You can search for "The Cruel Good Search Novels of Attacking Giants (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!I almost severed all the ligaments of the giant ape, and then I lost my strength and fell straight down.In a trance, I saw my weightless tears gleaming in the air, followed by huge explosions and golden lightning.Allen became a giant. He roared and charged at the giants that kept coming, and I was caught by Levi's.Levi’s eyes lost the last remaining fighting spirit and temperature. They were as cold as a glacier, giant’s blood, his own blood and my blood. He was covered all over his head, and he placed me firmly. On the ground, I turned to look at Ellen over there, eh?Elmin is standing on his shoulders?"Um, Elmin is here..."

"I saw it." Lewell's voice seemed to tremble. Han Ji in the distance was injured, but still tightly guarding the injection. She directed the soldiers to put Irvine on the wooden cart and quickly escaped. After the battlefield, she joined the battle herself.

"You are not bad." The voice of the giant ape came from behind, and I turned around and glared at this guy who almost ruined my life. Levier rushed up without any hesitation, like the last time. He dug out Jike from the back of his neck like a corpse.He threw Jike in front of me, and I drew the blade into his chest and squatted down.I didn’t see any drop of blood coming out. Jike looked at me steadily. I was shocked, and turned my head subconsciously. With a wave of the other hand, another knife plunged into his throat, and finally took out a dagger. Nailed to the top of his head.Jike closed his mouth and closed his eyes, but I still didn't notice any breath of death.I stared at the monster that seemed to be nailed to the ground by me in confusion, for a while, I didn't know whether to make up the knife or what."How could it be, how could it be alive..." I murmured and repeated, and Han Ji rushed over, her only eyes filled with anger, and she stabbed it up."He, can't die, obviously I have destroyed my spine, heart and brain." I said, my voice was hoarse, and Han Ji was stunned. I wanted to say something, but the power of the giant burned me like fire. The heart blocked me directly.I covered my head and knelt down, Han Ji supported me subconsciously and called my name, but the voice seemed to be far away, and I couldn't hear it clearly, and I didn't know how to answer.The voice in my ears became clearer and clearer, but it was not Han Ji or anyone else who responded to me. It was a giant voice and a strong smell of blood. I turned my head hard and saw the super giant transformed by Bertot.

"Damn it." When the hot wave hit, I hugged Han Ji next to me and blocked the terrifying heat with my body. Through her eyes, I saw the skin on my face burned a little bit and then peeled off. The pain caused me to close my eyes tightly and lower my head, almost buried in Han Ji's shoulder.After the heat wave passed, Han Ji turned over and got up. I fell on the ground and panted, my body was wrapped in steam. Han Ji held me who was unable to resist, with despair in his eyes."Now, I'm sorry." The eyes were so dry that I couldn't cry at all, and despair blocked my tear ducts like a plug. Levière fell by my side, followed by Petra and Jean and Connie.Lewell took off his cloak and put it on me, while Petra grabbed my hand and said, "I am there."

"Everyone, now, go and protect Elmin." I said with difficulty, "Ermin is on Ellen's shoulders. Go and protect him!"

"The trouble is dead." Leewell rushed over immediately, and Han Ji and Petra accompanied me where they were.The huge one blocked the sun, and the huge shadow was like the shadow of Satan, covering all hope."Will we just die like this?"

"Absolutely not, no..." Petra's voice suddenly lowered, and her tears slid down her dirty face, "What should I do, how could this be, Commander Irwin. ..." Wushen e-book

"The injection is still there, it's okay." Han Ji tried to pretend to be relaxed, her hand on my shoulder trembling violently, "It will be fine, it will be okay." Everything in front of me was covered. Turning out of gray, it stings vision and numbs smell like ashes raised.The only thing that really exists is the pain in every wound on my body, so that I can climb the cliff on the edge of disappearing consciousness and not fall.Bertot in the distance had the upper hand completely. He was really too huge. No one could be his opponent. Allen was quickly burned by the high temperature and there was no flesh left. His body was difficult to get from the back of the giant's neck. Climbed out, and then yelled Elmin heartbreakingly.My pupils shrank, and tremblingly stretched out my fingers to Ellen: "Elmin, he is calling Elmin, is something wrong?"

