The cruel beauty of the attacking giant

Black tea and coffee contest

You can search for "The Cruel Good Search Novels of Attacking Giants (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!I am a coffee drinker, especially black coffee without sugar or milk. The light aroma contains a strong bitterness, a bit like the taste of life.But I have always been accustomed to drinking black tea, which Leewell has always been fond of, so I always ask the logistics department of the Corps to ask for an extra pot of coffee, and then deliver the black tea they send to Leewell as usual.

"What's so good about this bitter thing?" Lewell used his unique method of holding the cup to hold the porcelain-white tea cup in his hand, sip the crimson liquid inside, sitting on him with narrow eyes. Opposite me, I smiled and didn't stop the action of grinding coffee beans in my hand. As the beans were ground, the smell of coffee gradually filled the small room, mixed with the thick aroma of black tea, which made me feel very comfortable."Am I not used to drinking black tea?" I responded with a smile. I recalled that in the 21st century, when my body seemed to be exuding the aroma of coffee, I was a little sad.Levi said nothing, put down the teacup and pushed the file in front of me. I craned my neck and glanced, "What?"

"The guy Irwin wants to arrange your own class for you. You have to personally choose from this recruit." Lewell held his chin and rubbed the cup with my fingers. I frowned, "Don't. I don't need any class, and now I am also a member of the special combat class." What's more, if this class is established, it will be dissolved soon.

"I don't know what's in his bald head. What class does an instructor want." Lewell agreed with my idea, and I sighed, "I will talk to him tomorrow, if I insist on adding another class, Let Han Ji be the squad leader. I will be responsible for some special operations classes and training the children."


I made myself a cup of coffee. The dark brown liquid reflected on my face, and the familiar smell lingered on the tip of my nose. Lewell reached out and took the cup: "I have a sip."

"Don't you like to drink?" I raised my eyebrows, watching him raise his neck and almost drank half of it in one breath. The other party frowned and swallowed, then blinked at me, "You personally polished it, I To drink."

"Are you acting like a baby with me?"


Really an old man who is not honest.

The next day, in order to express my sincerity, I grind the remaining coffee beans and send them to Irvine.Sitting stiffly in front of him, I rubbed my eyebrows: "Head, I am very grateful for your help, but I really don't need a class."

"I have arranged a class for you to help Lewell's class." Irvin said in a deep voice, "Allen's child is unable to fight for many reasons. Mikasa asked to protect him at all times, so Lewell The combat effectiveness of the squad is undoubtedly greatly reduced. You are the only remaining elites in the investigation corps, and I absolutely cannot let you do anything.

"Hey, it's okay if you have me." I smiled bitterly, and stretched out my hand to throw away the tips of my hair, "I am also a giant, it's okay, my self-healing ability is very strong, and the reaction speed is also very fast. It should be your weapon One to carry out the crusade."

"You are not a weapon, you are a human, and you can't have an accident." Irwin interrupted me, "Especially when you are still in this world, absolutely not. I don't want to see you do it for me or the last time. Anyone's arm has been bitten off."

I was stunned, staring at Irvin's blue eyes, but I couldn't see any emotion after watching for a long time, "Are you feeling sorry for me?"

"You have contributed too much to us." Irwin did not avoid my gaze, "It is painful to bear the injuries and naming for Allen. Others treat you as a monster, but I know, You are just a young child. Don’t force yourself too much. If the chief instructor really doesn’t move, you can tell me that you have to deal with the investigation corps and the training corps by yourself. I did not consider it properly. If you need it, you As the deputy squad leader of the special operations squad, it’s good to fight alongside Lewell."

"Ah, nothing." I laughed, "I'm fine, although I am very busy, but I like it this way," After a pause, I lowered my head, "In this way I will feel that I am still alive. I killed it myself. I can’t define what the existence sitting in front of you at this moment is, but if I can make any contribution to you and the Corps, I will be really happy. I will continue to be the Chief Instructor. You can rest assured that I will stick to this position until the day I die."

"You really don't look like a 23-year-old girl." Irvine smiled, and he glanced at the coffee powder in the jar in front of him, "Thank you for the coffee." The latest novel

"It's okay, let me put this matter on hold for my class. After all, I don't want to see those new recruits lose my officer soon after they join." I got up to salute, and then left his office.

"It doesn't make sense?" Lewell who was waiting for me in the corridor seemed to see my frustration. He leaned against the wall until I walked to him. I shook my head. "I don't know his attitude, but he It seems to want to protect me. What do I need to protect like this..."

"Why don't you need it?" Lewell pinched my nose questioningly, "You are better than me?"

"It depends on when." I was pinched and sore, I shrank my neck, patted his haunting hand, raised my eyebrows towards him, and when I lifted my mouth, I saw his eyes reflected in my eyes. The scarlet flashing by."Go to the training ground and fight with me." Lewell accepted my provocation, and I nodded happily.When he walked to the training ground, he assumed a fighting position, holding a wooden knife in his backhand, "What about the devil? Come out if you dare to face me."

