You can search for "The Cruel and Beautiful Search Novels of Attacking Giants (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters![This article is inspired by Death by Dawn and the Fifth Personality • Jack of Buddha vs. Survivor of the Skin King]

There seemed to be the sounds of birds and branches breaking in the ears. The pain in the whole body was like a torn wound on the back when a giant turned into a giant. It spread from one point to one, and immediately covered the whole body, bursting every nerve.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!" I screamed and sat up all of a sudden, covering my mouth in the next second.The surrounding environment was very strange. I scanned the surroundings and suddenly found myself as if staying in a dilapidated cathedral. The place where I lay just now was the red carpet.I got up with difficulty, and there was something like a cipher machine in front of me. Sparks were sizzling. The harsh sound and the strange wind in my ears combined into a requiem, which immediately tightened my loose nerves. Stretched up.

"What the hell is this..." I tried to reach out and hit the button of the cipher machine, but the cipher machine suddenly popped out a huge spark, and I almost fell somersault by a scream of electricity.Before I fully recovered, footsteps came from behind me.The sound of footsteps was dull, unlike what a human could make, and my heart started beating wildly, blood poured over my head, and I couldn't help but feel dizzy.

"Damn it, damn it." I shook my head quickly. Where is Levi, where is Petra, where is Han Ji?Why is I alone in this ghost place?I cursed and hid in a corner. Behind me was a window. There was no glass and the window edge was very low. I could turn over at any time.I stared closely at the church door not far away, and finally a red light came in, and a tall and thin monster who looked like the slander man in the movie came in.I stared and held my breath.The monster hummed elegant classical music, had a brisk pace, and wore a black cloak.In stark contrast to his quirky and elegant temperament is the huge steel claw inlaid on his left hand.He bent over and checked the cipher machine I had just touched, and he didn't seem to find anything, so he was about to turn and leave.

Good guy, being beaten up for fear is half his life.Step by step, I walked back with my waist, and then flipped over the window with a light jump.Almost at the same time, I felt a pair of eyes behind me staring at me. I felt cold all over, and suddenly looked back, and found that the monster was chasing up at some point. He stepped over the window in a funny gesture and then strode. The chase came.

Finished, really, finished.I immediately threw my legs and started rushing, rushing into a ruined place all the way.There was a wooden board in front of me. My eyes lit up, and I hid behind the wooden board. The moment the monster came over, I smashed it down.The monster was pained by me, wailed, and shook his head uncontrollably, as terrifying as a big spider.

I quickly turned around and ran away, and rushed straight to the other board to try again.The monster behind it seemed to wave its claws at me.Stupid, I want to hit it...

I felt a sharp pain behind me, and I almost fell down after being pushed forward several steps.The fear and pressure all over my body made me breathless, and my heart beat more and more.I found myself wrapped in a black mist, and behind me was a thick black mist, with countless black hands trying to grab me.

What the hell is this!I staggered and continued to run wildly, but the monster went faster and faster, and even became invisible!

"Don't come here!" I instinctively screamed and speeded up, but I was helplessly injured, and the distance from the monster was getting shorter and shorter.

"Hmm!" I was dragged into a corner and then covered my mouth.Panicked, I found out that it was a girl like a doctor.

The monster passed by us, then stopped not far away and looked at the blood stains I had just left, seeming to be a little confused about where I was going.A cloud of mist condensed on his sharp claws, and the mist turned into a blade, engulfing a strong murderous intent.

I was beaten like this by the fog?I am a little bit dumbfounded.

"Remember next time, look back while running, and you must never run in a straight line." The girl sighed after the monster had gone, "I'll bandage it for you, don't move."

"Oh." I let her take off my coat, "Where is this, anybody else?"

"I don't know," the girl skillfully helped me bandage the wound, "but he has chased me for a round just now, oh by the way, my name is Emily."

