You can search for "The Cruel Good Search Novels of Attacking Giants (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Aren't you afraid that I'm going to be a giant now?" Jike smiled faintly, the eyes from the cracked lens seemed to be able to swallow me alive, I shuddered, and my raised hand froze in midair.At this moment Lewell suddenly pushed the door in. I turned my head and watched him throw Allen in with an unhappy expression: "Just stay with me!" Allen rubbed the sore head in confusion, and I suddenly Just relax.

"Now I'm not afraid at all," I drooped my eyes and smiled at Jike, "My magic weapon is here." Turning around, I winked at Allen. Allen obediently went out and stood at the door, and I focused my eyes on Jike had a slightly horrified face, "The show has begun."

I assuredly beat Jike half-deadly. What Jike finally said was nothing more than the specific location of the basement.This stubborn and terrible guy seemed unwilling to say anything to me, and I was afraid to do it too hard."In addition to taking back the power of the coordinates, what else do you want?" I threw away the bloody torture instrument in my hand, feeling a sense of powerlessness in my heart.

"You." Jike's categorical answer gave me a chill, "Me?"

"You are the most beautiful creature in this world, Ye Lingyin," Jike grinned with a grinning smile: "The devil hasn't appeared for 100 years, and she is standing in front of me now. You are what my people desire. Allah is the power I desire. If I eat you, I can become the lord of this world. All creatures and everyone must work for me, and then you can walk out of the wall, right?"

"I'm pooh." I slapped it angrily. "Do you have any misunderstandings about freedom? And I will never work for you. If you dare to covet the devil again, I will commit suicide, with this power forever Disappear. If I remember correctly, I am the last alien giant in this world. Angels are no longer there. If you don’t want to smash the bamboo basket, just vomit everything that should be vomited."

"It's really impassioned," Jike was indifferent. "It really is the enlightenment of the dying man? If the current owner of the coordinates is a human shield, then you are a spear, destined to be the forefront, destined to be humiliated by this Give your life to the world of the world. Everything I do now is for you Ye Lingyin, I look forward to extracting everything you have. When your mission as a perfect container ends, it’s time for my people to awaken. .If you don’t want to watch the people around you die one by one, just go to death obediently and hand over the devil, especially Captain Lewell, and his class. If you don’t do it, just slowly Give them the end, eh?"

"Enough, they won't die, and I'm willing to be the target of the public." I left this sentence after a moment of silence, and then ran without looking back, leaving Alan at the door, who was at a loss.I ran to the very edge of the training ground in one breath and sat down under a tree.Looking up at the dazzling sunlight, my ears are full of the sound of a beating heart, and the blood flow hitting my brain makes me feel a little dizzy.Suddenly, I felt a sense of unprovoked guilt, and suddenly felt that my arrival had caused everything to deviate from the normal track. So many people died because of me.The thought of dying deep in my heart was deepened, and the backlog of negative energy and those terrible thoughts finally began to sprout, and the waves and surges of power in my body made me almost unconscious."Hello?" A call in my ear made me suddenly awake. Levier looked at me with a strange look. I looked at him for a while, then got up to escape, but he caught him."What are you doing?" His voice was annoyed. "Sitting here with a dull face, you want to run when you see me?"

"I don't know what to do, Lewell." I closed my eyes and took his hand away from his arm. "Jike's goal this time is no longer a coordinate. His goal is now me, accurate It’s a demon. I don’t want you to die for me, but I don’t know what to do now."

"If you dare to give your life to him, I will kill all people involved in these things, including Allen." Lewell's tone was categorical, threatening with the smell of blood and rust, let I shuddered, "Our entire corps can protect you, everyone can. Haven't I already beaten that disgusting guy to the ground? What are you afraid of? You are absolutely not to me, to humans. There is a magic weapon that can be summed up, so don’t give me my thoughts or pretend to die, or I’ll cut your head off now.”

"Then what am I?" I was a little lost when I was scolded, and Lewell paused, "Light."

"Light?" I murmured and repeated. The sunlight at this moment was so dazzling that I couldn't see Lewell's expression clearly, "I am, light?"

"It is the hope of mankind in the future, and the most powerful magic weapon of the Corps," Lewell seriously grabbed my hand and placed it on his chest. "It is my light."

