want to say?"

"Your human life is very short," his tone was as steady as the moat behind him, "and yours, more short, like this flower." The giant ape stood up, "God's eyes are really good."

I seem to want to refute something. The giant ape interrupted me and turned his head slightly, "I want to say that your guesses about me are all absurd. And you will join me eventually."

I couldn't help but sneered, "Join you? When will God favor a monster like you?"

The giant ape grinned, he paused every word, every word seemed to be beating me, "Ye Lingyin, summer is almost over."

I was stunned and watched this huge deformed body slowly sink into the river.The ripples on the water gradually calmed down, and I stood silently on the tree, feeling a little confused for a while.Obviously it is a monster that kills countless lives, but when he stands in front of me, I actually feel that he is extremely tall, and I can't help but want to surrender.

Maybe the power of God has always been good and evil?

I smiled bitterly, turned around and fired the rope.It's time to go back, I don't know if they found Alan.

But what greeted me was a shocking battlefield.Alan came back, he was still outnumbered as a giant, and the giant of armor stood not far away. Ymir and Histria surrounded him to crusade against the giants that were constantly attacking.I immediately joined, and swiped a knife to kill a few five-meter-level peas that came towards me, and landed in front of Mikasa.

Mikasa was injured, she opened her eyes with difficulty, looking at Alan who was fighting, whispering Alan's name incoherently.I stood in front of her, looking at the blood-stained silhouettes in the sunset, the wind in my ears seemed to have stopped, leaving only the sound of my breathing.

"I seem to feel the power of coordinates, Mikasa."

"What?" Mikasa looked at me in disbelief, and I shook my head, "It's not me, it's Alan."

The torn apart Allen was finally outnumbered.He crawled out of the giant's steaming flesh and blood, and Irwin immediately went up to replace him.

"Be careful!" A strange head bit straight towards Irvine, I rushed over and knocked him away, and the pain of the next second numbed my consciousness.

Arm, arm is broken...

I fell to the ground unconsciously, and in my blurred vision I saw the steaming blood stain the grass red and seep into the soil.I heard Irvine's panicked cry in a trance, and I realized that it seemed not the time yet.

I opened my eyes formidable, and found that the giants seemed to be only interested in Alan, and they swarmed in funny steps.Allen desperately hugged Mikasa, and the two embraced each other, as if all this had nothing to do with them.

"Hey, I won't die." I staggered and stood up, raising my head with open arms like a puppet.A tearing pain came from behind.I turned around and shielded the two people hugging each other with my wings.I softly said to Allen, "You are the savior, and it is my duty to protect you when I came here. Now, you look into my eyes, okay?"

Allen's emerald green eyes focused on the depths of my pupils, and I sensed the panic in his heart, and the power in his body also resonated with him.The strange power in my chest became stronger and stronger. I screamed unbearably. There was nothing left in my mind, except that Allen's representative emerald green was always so bright.

"Allen!" Yueshuzhai

The whole body's nerves seemed to explode, and time suddenly stopped like that, and the giant's movements were like slow motion, drawing an afterimage in the air.I was pushed out fiercely by a powerful force, and rolled on the ground several times before stopping.

The power of the coordinates belongs to Allen, and Elmin is right.

I listened to Alan's roar in a daze, all the giants rushed to the giant of armor one after another, and my whole body's defenses disappeared in an instant, and it seemed that only an empty shell was left.

Is my task about to be completed?I smiled softly, summer is over...

Because of the power of coordinates, the battle seemed to end quickly.When I woke up, I was already lying on the bed, and my arms had grown in half.Commander, Levi and Petra are all beside me.

"Ring tone!" Petra exclaimed when I opened my eyes, tears bursting down, "Don't be brave in the future! You scared me to death, you really scared me to death!"

"I'll be fine." I reached out and rubbed Petra's head. This girl always gave me peace of mind.

"Thank you for blocking that for me." The commander's tone was full of guilt. He suddenly got up and saluted me, "Thank you, Ye Lingyin Chief Instructor."

"I'm also an immortal?" I joked and shook my head, "Besides, you can't be without you in the Corps. So there is no need to salute. Oh, by the way, Allen has gained the power of coordinates."

"I know that Ellen this child is now our key protection target." Irwin nodded, "Han Ji is also studying how coordinate power can contribute to mankind in addition to controlling giants."

"It seems that I can control my mind." I said, "At that time, when I looked into his eyes, I just felt that I should be a puppet, always obey him and follow him."

"Is it controlling you or mankind?" Irwin seemed to have bright eyes, and I smiled bitterly, "This question is still open to question, I believe Han Ji will come to a conclusion."

"You take a good rest, I'll go first." Irvine turned and left, beckoning to Petra when he left, and Petra immediately followed out with his faint jogging.

"Why don't you say a word?" I looked helplessly at Liwell's face of ten thousand years old mother, "I did something wrong again?"

"You did a very good job. It's beyond my imagination." Lewell reached out and played with my fingers. "I want to tell you something."


"The affair between Kenny and I is not over yet." Lewell's voice sank, "He seems to be a breakthrough for some unknown things, but it is not easy to open this breakthrough from him."

"So you need my help?" I raised my eyebrows. Levier didn't feel awkward anymore, but nodded straightforwardly, telling me how difficult these things are.

"When my hands grow out, just set off, I don't want to wait any longer." Of course, I don't seem to have time to wait any longer.

"Okay." Lewell suddenly rolled over and squeezed into my bed, his chin pressed lightly on my forehead, "No matter how strong you are, I will discipline you."

"So what, I have something to say..."

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