"Could it be a giant's new gameplay, right?" I moved my muscles and bones a bit, and felt much better. "He is a strange species with a head of 4 meters and has special skills."

"What giant, this is the regulator." Emily retorted me.

"Did I cross it?" I smiled bitterly, "I don't have any power yet."

Emily obviously felt that I was beaten stupid. She was silent for a moment and got up: "Come on, we have to decipher these cipher machines to open the two doors, and at the same time remember the prompt numbers given by the cipher machines for input The password to open the door."

"How long have you been here." Why are you so skilled?

"Ah, it's been a long time." Emily replied, "Also, if you run through the window, you will be found, and the password machine will explode, so we must be careful."

The two of us came to a cipher machine, and Emily started to crack it proficiently. Suddenly, her voice became louder. She quickly pressed the space bar with eyesight, and with a ding sound, the cipher machine fell silent.

"That's it." I hurried over to help.The yellow progress bar of the cipher machine gradually approached the end, and finally after a click, the cipher machine turned on, and the harsh electric current also disappeared.

"Run." Emily grabbed me and started running wildly. The moment I looked back, I seemed to see the monster rushing towards where we were just now.

It's so dangerous.

The cipher machine in the distance seemed to be shaking, and with the sound of tight breathing, I hid behind the tombstone and looked at it secretly, "Who are you?"

Started by us, the man in military uniform stopped the deciphering hand, "Is this girl new here?"

"Yes." Emily smiled helplessly. "His name is Neb, a mercenary."

"My name is Lingyin." I stiffly introduced myself, and then the three of us began to work together to decode, and the progress bar went very fast this time.

"Bang bang bang..."

The heartbeat suddenly became violent, and Emily was suddenly distracted, and was directly touched by the password.My nervous hands are stiff, and Neb looks around vigilantly and calmly.Finally, the iconic red light of that monster suddenly enveloped us, and I was hit all of a sudden before letting go.

The fear in my heart aggravated suddenly, a bloody smell came out from my throat, and I knelt on the ground without the strength to fight back."Run! Run! Hurry!" Emily seemed to still want to save me, and Nebu sensibly grabbed her and ran away.The monster dragged my ankle and seemed to want to take me somewhere.I struggled, but in the end I was hung on a huge gallows.

"You, what the hell is it?" I tried to endure the pain and asked in horror. The monster's face was covered by the cloak, but I thought he was looking at me.

"Interesting prey." He said suddenly, his low voice made my hair creepy, "Jack, welcome to join my hunt."

"Jack." I repeated it, and he even bowed to me gracefully when he heard me calling him. "May I know the name of the lady?"

This monster is not sick.

"Bang!" The sudden gunshot pulled me back to reality. I raised my head with strong fighting spirit and saw another woman in a military uniform shot Jack and lost his mobility, and then immediately took me from the gallows. Put it down.

"Run to the church, I'll fight you, hurry!"

"Okay!" I knew it was not the time for my mouth to be stiff, I immediately rushed into the church with all my strength, and the woman behind me groaned after being hit. The fog attacked and rushed into the church.

There are many templates in the church. I put the templates down and separated Jack who was catching up.Jack seemed unable to turn over, he stomped the template hard and continued to chase me.His body disappeared bit by bit, and his moving speed suddenly became very fast. I quickly turned the window and ran a few steps with the help of the inertia of the landing, and rushed to another board.Jack seemed to be afraid of being smashed by me. He swung the knife at me across the board. I squeezed the gap between the board and the wall as much as possible to avoid being hit, and then quickly smashed the board down, but did not hit.Love my novel

"Damn it." I cursed and turned around and ran. The time he stepped on the broken plank also made me a distance.At this time, I heard the sound of the cipher machine being lit from a distance.Jack also turned his head in irritation, but he didn't seem to be able to let go of my handy trophy, and continued to chase me.

"What to do, what to do, what to do..." I almost couldn't run, and the fear of physical strength made me panic and rushed into a dead end.The shadow of Jack enveloped me, and I closed my eyes and waited for the fatal blow.

