The cruel beauty of the attacking giant

Initial test of the power of coordinates

You can search for "The Cruel Good Search Novels of Attacking Giants (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"I understood."

After Han Ji described a long list to me, I interrupted her, "You mean nothing more than a giant Alan fight with me, right?"

"Nor say that," Han Ji touched his chin unnaturally. "This is a discussion of friendship, or that Allen unilaterally attacked you, so I just asked me to collect various data about Allen's current physical function, and you of."

"Why are you thinking about collecting me now?" I laughed a little, "I have been shaved for almost two years."

"At that time, I didn't know your importance. What's more, you are the only one who can use this form to achieve giantization in 100 years." Han Ji explained, "And the evaluation of you by the people in the corps is both sides. Many people believe that you are a big hidden danger and need to be eliminated soon. But Irwin is trying his best to help you round the field."

"Really?" I smiled, avoiding this acrimonious question, and issued an eviction order, "Allen's test is scheduled for tomorrow, I have to rest now."

"Okay." Han Ji got up and left. I sighed as I watched her leaving behind.

This day, the trouble is dead.

When the sun was only halfway up the next day, I was already standing in the training base of the Investigation Corps in Rose County.Allen stood awkwardly not far away, seeming to be talking to Irwin and the others.I have a headache, I am afraid that I will accidentally hurt Alan, I am afraid that Alan will beat myself, and I am also faintly afraid of the power of coordinates.

"Sister... instructor," Allen interrupted my thoughts, "The captain said we can start." I looked around. All the soldiers, including Lewell, were fully armed, and Han Ji was in some soldiers. Prepare to sample and record data under the protection of

"Yeah." I nodded. "Don't be merciful to what I say." Allen looked at me with complicated eyes, "Yes."

Golden lightning exploded in front of his eyes, and Allen's huge body rose from the ground, screaming up to the sky, trembling all around him.It turns out that this child is now so proficient in power control?I sighed, the wings on my back tore the skin and numb my nerves.I flew up, looking up into Allen's eyes.In these eyes like a deep pool, I couldn't find a trace of killing intent.

"Fighting?" I smiled, "Let me check to see if your fighting skills have improved."

Allen snarled, as if responding to me, and then threw a standard swing at me.I leaned my body, the fist almost rubbed the tip of the feather on my wings. I was swung in the air by the air current, and then I quickly settled on the ground and raised my head to continue observing Alan's movements.

"Very good," I admired, and Allen raised his right leg high and stepped on me.The huge soles of feet looked like meteorites, and I simply closed my eyes and stayed there. While my eardrums were stung by the sound of breaking wind, I seemed to hear Lewell's curse.

The shadow stopped zooming in, and I opened my eyes and saw Alan stop exactly a few centimeters from my head.He moved the soles of his feet and squatted down to look at me. I even saw the emotions in the eyes of the giant, like a child waiting for the compliments of the senior.

How much effort did you put in?

"Hey, kid!" Lewell's voice appeared behind me, and I turned my head, "Huh?"

"Allen, this kid is not sure, what if you are really injured?" His tone was vicious, and Allen seemed to be taken aback, and his huge body slumped out a long way.

"Do you think Alan hurt me?" I laughed out, "And he is Alan, there will be nothing wrong with him. I can roughly sense his next movements, not to mention that he is facing me. Not a newcomer."

Lewell's brows tightened, and he stared at me extremely unhappily for a long time, then turned around and shook Han Ji's eye knife, and returned to the sidelines bitterly.

"Xiaoyin! Now you are here to attack Allen! Allen can't fight back, you can only dodge!" Han Ji's voice came, and I took off from the benevolent wings, my hands crystallized.

"Watch my movements carefully, try to avoid them, do you hear?"

"Roar." As if to promise me.

I took a deep breath, and then blew it to Allen's right shoulder with the fastest wind, the crystal on the fingertip turned into a machete, and I slashed it down.The hot blood splashed on my body, and Allen wailed in pain, retreating almost relying on conditioned reflex.I gritted my teeth, took out my strength to fight outside the wall, and hit Alan cruelly.Allen avoided the attack on me and soon knelt down with wounds, but I saw in him the meaning of not giving

Are you waiting for coordinates?I have some doubts, and I am going to make it up again.The moment I rushed forward, I suddenly felt frozen.

Then I guessed it right.

Alan’s green eyes flashed with a faint light. He looked at me straightforwardly, and then stood up and shouted. I only felt a light behind his back. The wings disappeared directly between the breath and the breath. Before shouting, he fell straight down.And Allen seemed to have reacted after disintegrating me, and a diving save caught me.


I got up from Alan's palms with a sore back and back. Han Ji and the others flew over and landed on Alan's shoulders. Levier even stepped on both feet in anger.

"Let’s stop here for today," Han Ji’s voice was full of joy, "The power of the coordinate is beyond my expectations. I have to make good changes to my previous notes. Thank you for your hard work!"

Alan crawled out of the back of his neck, and the giant's body began to evaporate. He looked at me guiltily, "Sister, I'm sorry, I almost hurt you."

"You did a very good job." I admired. "The mastery of the power of giants has reached this level. It is really good."

"I found that I can only explode the power of the coordinate when I feel threatened. It seems that it is not possible at other times. It does not seem to be possible at ordinary times." Alan was still a little frustrated. "The last time I did it to the giant pet of Captain Han Ji. It failed during the experiment."

"Then you will test it against me now?" I stretched out my wings, and Allen's eyes showed a bright green in an instant, sweeping away the gentle dark green.

A sense of oppression came, and my body no longer listened to me. I directly punched Livier in the chest, and the latter stepped back several steps.

Damn it.

When I got back to my senses, the murderous look in Lewell's eyes could cut me and Alan a thousand times.

"Wow, I really didn't mean it!"

"Sorry captain, neither am I!"

Afterwards, I, who was beaten by Lewell and hung on the wall, looked at Han Ji’s upside-down face in front of me, "So, for a human being’s intelligent species, the coordinates will only become giants and giants. Will it work for a short time in the future?"

"That's right." Han Ji nodded, "Also, from the unilateral situation of Alan, the coordinates are not so much to control other ordinary and strange species, but to implant his thoughts into them and turn them into The puppet becomes the branch of his inner will. So as long as Alan doesn't lose control, the coordinates are safe. But once he loses control, you may not be able to do much."

"Understood." I didn't actually hear it very clearly, I just felt that my head was swelling like a blood bag.

"Oh, Leewell, can you put down the little voice?" In fact, Han Ji has been suffocating his smile very hard.

"What do you think?" A murderous aura hit my face, and I was half sober.

"Sorry Xiaoyin, I'm leaving now." Han Ji slipped.

"I said it wasn't that I wanted to hit you." I gave Lewell a hateful look. "Are you happy to hang me?"

"It's happier to hang you two." Leewell didn't lift his eyelids, and wiped his hands with a handkerchief on his own.I looked at each other with Alan next to him. Alan grinned at me stupidly, his face was already red like a sweet potato.

Ah, God.

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