You can search for "The Cruel Good Search Novels of Attacking Giants (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"what is that!"

"How can there be such a giant!"

"Are we going to perish? Are human beings over..."

The giant ape was very close. I stood on the roof of Mary’s wall area and saw the hairy face and the huge body that was completely out of proportion. I only felt that my hair was exploding, and my ears buzzed. The people's screams were also blurred.

"Class 39, follow me to the wall, Class 40, and Han Ji set off from the city gate to find the enemy according to the new formation. The others stay in the wall to protect the residents from evacuation." The commander’s voice had been torn, and he turned to look. With us, Levi's class, "Levi's, stay here, and protect Allen with the ringtone." After speaking, he and the soldiers of Class 39 flew towards the wall.It took a long time before my brain resumed its functioning, and I turned my head stiffly to look at the dignified children, listening to Levi’s tense tone, "Ringtone, you take Alan and the others away from here," It's too conspicuous."

"How about you?"

"A lot of nonsense, go ahead." Lewell became impatient, he gave me a hard push, "I don't want to say it again!"

"Yes, yes!" My shoulders were a little numb, and I turned my head and gave the children a look. They obeyed the order and followed me and jumped from the roof.I couldn't move anywhere, crowded by the scattered residents. I grabbed Alan's hand and said, "You follow me." Allen looked back at me in confusion, "Sister? Shall we not take refuge?"

"Petra can protect the residents from evacuation. I can't leave the battlefield. This monkey is definitely not as easy to deal with as you think. Besides, I need you to suppress me at a critical moment." I gave Petra a look and looked at She knows how to take the remaining people and evacuate inland with the leader, "My strength has been wrong since I came back, and the monkey can brainwash me and assimilate me. If you see anything wrong with me, Alan ," I stared at him closely, "Kill me, do you hear?"

"Impossible, how could I..." Allen denied in vain, my eyes darkened, "Have you heard, Alan Yeager soldier?"


The earth trembled abruptly, and with the sound of the sky breaking and the earth cracking, I didn't react at once, and Allen pulled me to hide in the eaves.I looked at the place where I was standing just now, being smashed into a big hole by a rock, "This, this is..." The soldiers who had rushed forward let out heart-piercing screams, and I witnessed them being smashed. His distorted body flew high, and then fell at the moment his life died. The previously barely tense heart collapsed completely, anger, sadness, regret, fear, and the hatred that was strong enough to destroy reason, burning With every nerve of mine, my wings eventually tore the skin on my back, and when it spread out to face the bloody setting sun, it awakened all my strength.The world in front of me was crumbling. I saw Lewell rushed out without hesitation, but in an instant he had to quickly fall to avoid the flying stones. As soon as Alan next to me grasped my hand, he was cold and sweaty. The sense of touch suddenly made me sober.I subconsciously squeezed his hand, Alan's forehead was sweating thinly, and he looked at my eyes anxiously, "Calm down, you are going to lose your mind!" I was silent, waiting for the body temperature to drop slightly. , I lowered my head and saw Alan’s burned palm, he took his hand back indifferently, "Sister, go ahead, I will be here to keep looking at you!"

Keep looking at me...

I smoothed Allen's messy hair gently, "You've grown up, Allen." After speaking without hesitation, I immediately turned and flew towards the city wall.I flew very high, and I saw the giant ape who was about to throw a boulder in the distance, and those giants helped the giant ape roll the stones like a little boy, watching him throw his terrifying arm and throw it again. The gravel, my heart was crossed, I rushed up to the wall. The huge wings tightly wrapped Liwell and Irwin, and tried my best to harden the whole body. The blood-red crystal spread to my feet, almost nailing me to the wall. I closed my eyes and greeted the boulder's attack. Suddenly an unstoppable impact came from behind. Along with the pain, a fishy liquid poured out of my throat. I couldn't hear or see it. All the crystals shattered, and I threw forward, and the remaining consciousness maintained the power until the attack stopped.I opened my eyes vaguely, and the mist and stars in front of me slowly dispersed. Lewell hugged me tightly. His angry eyes made him look incomprehensibly hideous, and the head of the group was also horrified." You, you don’t want to die?" He supported me, I knelt on the ground and gasped intermittently, the crystals liquefied, and wet all three of us. My left wing was almost smashed, ridiculous The hanging down."Go down, go down all, you want to be a live target?" I roared angrily, but the sound was like the screams of the prey before death, "Go! Go down!" The intact wings waved with all my strength, and I went straight. They went down, their eyes slowly swept over the soldiers who stood on the wall for the rest of their lives, "Go, go." Seeing the soldiers disappearing into my sight, I slowly Slightly relieved.The city wall area has been smashed to pieces. The rubble and blood on the ground and the bloody smell of blood filled the nasal cavity told me the terrible ape giant.Before I regained my ability to move, the giant ape had already come over.He stretched out his hand and grabbed me. Before I screamed, its fingers had already strangled my throat. The threat of death and the feeling of suffocation made me lose the ability to struggle. He took me to my eyes, "Not very Is it strong? How can it be smashed?" He lifted me high and threw me out of the wall. Weightlessness filled my brain. I vaguely heard the exclamation of the crowd, and then all this together The consciousness disappeared together.Baidu Novel

"Hello, little girl, hello?" Someone seems to call me?I opened my eyes, and the vague figure in front of me gradually became clear. When I saw it clearly, I almost jumped in shock, "Fuck, Uli?"