The two people beside me were silent, and I struggled to stand up, "Let’s go!" I gritted my teeth and ran in the direction of Elmin and the others. The sight in front of me almost made me back, and Elmin was almost scorched. Now, lying on the ground with a weak breath, Mikasa and Allen knelt beside him and shouted desperately, while the super giant slowly squatted down. At the critical moment, Allen could not use the power of coordinates. Fists in vain, tears, unwillingness and grief gathered on this young face, I stood in front of him, "Come on me, I am also your target, am I not?" Close your eyes, the super giant The temperature of the palm of my hand suddenly reached the front of my face, I was violently concentrating, a bunch of golden lightning burst open at my fingertips, and the red crystal quickly turned into a sharp blade. I jumped up and cut off its fingers with my strength, and then fired a steel cable Pulling closer, cut the ligament in his arm.The super giant didn't seem to expect that I still had the strength to resist, and seemed to be afraid of my ability, he shifted his target and started attacking me.I didn't save gas anymore, and flew towards the distance quickly, absolutely not letting the heat hurt Livier!One second before the gas ran out, I couldn't make any giant movements anymore. No matter how hard I tried, my strong sense of exhaustion told me that I was just an ordinary person now.I fell to the ground and rolled around in embarrassment. The bones on my shoulders creaked. With the pain that almost numbs me, I knelt on the ground, "Hey, Bertot..." murmured. Looking at the name of the killing god in front of me, I closed my eyes, and when he was caught, I looked up helplessly, but the expected death did not come. Instead, there was a giant voice behind it.I was so scared that I immediately became energetic and looked back desperately. A thin, blond giant came out of the golden light. I was stunned, and I understood everything for a while.

"Elmin..." The giant turned into a giant.After all, Han Ji gave the injection to Ermin instead of Irwin. This was completely unexpected and almost destroyed the last trace of my calmness and reason.We have lost Irvine forever, I have lost Irvine forever, and I have lost the former investigative corps.I covered my head and screamed heartbreakingly, and the giant giant who was holding me seemed to pause because of my screaming, and I bit into my hand fiercely, just like Alan did. , The moment of pain brought about the rebirth of the wings on the back. The flesh and blood grew along the skeleton and wrapped. I spread my wings and tried my best to prop up this hand and picked up the broken knife on the ground. Playfully rushed towards the back of Bertot's neck."Go to die, go to die, die to me!" I scratched the skin like a vent, until Bertot himself revealed, I grabbed him by the shoulder and pulled him out abruptly. He seemed to be still there. In a sluggish state, I threw him down and watched his mutilated body slam on the roof.And Elmin did something I couldn’t believe. He walked over, grabbed Bertot and stuffed it into his mouth. When chewing, blood flowed down the corner of his mouth. I watched him swallow in horror. Go down to Bertot, then walk towards me.

"Ermin! It's me, it's me!" I backed in panic, "You wake up, it's me! Elmin!" But Elmin didn't seem to hear, he slowly stretched out his hand towards me. I didn't want to hurt this child, and with a flap of my wings, I withdrew so far, while Elmin continued to walk towards me dumbly.Lewell rushed over at the right time and dug out Elmin's body with a single knife. At the same time, Mikasa and Allen arrived.Lewell threw the drowsy Elmin at them without saying a word, and left without looking back.The wings gradually vaporized behind my back. I ran out the last bit of strength, and subconsciously lifted up a strand of hair. The snow white between the hairs was suddenly exposed in front of my eyes. I sneered, forget it, dyeing hair is really not a long-term solution. .

"Small sound." Han Ji's voice sounded from behind, and I turned my head back, tears came down, "Why not give Irvine, why!" It was such a hysterical cry, but the sound was like a trapped animal. Han Ji lowered his head and said, "It’s Levi. When Mikasa and Levi were vying for the injection, Irvine was actually awake. He seemed to have heard something. Then he refused the injection, and he The appearance of death is as peaceful as asleep."

I was silent, and my heart turned overwhelming, painful, turning my head and looking at Elmin who was sober, all three of them came towards me.I don’t know why. I raised the half-cut knife in my hand and looked directly at Elmin, "Stay away from me." The child’s eyes reflected guilt and confusion. I stared at him, every word. Pause, "Even if it wasn't your fault, I won't forgive you." I held up my body with difficulty, and slowly left step by step. I didn't know how to face the three children behind me, nor what to use. The expression said to them "It's okay", let alone feel that all this is arranged or Irvin's wishes.

I will not, absolutely not.

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