The cruel beauty of the attacking giant

The Joy of Life and Death (Part 2)

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"That's a relief, right." I shook my head and said that I didn't care. Compared with Uli, this powerful person, I care more about the remaining souls of these people.

"In fact, we have been hovering on a certain edge. When the time is right, we disappear completely, and you can't see us." Adelina explained, "Ah, of course, unless you die, but the soul after you die I should stay at this node for a long time too, so remember to look more at Levier~" Adelina teased and patted me on the shoulder, a chill rose along the place she touched, and I shivered. After realizing this was a bad joke, I looked back at her and said, "Don't make trouble."

"Oh, by the way, if you want to stay in this world for a while, make your bones into a ring and let people in this world wear it, and your soul will be forced to stay because of your incomplete body." Adelina poked my back again, and now I felt that the chill was not her fingers, but her words."Okay, it's scary!" I frowned, "Are you trying to borrow a corpse to resurrect?"

"Hahaha, it doesn't count, I think you are very sticky with Liwill!"

"I didn't, step back!"

The evening arrived soon. I rarely changed into a light personal suit. Then I turned to look at Levi, who was in a suit. I couldn't help but twitched my mouth. "Let me borrow some coat for you. You wear it like a master of ceremonies. "Leville, who was in a straight suit and wearing a scarf, unnaturally tugged at the corners of his clothes, and then gave me a look of "you control a lot". I smiled disapprovingly and ran to knock on Han Ji. Door, "Can I borrow one of your coats?"

"Oh?" Han Ji helped his glasses, "I guess it must be because that guy Levi is wearing a suit again, right?"

"Sure enough to understand me." I affirmed without hesitation, and the other party pulled out a very casual shirt jacket from the closet, "Here."

"Thank you!"

In this way, Lewell went to the meeting room with me wearing Han Ji's coat with a sullen anger. There were already some people in the meeting room. Lewell's children had already arrived. Alan was young immediately after seeing me. Running over to greet me, the others seemed to be studying the candle I placed on the table.Elmin is tuning the violin, and Jean and Sasha are at the beat of Petra.Not long after, Irwin and Han Ji also came, and they looked almost the same. Under Irwin’s leadership, the atmosphere group, that is, the children of Lewell Class began to sing and play music happily, while Han Ji did a trick. Took out a few bottles of wine.

"You still have wine?" I was stunned, and Han Ji poured wine for everyone with a smile, "Yes, Heistria gave it to us, I thought it was just right at this time."

I took the cup and took a sip. The taste was unexpectedly good. Adelina, who was still behind me, couldn’t help but laugh. I secretly glanced at her and smiled, shaking the cup to make a mouth shape "You can’t drink", Ed. Linna's smile froze, and it was good that I got back a round.After the third wine tour, Petra ran up to the stage, "Today we are going to bring you some performances!"

"Oh, yes!" The children in the audience cheered and pushed the shy Elmin and Jean up. I looked at each other with Han Ji who knew the inside story. She smiled and touched me. Cups, "show time."

"Right!" I finished drinking the wine in the glass in a few sips, and looked at Lewell with a smile: "Want to see me dancing?" After that, I ran onto the stage without waiting for his answer.Sasha still had a piece of meat in her mouth. She raised the drum stick high, and after three percussions, Petra lightly opened her lips, and the sound of the stream softly spread over the entire meeting room with the loudspeaker. Dancing to the music, his eyes touched Lewell, his eyes seemed to light up.And Han Ji was holding his hand next to him, his scorching eyes seemed to be waiting for the next most incredible scene.The chorus is almost here. I turned around and shook my finger at Han Ji. Han Ji ran to light the candles. At the moment when the last candle on the table was lit, I concentrated, and the wings on my back huffed like flowers. Generally blooming, Adelina's figure suddenly appeared beside me, and the whole conference room suddenly became quiet, terribly quiet, Adelina laughed, she turned her head, "Hey, you can come over!" In the cemetery Those beautiful undeads of ‘’’s came to the stage one after another, Petra grabbed my hand, Oluo came out in due course, “Oh, Petra, long time no see, or wait for me to finish this song , Just go get married?"

I turned my head and motioned for several people on the stage to continue performing. It took a long time for Sasha to react from the shock, and she rushed: "Come on! Three! Two! One!" The music rang again, accompanied by Patt. With the choking song, the undead danced one after another. At the moment when the music ended, they saluted the chief officers off the stage, "I will give you a heart!" The candle fire flickered like stars, and I heard the depressed sobs "Hey, I said?" The old guy Kenny finally showed up, and he walked over to Lewell, "Come, come and sing with me, come."