"And me." The familiar female voice came with a bit of ridicule, and I looked back along Uli's shoulder, "Ed..."

"You woke us up." Adelina smiled and helped me up. "It's been a long time since I saw Lingyin. I'm so sorry to leave you alone to face these things."

"But what's the matter with you," Uli lowered his voice, "Adelina and I are already dead. You crossed this line and found us. You must have encountered a major event."

"Ape giant." I pondered for a moment, "I remember as if I was thrown on the ground by him. Logically speaking, I should be in a recovery state, but I don't know how I came here."

"How many times did you use your power?" Adelina asked, and I answered honestly: "There are too many to count, and I have been cooperating with Allen's experimental coordinate force recently."

"You really forgot how I warned you." Adelina's face was dull, and Uli interrupted her trying to continue to blame me: "Little girl, you gave this life this strength, do you think does it worth?"

"I don't know, right." I shook my head, "In fact, I have not forgotten my original identity, but here I also have people who are equivalent to my family. I just want to protect them. I hate the taste of loss, but to this point I am very scared. I don’t know if I regret it, but my choice is right.” I raised my head and looked firmly at the two familiar people in front of me, “Please, please help me again. ?"

"It's expensive." Adelina interrupted. She knelt down and gently touched my cheek. "You silly girl always feel that you can protect everything and never listen to our admonitions. Tell me now, you What do you want the most? Or what do you want to protect the most?"

"Probably, it's Levell." I thought about it, and smiled bitterly. "I can't say freedom anymore. I don't see any hope when watching them die every day. What I have been thinking now is that I can make this guy well Don’t have any trouble, he also said that one of the hopes of mankind is the last descendant of the Ackerman tribe.” Adelina was silent, and for a long time she looked back at Uli, who was holding her hand. Li smiled and nodded, and she looked at me helplessly, "Close your eyes and I will give you another chance. But the next time you drive the power, Uli and I may not be able to suppress the Unsullied Giant. "But I grabbed her quickly and quickly, and I begged: "Well, can I hug you? I miss you so much. I miss you every day. And, I'm sorry, it's my fault. Blame me..."

"Tsk." Adelina smiled and curled her lips, then hugged me. A strange force suddenly rose. Adelina gently said in my ear "There will be a period", and the stream of consciousness also It collapsed in an instant.I sat up from the ground, and Levier blew over like a whirlwind and yelled at the giant ape: "You seemed to have a great time just now! Then make me happy again!" His speed is fast. Unbelievably, all the flesh and blood of the giant ape fell like tofu pieces, until Lewell cut his neck at the back of it, and the person inside finally showed up, but I guessed it wrong. This person is not from the royal family. .Lewell put the knife in his mouth fiercely, but after a short struggle, he didn't kill him.Jumping off the evaporated body of the giant ape, he turned his head and glanced at Irwin before turning to leave.I subconsciously yelled to him. Lewell didn't seem to hear it, but the person who was temporarily let go heard it. He suddenly raised his eyes and looked at me directly. I suddenly felt that the whole person was standing out of control. He got up, his body moved mechanically like a puppet. The moment Irwin saw me, he immediately reacted, "Allen! Allen!"

"No, no, no!" I screamed heartbreakingly, and tried my best to resist his erosion. I could feel that Adelina and Uli in my mind were also fully supporting, Lewell After seeing me, he immediately rushed up and hit the man's head with a stab, but it seemed a bit late.The wings behind me stood up mechanically, and my body was no longer under my control. I watched as the sharp blade condensed on my fingertips gradually grew longer, and the intense heat around me made it impossible for everyone to approach."Allen, please, please!" The remaining faith made me plead incoherently, "Did you forget what I said? Please, kill me, kill me!" Allen's His eyes burst out green, but he closed his eyes immediately.The last hope As my belief disappeared, my consciousness was trapped in a small space, and my body turned into a killing machine and rushed towards my former comrades-in-arms. The moment the crystal on my fingertips touched Lewell, I Suddenly bounced back as if hitting a wall, something was stripping my power, tearing my wings apart, I was stupefied to see the tears on Alan’s face and his increasingly mature power, slow Slowly gave up the struggle.The coordinates dispersed, and I fell to the ground. Lewell rushed over immediately, and he vigorously imprisoned me in his arms, "You look at me! Look at me!" Alan in the distance knelt down, "I , I can't do it, I can't do it at all..."

"You let me go!" As soon as I raised my hand, I actually knocked Lewell out, and my consciousness was shrivelled like silk, as if I felt the coordinate that tried to cut the consciousness of the giant ape again, but it was too late. .I raised my head and looked at Levi, who had already pulled out the knife, "Give you a chance, do it."

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