You can search for "The Cruel Good Search Novels of Attacking Giants (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"You're looking for me?" I swallowed a yawn that came to my mouth abruptly. I didn't sleep almost all night last night, and now I only feel that my head is very heavy, and what Neel's grunting said was not even heard. A word, but a few words were still captured.

"Royal family? Prom?" I was half-hearted. "How am I going to be funny here? I don't dance, I don't go."

"You have no right to refuse the royal invitation." Nair's tone was harsh, but I could hear a little helpless. "There is a reason for calling you alone, here." He handed me a small bottle. " Dye your hair, you have black hair, right."

"Oh?" I don't deserve it, I don't understand the royal family's thoughts, and I'm surprised, it turns out that there are hair dyes these days.

"Go out." Nair gave a eviction order, and I ran away with the hair dye.

Back in the room, I looked in the mirror and had a headache. Dyeing my hair is fine, but I have never dyed my hair before, and I don’t know how to start it now.Before I dyed my whole body black, I bit the bullet and went to Xiqi.

"Of course it can." Xiqi quickly agreed, regardless of previous complaints.I was sitting on the edge of the bathtub while Xiqi was wearing gloves skillfully, applying thick hair dye to my hair little by little.The pungent smell of hair dye made my eyes sour. I looked in the mirror and my hair turned black bit by bit, as if I saw my 15-year-old myself.

"I heard that you have white hair caused by the power of giants?" Xiqi asked casually. I gave a wry smile and didn't answer. My eyes were still staring in the mirror, and my mouth said irrelevant answers, "I am 23 this year."

"But you look like a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl." Xiqi took off her gloves, "It's dyed, let me wash it off for you."

"Thank you." I rarely thanked him, Xiqi smiled when she saw it, she opened the water, took the comb, and brushed my hair while flushing.My hair is free from the thick black dye, and I can't believe that I can still have black hair, even if this is only a short-lived reality.

"Okay," Xiqi admired her craft, "It's so pretty."

"I'm not used to it anymore." I felt a little dazed by touching my hair. "I have been gray hair for several years."

"It's also a pity." Xiqi sighed with a smile, "Oh, yes, the things that the leader asked me to bring you are on my table, I want to go out, you remember to take it yourself, and I will take you to pick a skirt later. ."


I really want to show Lewell what I am now.

I remember the last time the dance was at Orange House. I was naive and with long black hair.Except for my age and mentality, I look no different from that time.My nose was a little sour for a while, I shook my head quickly and tried not to think about the bad things, walked out of the bathroom, and took away the box on Xiqi's desk.After I went back, I opened it a little bit expectantly. The small ceramic box inside was very beautiful. I opened one at will. The scent of powder was lingering on the tip of my nose. I was surprised. Is this all cosmetics?The last time I put on makeup was at Orange House, and many years have passed.Now he is a solid soldier, his face is drenched in the sun and rain, and he no longer has the meticulous feeling he had before.

Forget it, it's not bad to be a girl again, and which girl doesn't like cosmetics?

In the afternoon, Xiqi came to see me. She looked at me focusing on researching cosmetics and couldn't help but laugh, "I haven't seen it, right?"

"I have seen it, but it was a long time ago." I denied it, turned my head and smiled at her, "Did you take me to see the dress?"

"Yes." Very good. This is the answer I want to hear.

Xiqi should also be the child of a wealthy family. She took me to a tailor shop with an elegant appearance, "Choose it." Sanjiu Chinese website

I stroked the delicate skirts, and finally fixed them on a plain white long skirt without any decoration. The skirt was a fishtail-like skirt. There were no other accessories except for a few scattered pearls. There was something out of place in the gorgeous gauze skirt, and it was a bit dazzling like I was in the gendarmerie.

"Just this one."

Xiqi seemed a little surprised, "Huh? Why don't you choose some gorgeous ones?"

I smiled, "It's not my style."

"Okay, okay." Xiqi didn't ask any more, she just picked up the skirt, "how much?"

"This skirt goes well with this black-haired lady." The old boss smiled amiably, "Give it to you, provided you try it on and show it to me."

Give it to me?I was surprised, "Why don't you just send out the skirt you sew by yourself?"

"So I want to see the lady wear it for me," the old man replied, "A skirt has a soul only in a suitable person."

He is a wise man.I was silent for a moment, "Okay."

Coming out of the fitting room, I was a little uncomfortable. The skirt wrapped my body and made me walk a bit unstable. When the old man saw me, there was light in his eyes, and Xiqi also seemed quite For surprise.

"Sure enough." The old man touched the stubble with relief, "I hope to visit next time."

"Thank you." He Xiqi walked down the street holding her skirt, Xiqi praised her carelessly, "Your figure is really good, especially your butt, it's really upset."

"Perverted." I stuck out my tongue. "Perverted."

"It's just a pervert." Xiqi became more violent and patted her hand directly. My body became stiff, and I quickly avoided, "Hey!"

"Okay, okay, just kidding!" Xiqi smiled a little bit, "you are not happy to praise you?"

I rolled my eyes and didn't say anything, this girl is also big-hearted...

On the day of the prom, I struggled to put on my makeup and then put on a skirt.Xiqi also gave me a pair of heeled shoes. After putting them on, I staggered for two steps. I couldn't help but feel funny, ringtone, ringtone, how do you wear high heels like this?Before the royal carriage came downstairs, I was finally able to walk safely.With the help of the coachman, I got into the carriage and looked at the empty position next to me, and I was still a little lost.

Levi will definitely not come to this dance party, but I still want him to see me at this moment, especially my hair.

The black hair was scattered on my shoulders, and with the bumps of the carriage, I seemed to see the passion and vitality of those early years, and they returned to me, giving me an illusion that I couldn't bear to lose.

I was the same Ye Lingyin, that silly girl full of passion, and that ordinary training soldier.

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