You can search for "The Cruel Good Search Novels of Attacking Giants (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Hey, Irvine, you see..." When Lewell pushed the door open and his eyes fell on me, the annoyed voice stopped abruptly, and I stared at the door with a coat wrapped in a stunned look. Leewell, "Huh? What's wrong?"

"It's okay, you have disappeared for several hours." Lewell sucked his nose, and I couldn't help but laugh like that, and the other party's face immediately became more than half dark."I'm sorry I was wrong!" I hurriedly covered my mouth, Lewell sneered, and then sat on the sofa, raising his legs drastically.Irwin curled up the corners of his mouth, "Can you sing?"

"Yes...Huh?" I suddenly reacted after answering without thinking, "Sing, sing?"

"Isn't the ringtone going to have a celebration banquet? Singing must be a must?" Irvine got up and walked to the sofa, sat down next to Levi, "Does Levi sing?"

"I haven't sung it." It was still a nasal answer, and there was a full low pressure. "But I've heard this kid singing, it's not bad."

"Oh?" Irwin turned his gaze to me, and that eye was full of words "I want to hear too".I scratched my cheek in embarrassment, "This, what should I sing?"

"What song do you have in your world?" Irvine asked me enthusiastically. I recalled the last song I sang before crossing, which seemed to be the Japanese song that was sung to Lewell.No, no, change to another one, this one is too sweet, I can’t sing it in front of Irvine’s upright face.Ah what else is there..."Ah, there is a song called days and moons." This is a melancholic song, but the melody is quiet and beautiful, maybe it's more suitable for now?

"Sun Moon?" Irwin translated the title of the song, and then looked back at Lewell. My eyes widened. "Could it be that Lewell doesn't know English?" Many wanted orders and documents from the royal family were It's a text that is unique to this world and English. I was surprised when I first saw it, because logically speaking, this era should be Latin, and English hasn't been born yet. It seems I was wrong.

"I don't know, how is it?" Lewell looked at me and raised my eyebrows, and I curled my neck. "It's okay!"

"Hurry up and sing!"

OK, OK...I cleared my throat, recalled the melody, and spoke carefully:

"Someone waits for you

Among the blossoms and the flowers

He will find you


Saw you today

But then you ran away

Into the blue"

I sang a short section timidly, and then looked up to observe the reactions of Irvin and Lewell. Irvin did not hesitate to give his approval, "Ring is true for everything."

"Are you thinking about translating." Lewell didn't seem to want to let me laugh at him for being illiterate. I was taken aback, "You, you can just listen to the melody!"

"Then where did you learn English? He didn't know every word when he came."

"In my world, English is the lingua franca. In addition to that, I taught myself Japanese, which is the language I sang to you at the time." I explained. Elvin laughed, and I took the opportunity to booze. "You guys sing too, I want to listen to, listen to, listen!"

"I can only sing some folk songs." Irvine cleared his throat, then hummed a ballad I hadn't heard before in a deep voice. His voice was very stable. Although not very good, I was the first I heard the serious head singing, but it was also quite amazing.After the song was over, I hurriedly applauded, and Lewell was still not salty or indifferent. It was not until Irwin and I focused on him that he turned his head like a dream, "I don’t want to Do this kind of boring thing."

"Lewell~~" I ran over and took his hand in small steps, "Please!"

"We have worked together for so many years, and I haven't heard you speak up yet." Erwin echoed, "Petra in your class sings very well. You can't lose to your subordinates, right?" Wonderful book

"Don't take such silly things..."

"If you sing, I will grant you a portion of the funds to buy Mary black tea, how about it?" Irvine made no hurriedly and successfully choked on Levi, who loves black tea more than me.For a long time, Levi’s brows tightened and began to sing a slow-paced song. I have also heard Keni sing, but one thing is completely different. Keni’s bohemian singing voices are all in tune, and Livi Er is obviously a big sound idiot, and even the lyrics of the scornful are prefixed with honorifics."Eh?" I covered my mouth and held back a smile. Irvine gave me a look, and I took the next sentence with my heart. Lewell turned my head in surprise, and I smiled, "I've heard it too. "

"I don't know if you realized that you are completely out of tune." Irvine must be holding back a smile, his voice was a little trembling, and I couldn't help but started to laugh and laugh, Lewell sneered in my ear There was a sound, and then a fist hit my shoulder, I covered my face with my hand, "No, I'm sorry..." It turns out this guy is sound crazy!Obviously the sound is so good, the result is that the talent for music and the talent for crusade are completely inversely compared!

"Hey, did you two bastards laugh enough! I'm still sick!"

"Sorry, I won't dare next time!"


"And next time?"

"Head, look at him!"


In the wee hours of the morning, I sneaked to the cemetery and looked at the tombstone in front of me. I held my breath and held my breath. A force burst along my fingertips. My body suddenly lightened. The scene in front of me seemed to be fogged. I opened my arms. Whispering the names of everyone here, shadows flashed out and appeared in front of me.This is the first time that I have seriously felt this feeling of calling for the dead. Looking at the few people walking towards me laughing and playing, the moment I smiled, I burst into tears, "I miss you so much."

"It took a lot of effort now, little girl?" Keni stood in front of the group of people like a leader, and smiled with his waist, I nodded slightly, "Yeah, it feels really amazing."

"What's the reason for calling us all at this time?" Oluo said, "If you just want to disturb us... Puff!" Very good, even if you die, the tongue bite problem can't be corrected. Drop.

"That's it. I want to hold a celebration banquet in the corps. I asked you to come here to dance with me. I will teach you." I explained, looking at these former partners, "It is also Give a gift to those who have survived. The current situation is not optimistic. Everyone is a little discouraged. I am thinking that if they can see you, they might be a little bit energetic."

"But if you want to see us, you have to have physical contact with you, otherwise it won't be possible." Adelina frowned, "And can you hold it?"

"No problem, don't worry." I patted my chest, "May I ask you all?"

"Of course it's okay." Kenny smiled and nodded. He looked back at the former Levierban member, Francis Isabel and Adelina, who was holding my arm by my side, "Are you okay? "

"Little Lingyin's busyness, I will naturally not refuse." Fran agreed first, and Isabel said cheerfully, "Yeah, yeah, I can still see Big Brother!"

"Thank you." I smiled and wiped my tears. "I will write the song as soon as possible during this time. How about we line up first?"


When I arranged the positions of these souls, the sky was already white, and I was suddenly exhausted.Adelina saw my discomfort, and she terminated the rehearsal. "She is tired and needs a rest. Let's do this today." She walked over and whispered, "There is a way, you can go to Han Ji's laboratory. Steal a bit of the giant’s spinal cord and light it into a candle, so that they can see us, and at the same time you have to work hard to maintain the power of the devil."

"Really?" I was stunned, and then jumped up relaxedly, "You really helped me a lot!"

Watching them disappear into the morning light, I ran back quickly, lest Liwell found out that I hadn't returned all night.I tiptoedly pushed the door and entered the room. I took off my clothes and got into the bed. It seemed that I was disturbed. Levier turned over and faced me. I touched his forehead. It seemed to be better, but also less. One thing.The other party opened his eyes when he felt my touch, blinked with water vapor, and I smiled, "Wake up?"

"Well, let's go to the city to buy hair dye today." He covered his mouth and yawned, then reached out and rubbed my hair.

"Well, good."

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