You can search for "The Cruel Good Search Novels of Attacking Giants (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Come, come, let Lime have a serious character analysis, and the prom stalk in front will wait for it. Hahaha...

This time, Li Lime would like to have a brief character analysis. I hope that Minasan will be happy to eat. If there is any problem with it, Minasan will point out that Li Lime will humbly accept the drops~

The first one, of course, starts with the little angel. Lime has not seen the original drama and comics completely, so with only a limited amount of knowledge, I personally think that Allen's ending will be better...Na Na Na is relatively good, right?In such a bloody and cruel world, there are two people to accompany, and loyal and long-term company, more important than anything else, fighting alone here, the ending will never see the light.To be honest, with the exception of a few guards from the Investigation Corps, if everyone else leaves the group, they will be as weak as the ants, even members of an elite class like Levi's.So Alan is absolutely fascinated by this, and Mikasa is still so strong.However, the only uncertain factor for the happiness of the ending is the power of giants in Alan. If such powers always exist, humans will not be peaceful, because even if there are no giants outside the wall, there is still a coordinate inside the wall. Do you think the wisdom of power is terrible, besides, will those in the royal family let our little angels go?The dark line of the attacking giant, Alan's power of the giant, isn't it one of the direct causes that led to the chase of the last royal family and Keni?Therefore, Lime hopes that Jianshan Chuang and Brother Chuang can give a way to eliminate the power of the giant. Lime does not need to use all kinds of brainstorming and finally lost the life of sister Adelina [cry blind]

Opposite Allen, the one alone must be Captain Lewell, right?Now, although I don't want to say that, I think that under such an era, the existence of Lewell is destined to be a tragedy.In fact, Lime didn't want to do this, but ask Minasan, what did the military commander get from the beginning to the end?Allen had a friendship from beginning to end, and he gained the power of a giant and eventually grew. Although not much, at least he gained something quite important, but what about Levi?From the very beginning, I have been losing, losing, losing.From Fran, Isabel, to the destruction of his class, he himself was injured. Here we don’t talk about CP without love, so in the most real case, what did Lewell get?Except for one scar after another, he is slowly losing everything.Maybe Lime's idea is too one-sided, but what Lime said is that it must be an indisputable fact to lose this aspect alone. Leaving aside his rhetoric, what is left of Levier?His strength, to put it bluntly, was obtained by ruining others. While ruining others, he also ruined himself.Tianping Novel Network

Next, our team leader Han Ji, a strange scientist.In fact, Lime feels so sad every time he sees Han Ji. The awkward smile that covers everything inexplicably makes this character full of sad joy.In fact, there is not much to analyze about this character, but one thing, Lime thinks, Han Ji's ending may be the most inhuman...Don't ask me why, in an era when civilization is blocked, hitting the shackles of civilization is a stupid act. Isn't that what Han Ji did?Every day’s heartlessness is just to hide the sorrow in his heart. Han Ji carries the most meaningful wisdom in the world. The same wisdom will eventually lead Han Ji to a path of no return to death. After all, the royal family, they The secret that has been kept for a hundred years cannot be questioned by anyone, let alone collide.

Finally, Lime still wants to talk about our Bellyin sister.Actually, ring tone, don't think about her ending.First, she is the one who has stayed with Liwell for the longest time, and is also Liwell's favorite.Babes who have been in love know that the longer the two people are together, the more similar each other will be. The ring tone is no exception. Levier is as unshakable as the iceberg, but she herself changes more and more. The cowardly girl at first became so strong that she didn't look like a girl, and when she went to the battlefield at the end, she fought like she would never die.It wasn't that she had forgotten that she was still victorious, she just became more and more competitive, hoping to surpass him and protect him.Similarly, Lingyin is also a continuously lost character. She has lost her original life, her friends in this world, and in the end, she lost her personality. Now Lingyin in Lime's pen is an out-and-out madman. , So to speak.Lime has always believed in a sentence that God will bring you to life. It must be a miracle for you. Perhaps this sentence is suitable for Lingyin.God kindly helped her to extend her life, but let her have the cruelest destiny. However, she also created miracles and brought a glimmer of hope to the world.Lingyin is not a savior, not a god, she can't save this world, she can't bring peace to this world, and even in the end, she can't even save her own life, but at least, this world has traces of her left, so.It is enough for the ring tone.

OK analysis is over, Lime really admires her ability to ridicule hahaha

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