"Then it's not enough for you to hold a wooden knife." I tilted my head and glanced at him, drew out the dagger and threw it over, and the other party steadily caught it. I closed my eyes, and the pictures of the tragic death of those companions flashed by in my mind. In an instant, the demon that was tightly locked in my body broke free from the shackles. This apocalyptic monster that came and went free in my body was already controlled by me as a docile horse. I cheered up and looked at the slightly nervous Lewell , Standing still waiting for him to attack me.Lewell's hand holding the dagger snapped back slightly, and with a flick of his slender arm, the dagger flew over at the fingertips of the electric flint and almost touched the tip of my nose. I turned my head and avoided, between breathing and breathing, Liwei Er Shan came to me, held one of my wings with his left hand, and elbowed my neck with his right hand.After abruptly, I narrowed my eyes, flapped my wings, and while breaking away from the sharp claw, my body lightened. I took advantage of the height to aim at Levi’s shoulder, the wings tightened suddenly, and the body fell straight to attack his. On the shoulders, Levi’s reaction was very fast. My heels rubbed his arm and landed. He stepped back several steps, his body swayed slightly, "Not bad." I didn't speak, and flew over and grabbed it. He, directly picked him up and threw him to the ground. Levell picked up the dagger while dodge. The tip of my nose almost rubbed the tip of my nose. Although I pressed it to the ground, the dagger flashed across my throat. before.The tightly pressed Levier frowned, his wrist was turned, the blade was pressed tightly, I did not escape, let the dagger cut my skin, a drop of red blood flowed out, Levier suddenly I was taken aback for a moment, I raised my mouth, took his dagger while he was lost and threw it out of reach, with the wings on the back taut, maintaining a defensive state.

"Use this method of self-harm to get a chance to win?" Lewell sneered. He pinched my neck with one hand and forced me to lift my head uncontrollably and slipped out from under me. I couldn't help but He hardened his fingers and knocked his hand on my throat. He felt a little painful and relaxed. It also gave me time to break free and adjust my posture.Hid the hardened hand, I took out the tricks Levier had taught me, turned around and kicked his temple. He also swiftly shot his elbow against my ankle, and a pain made me fall. Taking a breath of cold air, he flew up a little distance and used gravity to attack his neck on the same side.My fist almost touched the beautiful collarbone in front of me, and Levier suddenly turned his back unexpectedly and withstood the heavy blow with a relatively less fragile back. He was beaten by me and took a step forward. , Using this force to rush towards the dagger I threw away, and then turned around like a whirlwind, the dagger faced my eyes.I was stunned, and subconsciously turned my head too far, but was sturdily punched in the face by him.

"Hiss!" I took a breath when I was beaten. The momentary tinnitus made me feel lost. The wings behind my back were almost folded forward based on muscle memory, and then unfolded. When I unfolded, I shook something. Shaking his head, he found that his wings had overturned Lewell.He rolled on the ground for half a circle, then stood up sharply, holding a dagger in his backhand and running towards me and then jumped up, the sharp blade rushing to my chest."Clang!" The dagger was pierced impartially on the hardened inch of my skin, and I took a few steps back with lingering fears, "You want to kill me?"

"If you die so easily, I'll go outside the wall and tear the back of the neck with my hands." Leewell forced him over again without any hesitation. I didn't dare to neglect any more, hardened my hands and smashed them directly at his Tian Ling cover. After being blocked by a dagger as expected, I spread out my wings, and the roots of the sharp feathers stood up. As my body rotated, the feathers and blades attacked Levier one at a time, Levier dodged flexibly. It has been rubbed on his body several times, leaving a faint blood mark, and it has not slowed his speed in the slightest.I took the opportunity and tightened my wings abruptly. I grabbed his throat with one hand, and grabbed the wrist on the side of his dagger with the other hand. The left wing stretched out to block behind him, and Levire backed away. No, he couldn't hide, his eyes squeezed around, and after making sure that there was no chance of escape, his tight body gradually relaxed.

"It took me so long to cheat and win?" Lewell's good-looking face showed a mocking look. I let go of my hand like a discouraged ball, and my wings were also drooping down. Strong fights, is the highlight moment of my life to narrowly win, right?"

"Next time I will wear a three-dimensional maneuver." Lewell took out a handkerchief and wiped his hands and blades. I withdrew my strength and moved to his side and looked at him pitifully. "No, I don't want it, don't do it next time, I can't beat you. Eh."

"Aren't you letting the water out?" Lewell squinted at me, "I think you harden very quickly, why is it slow this time?"

"I," I said, "Well, isn't it fair? If I want to harden, I harden my hands, ankles, neck and chest in the first place..."

"Very well, next time I wear the three-dimensional maneuver, these areas of yours will have to be hardened for me, otherwise I will just cut it directly."

"Are you bullying me? Bullying me this girl?"

"Girl? You?"

"Then you admit that you're doing it?" I rolled my eyes and left the other party and went straight away, and he followed me unhurriedly.I moved my pinched wrist and twisted my dislocated neck again. Really, I still don't know how to control my strength.Looking back at the guy whose clothes were torn, I sighed, "Is it hurt?"

"Abrasions are counted in your highlight moments, right?" Lewell added the word highlight, staring at my angered embarrassment playfully, and I yelled, "Give me back and scribble obediently." medicine!"

"Cut, got it."

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