The cruel beauty of the attacking giant

The initial mission of the gendarmerie

You can search for "The Cruel Good Search Novels of Attacking Giants (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"So in the end you ran away?" Xiqi looked at me as I was removing makeup, "You are also brave, you dare to disappear on such an important occasion, and you even smashed Damien."

"It was he who spoke badly first." I wiped my face and answered vaguely. After I had no foundation buff in the mirror, the sunburn and pores on my skin were unobstructed, while Xiqi's face was pink and tender.

The military police should be smooth and shiny.

"Forget it," Xiqi waved her hand, "You have a new mission, sister, tomorrow you are going to patrol the underground street with Squad 4."

"Underground Street?" I was stunned, "What is there to patrol in such a place?"

"The current first nobleman, that is, the Arthur family, has lost a lot of precious gems." Xiqi also seemed to have a headache. "The ground has been turned upside down by us and we haven't found it. It is probably in the underground street When you were robbed, the team leader said that you are a former resident of the underground street, and you should be familiar with it, and it is easier to investigate."

All right, all right.After eighteenth generations of Nair’s ancestors, I quietly greeted Nair and took up this task.Xiqi didn't mean to leave. She asked me with interest, "Have you robbed anything before? Open my eyes?"

"Here." I didn't conceal it, and slapped the dagger on the table straightforwardly. The blue jewel reflected a dazzling light, and Xiqi's eyes widened, "I'll go, this is the relic of the Orange family , Worth a lot of money!"

"Is this something from Orange?" I felt a little in my heart, and Xiqi nodded. "One of Orange's family businesses is the cutting and polishing of sapphires. Your fineness is also very good. It must belong to their family. ! Also, this dagger is made of pure silver, and the exquisite manufacturing process will only appear in the internal transactions of those nobles. I didn't expect it to be robbed by you."

I rubbed the sapphire on the dagger. The gem was very dazzling, just like Adelina's eyes, a kind of powerful tenderness.I put away the dagger, "It has been carried by me for many years. It can be regarded as my first weapon."

"Hey, when it comes to this, Orange is a pity too." Xiqi shook her head regretfully, "Is the one named Adelina once in your investigation corps? I have seen it several times, but it is a little strange. Why is she so blonde and blue-eyed, she looks so much like those royal princesses. Oh, by the way, how do I think you are also alike."

"Good friends, it must be more and more similar." I stopped the topic, "I'm going out to train."

"I'm diligent enough." Xiqi left when she saw it. I sat on the chair a little sluggishly. The dagger was still so eye-catching. I sighed and simply stuffed it into the drawer. Changed clothes and started to tie belts.

The belt seems a little tight.I subconsciously touched my belly and face. Compared to the thin hand that I used to feel, I actually touched something soft.I won't really gain weight, my mother...

In order to prevent this terrible thing like gaining weight from happening, I was almost desperate in my training today.I landed on the ground and gasped, breathing steam from the thin wounds on my body, and the pain gradually disappeared.Looking up at the shards of sunlight that are sown between the dense canopies, I feel dazzling.This kind of scene resembles a forest of giant trees, and it also resembles me rushing to the left-wing forward during an outside investigation.And I, who was once accustomed to giants, have been lying in the gendarmerie for more than a week.

Can't Irvine hurry up? I complained in a low voice, dragging my tired body to the dormitory, but by coincidence, I met Rose.

"Yo, barbarian!" She yelled at me irritably, and I raised my head and rolled my eyes. "Why, look at my joke?" Ziwei novel

"Talk to you." Rose set up a fighting posture, "If I win, you will obediently roll back to the Investigation Corps, don't be an eyesore here!"

"How do I think you are an eye-catcher." I was too lazy to fight, "Don't bother me."

"Why, I'm scared? Oh, yo yo, I didn't expect the barbarian to be a slapstick..."

Mom's mentally retarded.

Before she finished speaking, I flew forward and knocked her over with three blows.It may be that the perennial pampering and superiority made her look like a little chicken, even the subconscious punching movements are soft.Seeing her angry face that was about to split apart, I helplessly let go of her, "I said, I'm so annoying." Then I walked away, ignoring the hysterical curses behind me.

"Why can't everyone here be like you?" Now I'm used to taking the initiative to talk to Xiqi. After she listened to my complaint, she couldn't help but smile, "That guy in Rose just pretended Yes, she is a recruit and has a special status. She is the child of a duke and a prostitute in the underground street. Don't talk nonsense. Keep it secret."

"Awesome, it's a superfluous product." Of course, I was not interested in spreading such scandals everywhere, and the girl's appearance seemed to show something.With red hair and light blue eyes, she looked like a mixed race, with the lowest and most noble bloodlines in her body, and her natural stinky face was extremely uncomfortable.

"Does she know this by herself?"

"I don't know," Xiqi denied. "She was raised in a private house by the Duke since she was a child, and then she was sent to the Corps directly when she was old. Then the Duke almost ignored her, and she was a poor person. "

There are too many poor people in this world.I curled my lips, "Can you people in Class 4 work? The underground street is quite dangerous. Don't mess it up for me."

"They are the ten blades of 102 and 104, don't worry." Xiqi comforted me, "Although I think you definitely don't remember them."

"Why is there no 103 issue?"

"Speaking of it, it seems that all the Ten Blades in the 103rd period have gone to investigate the Corps." Xiqi thought for a moment, "It seems that each of them has followed you as an example."

I was silent, with a dull pain in my heart, "I went to investigate the Corps only because I killed their people, which is considered to be atonement. What role model is this?"

"You are the chief, it's different." Xiqi dropped this ambiguous sentence and stopped abruptly, "Don't sleep over tomorrow."

"Good, good team leader."

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