"Sing?" Levier seemed to realize something, his brows immediately frowned, Keni's voice was low, humming this ballad I've heard many times, Levier stared at the ballad in front of him. Keni, it seemed that he couldn't tell whether it was the soul or himself. He almost subconsciously wanted to touch Keni, but his hand passed through his body.Looking at the stunned hand, I walked quickly over, grabbed it, and placed it on Keni's chest.The touch was very real, Lewell shook a bit, Kenny was still singing, glanced at me, and I responded with a big smile.In the distance, the members of the former Levier class surrounded them one after another. Levier stared at them in a daze. For a long time Genta smiled, "Soldier, we are relieved to see that you are fine."

"Yes," Oluo echoed. He finally imitated Livier's polite but fierce way of speaking to his face: "Please take care of Petra for me. I will talk to her in the future. married!"

"What!" Petra shouted, "Pay attention to your image, and if you are still imitating the captain, it really doesn't look like it at all!"

"Ring tone." Elder looked at me, tilted his head and smiled at me, "Thank you, from before to now, you gave me a lot of encouragement and help as the chief soldier."

"Ah, to be honest, I missed that time." I sighed, "Alex, when Catherine was there. But I couldn't bring them all."

"Hey! Brother!" Isabel dragged and dragged Fran over again. Lewell looked at the heartless red-haired girl who was still smiling in front of him, stretched out his hand in a gesture of touching his head, Isabel smiled A stiff, "Big brother, I miss you so much, but, but you can't touch me..."

"Little girl, who said that?" Kenny smiled. I grabbed Lewell's hand and placed it on Isabel's head. The girl's cat-like eyes lit up, and then I took on the misty water vapor, "Big brother, Listen carefully, and you are all fine!" She raised her voice, "I will never want to see any of you, and I will never want to see any of you from today onwards. Let me live well!"

"Especially Big Brother still has a ringtone." Fran calmly calmed Isabel, "Lewell, don't blame yourself, these are our choices, not your fault, and we don't regret it."

"Yeah, we have given our hearts to you too!"

"I don't need anyone's heart." Lewell retorted indifferently, "Healed the heart by himself, don't be foolish to believe in someone in that world, you know?"


"Alright, alright!" I smiled and waved, "Today is a bloody carnival night, don't stand here and chat, go dance and drink!"

In the banquet hall, people who broke through life and death gathered together to sing and dance. Keni grabbed the megaphone and sang some songs that I hadn't heard before. Irwin and Genta had a very happy chat, while Han Ji surrounded Liwei. They kept turning around, asking about the underground street, oh of course, and mine.Adelina stood quietly beside me, I smiled and looked at her, "How?"

"You really have grown a lot." She smiled softly, "Unlike them, we will meet again soon. Of course, I also hope that you will consider the suggestions I made before. After all, I don't want Levi The guy is too lonely."

"I don't want it either." I looked at Livier, who was so blackened by Han Ji in the crowd, with a regretful smile, Adelina said, "When I was in the underground street, I looked exactly like you. When teaching him to dance, he didn’t seem to be able to distinguish between the two of us. The look in my eyes was surprisingly gentle. I think from that time on, you are like Levi’s life-saving straw. Let this guy show this. I’m afraid you’re the only one who looks at him, so I think, no matter what way you accompany him, it’s better for him than if you just leave, right?"

I was stunned, and nodded for a long time, "Yes."

The candles were about to burn out, and I and everyone sent the undead to the cemetery.Seeing them saluting the moment the candle went out, I raised my head and closed my eyes.When they broke apart again, Isabel and Fran rushed over and hugged me tightly, "Thank you, Xiao Lingyin." Fran's hand gently brushed my cheek, and everything disappeared.I also knelt on the ground almost as if I was relieved, sleepiness struck, and I saw all my friends appear in a trance. Alex and Catherine stood together, smiled briefly at me, and my consciousness disappeared.

This time it burned almost half of my giant's power. I don't know if I will continue to grow old after this, but I not only regret it, I am even extremely proud.Looking at the smiling faces of those friends again, and the happy appearance of the existing people in the Corps, I knew that I made this decision.I am a dying person. This is the greatest gift I leave to the people I love in this world.

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