The cruel beauty of the attacking giant

Ringtones Crossing (Tokyo Ghoul)

You can search for "The Cruel Good Search Novels of Attacking Giants (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"So what?" Lingyin looked at the little golden wood angel in front of him with a collapsed face, "This is...Tokyo?"

"What do you mean?" The little angel shook his handsome white hair. "You are a human being, and you are so innocent. Be careful of those people, understand?"

"I am... a human being? Okay." Lingyin curled her lips, believe it or not, I'll show you.

"Be careful! They are here!" Before his mind turned around, Jin Muyan suddenly pushed the ring tone aside strongly. The scream was covered by the sound of the cracking floor. From the gap, the ring tone was clearly seen, that was the tail. He.

"Take care of yourself!" Jin Mu's eyes slowly opened, and the bright red tail stretched out from behind,' "Today is our Ghoul's battle!"

"Hey, wait for me!" When Lingyin saw that he was about to leave himself behind, she yelled, "Hey, wait for me, I can help! Hey!" The two wings and crystallization ability behind her dare to be Are you fooling people?

However, our little golden wood angel did not hear. He had already started to fight with a whore species. Lingyin tried her best to push away the broken wall that blocked her, and walked out from the corner, "I want to fight..." She took a deep breath, and the strength in her body began to overwhelm, causing the temperature of the surrounding environment to rise. Jin Muyan turned her head in horror, "What are you doing!"

"Nonsense, come and help you!" The blood-red wings were already spread out, and the crystals turned into sharp blades at the fingertips, "Let's stop talking nonsense, since Jin Muyan saved me, I will help him drive you strange guys away. Get out!"

"The tone is not small!" A Ghoul leaped towards Lingyin, his movements were much slower than the speed and relative speed of the three-dimensional maneuvering movement. Lingyin sneered and raised his arm, and the crystal suddenly stretched out. Lifting Lin Hyuk up and slashing towards her, "Succumbed to death..."


"Well, die." Lingyin shook off the unlucky ghost whose head was pierced on the crystal. "It's a pity for your beautiful mask."

"Who are you?" Jin Muyan roared while fighting. Perhaps in his eyes, the crystal of Lingyin is Linhe, but how can Linhe stretch and contract at will, and there is a Yuhe behind him? What the hell!?

"Are you stupid!" Lingyin's eyes were sharp, and her wings flew away, trying to attack Jin Muyan from behind. "You must concentrate or die on the battlefield, understand!" This sentence was taught to her by Lewell, now she is She was used to the chief instructor even if she came to the world of Ghoul, she would not forget to curse.

"Enough to know!" Jin Muyan was afraid of her. What exactly is the origin of this girl, she suddenly appeared in the middle of the road. If she hadn't swept her away with the tail, she would have been killed, but if it weren't for her , Today this war will not happen.

"Damn..." After cutting a ghoul in the middle, Jin Muyan looked back at Lingyin, spread his wings and hung in the air. The crystal red scales in his hand hit her like a retractable blade. Will be blocked by the hard skin, and then the attacker's neck is severed.A pile of corpses was already lying beside her, and she was also powerful.

It feels much more convenient to kill Ghoul than to kill giants.Lingyin kicked a ghoul, showing a bloodthirsty smile after the killing, but was restrained in the next second.

"Fuck! Dirty guy!" reflexively cursed, the bell sound struggling with all its strength, the grip of her right hand became loose, she immediately adjusted her posture and elbowed backwards, the other party snorted, but the grip did not loosen, the bell sound gritted her teeth. The wings suddenly unfolded, and with the scream from behind, the ringing sound flew directly into the sky, "I don't believe this guy can't go down!"

"No!" Jin Muyan's voice suddenly came, and the ringtone was taken aback, "Huh?" Haha Literature Website

"She is Dong Xiang, my friend!"

"Fuck..." There are three black lines hanging down from the forehead of the ring tone, woc you said earlier!

"Hello? All right?" Lingyin looked back tentatively, and the girl with short purple hair actually had a pair...No, it's a half-winged, staring at her with a kind of cannibalistic eyes, and her two bright red eyes also told her that this beautiful girl is a Ghoul, unlike Jinmu, she has two Her eyes.

"I'm sorry... and I'm not an enemy!" After landing, Dong Xiang let go, Lingyin smiled apologetically, Dong Xiang gave her a fierce look, and immediately put on a fighting posture, facing those wearing robes Strange Ghoul with a red mask.


The Ghoul on the opposite side rushed up and made a terrifying cry. Dong Xiang rushed up first. With a split on his long leg, a Ghoul fell down. Lingyin secretly admired "It's amazing" and immediately joined the battle.I have to say that the killings between the Ghoul species are more bloody than our investigations outside the wall.After a while, Ling Yin's body was all splattered with blood that would not evaporate. There were other ghouls, and of course her own.

"Ah!" The sharp Linhe cut open Lingyin's right arm, and Lingyin screamed and immediately retreated. Her right arm lost strength and fell weakly. She decisively spread her wings and flew into the sky, avoiding most of the ghoul species below. , But in the next second, she found that a group of Ghoul with Yuhe also flew to the sky and surrounded her.

"Damn..." Looking at the shocking cracks in her right arm and the curling steam, she made a vain move, and then tried her best to fly upwards. The wide wings provided a powerful advantage and power, and the sound of the ring flew over. Quick, but she knew very well that she would die due to lack of oxygen sooner or later while flying like this.

"Huh... Huh..." Difficult to draw the thin oxygen, the ringtone looked down, and there were two canoes chasing after him."What to do..." The wound on her right arm was still recovering, and she couldn't attack. From this angle, she couldn't grasp that the crystal could kill any of them accurately.

"It's not easy for you to chase here..." With a heartbeat, Lingyin turned to face them, with a cold smile on her face, and the winding red markings made her look terrifying at this time."Would you like to have a two-on-one battle here?"

Ghoul stopped, and the face under the mask showed a slightly surprised expression. What is this girl?

"I'm not a Ghoul," Lingyin deepened a smile, "I am the Lord of Ten Thousand Demons, do you want to try it?"

"Huh!" The ghoul on the left snorted with disdain, and Yuhe suddenly became crystal clear, and countless crystal pendants shot at the bell sound, and even though the crystal penetrated her body and wings, she laughed, yes, The broken body can be unlocked to the greatest extent...


"Hahahaha!" The arrogant laughter pierced the sky, and bright red lightning condensed around the body that the bell sound could no longer be called a body, and converged into a ball. The ghouls were startled, but it was too late to escape. The killing intent lightning rained down, smashing the two ghouls and all the "enemies".

"What!" Jin Mu was also very frightened. He pulled Dong Xiang up and hid in the coffee shop. Hearing the earth-shattering explosion on the roof, Jin Mu couldn't help holding his forehead. What kind of girl did he save? The child is back...

The strength faded, and the ringtone fell straight without struggling. The blow just now consumed almost all of her strength and life. At this time, her heart had fallen asleep.

"Oh, little angel..." said a last smile, "have I paid off this kindness..."

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