When I heard the last half of the sentence, I trembled, and tears filled my eyes.I am obviously an unbearable existence, how come I have become light..."Come with me to the cemetery." I picked up Levere and left, ignoring his struggle and dragging him to Kenny's tombstone. I reached out and touched the dried rose on the ground, then grabbed Levi's hand.A beam of light converged on my fingertips, and Kenny appeared in my determined gaze and Lewell's surprised eyes."You brought our little dwarf?" Kenny leaned on the tombstone with the same uncomfortable smile on his face. Lewell staggered back two steps, "Kay, Kenny?"

"Yeah." Kenny nodded, "Your little girl can connect the passage between life and death, because the devil is the guide of death, isn't it surprised?"

"Kenny, I have something to tell you." I told what the giant ape had said to me, and Kenny pondered for a moment. "I have the same idea as Lewell. You must not die unless it is a last resort. I also naively thought that if I could strip away the demons and the Immaculate Giants and sacrifice them to Jick Jaeger and the Eldilia, human beings would be safe, but now it seems I am thinking too good. Take advantage of your time, take advantage of this strength, and protect humans and those you cherish." Kenny bent down, her transparent fingers pinched my nose, "I know the ringtone is not small Cry the bag, and you don’t want them to become like me in the end, do you?" Chinese

"Ah, yes." I wiped my tears, and then turned to look at Lewell. "Time is limited. Do you want to talk to him?"

"I have nothing to say with him." Lewell turned his head bitterly. If he ignores the different sentiment in his eyes, he looks like an awkward child.I sighed and looked back at Kenny. Kenny waved his hand indifferently, "I can rest assured that this kid is safe and sound. Go back soon."

"Okay, goodbye." I just wanted to let go of Liwell's hand to close the passage, when Liwell suddenly raised his head and took a step forward, "Hey, listen up, I don't hate you, do you hear?"

Keni seemed to be stunned. He showed a rare look of stunned horror. After a long time, he suddenly laughed and laughed very relieved. "Okay, don't be like the little girl. I'm getting goose bumps." I smiled lightly, as if something important was resolved, I waved solemnly at Kenny, Kenny’s shadow faded, and Lewell looked at Kenny’s twinkling soul and murmured "Uncle "I caught the tears of Kenny before he disappeared.Levy stood in front of the tombstone for a long time, holding my hand tightly, which was cold and sweaty, and even trembling.His bangs covered half of his face, and his lips were pressed tightly, making me unable to read emotions.A raindrop fell on my face, and even though it was the same downpour of the year, I hurriedly pulled Lewell, "It's raining, let's go." Lewell stood still, letting it rain. Drenched his whole body, his head lowered, as if hiding something.I spread my wings to cover his head, almost trying my best to open the passage as far as possible, squeezing Levi's hand, I reminded him to look up.Lewell slowly raised his head, and in front of him stood Isabel, Fran and Adelina."Big brother, let's come to see you!" Isabel happily circled in the rain, "Don't be afraid, we've been there! Big brother has always been so great, surely he will be saved?"

"Yes," Fran answered with a smile, "Oh, by the way, the three of us never want to see you in the same space. Forever, have you heard?" He said, handing me a look, I He nodded his head knowingly, "Okay."

"Lingyin, just try your best, don't force it." Adelina came over and patted my shoulder, I was surprised to feel the real touch on my body, and met her smiling eyes, "I'm waiting. You are different from them."

"Hey, Adelina is different from what I said..."

"You guys." Lewell finally spit out two syllables. His face was wet. He didn't know if it was rain or tears, and his voice was choked slightly. I ran away by myself, and now I can still laugh so stupidly..."

"Oh, brother, we are cheering you up!"

"Levell is forbidden to cry, isn't the little bell sound still there?"

"Protect the ringtone," Adelina interjected. She pinched Levi's chin up and stared at his eyes. "If something happens to her, I will appear like this. In front of you, then take you away directly."

"Cut." Lewell turned his head and broke away the hand. "You don't need to say more, you kid."

"Then let's go, take care." Adelina retreated to Isabel, holding her arm and smiled at me, and I withdrew the strength in my heart.Levier stared blankly at the place where the three of them stood just now, and I gently wrapped my wings around him, "Be good, you know, everyone here is with you."

"Thank you." Lewell leaned on my body like losing strength. I stagnated and hugged him reflexively. This rock-solid man finally shed tears. Tears mixed with rain and vented. With his heart full of pain.The rain is pouring, washing this devastated world, it seems to want to wash away those cruel things and leave good hope.But this world is Pandora's box, hope is a piece of pure land buried in the depths, leaving behind those flying demons and catastrophes.

This world is really too sad.

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