"Forget it." Jack retreated suddenly, he strode and turned away, leaving me squatting on the spot at a loss.

"What do you mean? Hello?" I was stunned, he was playing with me?I limped out of the dead end, and heard his casual voice: "I will catch you last."

There was a cipher machine in front of me, but I didn’t want to just give up the cipher machine that I decoded just now.This time I learnt well, and when the calibration prompt appeared, I paid my attention to it. I didn't explode the machine anymore, and finally decoded the crypto machine independently.I shook my sore hand. As a soldier, I'm better at being chased and beaten, provided that I don't get lost.

Suddenly, Emily's scream came, and then there was the sound of the gallows not far away.

I'm going to save her!I reflexively rushed towards the direction of the sound, only to find that Neb was faster than me. He rushed to the gallows with a staggering ejection, and then quickly hugged Emily down.By the time Jack arrived, it was too late, and the blade of mist was missed.

"You have the ability to chase me!" Naib looked at Jack provocatively, and Jack chased after him without hesitation.I hurried back to chase Emily, but she had already given herself a tranquilizer skillfully.

"I'm a doctor." Emily looked at me with a smile, "Come on, come here, I will bandage you again, you are bleeding."

"Trouble you." I obediently asked Emily to get a needle, and then wrapped the wound on my shoulder with gauze.

"This is the Red Church. It's a hunting place for supervisors like Jack." Emily said while deciphering. "We are survivors. The task is to open five cryptographic machines and escape. Neb is a mercenary with an arm. He wears a spring arm guard, which allows him to pull away at once. I am a doctor and I am good at treating injured survivors. The air force who saved you just now is Marta."

"You guys, why are you here?" I was puzzled, "It's obviously so dangerous."

"Because we committed a sin, we had to sign an agreement with the owner of Oulitis Manor to join this game." Emily smiled bitterly, "I was in an illegal occupation and killed a woman and her child. We were the first to come here, in fact, there are still many people in this manor."

"A lot of people...?" The cipher machine turned on, and Emily and I accelerated to leave.

"How did you get here?" Emily and I began to decipher the last cipher machine, and I was silent for a moment. "I am actually a soldier too, but I don't know how I got here. I woke up anyway. The time is here."

"Did you make any mistakes?" Emily was puzzled, I shook my head, "It seems, no."

"That may be you forgot." Emily completed a perfect calibration. "The people who came here were all to redeem their sins, and these supervisors were persecuted by us and died as undead souls, but some of them A villain who is also inexcusable, such as this Jack, he claims to be a woman killer, who specializes in picking women to kill and exposing the body joints."

"Then who else is the regulator?"

"What I met yesterday was a supervisor named Hongdie. She was originally a dancer, but her lover betrayed her and she was also rejected by the world. So she came here."

"It's pitiful." I sighed. Seeing that the code machine was about to be decoded, Emily asked me to let go.

"Wait for the signal from Marta and Neb. Neb is now injured and will be on when he is far away from Jack." Emily explained, "Each of us will recover when we hear the siren at the gate. When the blood is full, even if it is down, it can be restored to half blood. But at that time Jack could knock us down with a single blow, so you must be careful."

"Oh..." I was listening to the crackling and bubbling sound of the cipher machine in the mist, and finally the sound of Marta falling to the ground came. Emily immediately lit the cipher machine with eyesight and hand, "Quick, go ahead Open the door!"

"Okay, okay!" I immediately rushed to the door on the red carpet and entered the password from memory.But Marta still fell down, and Nab, who was beside me, immediately turned around, "I'll save her, you keep opening the door."

"Will it be okay?" I was a little worried, but Nab smiled, "Don't worry, I still have an armguard, and I can resist two swords, unlike you."

"Two swords?" I was stunned. "Didn't you say that you fell to the ground?"

"I'm a mercenary girl," Neb smiled. "Ah yes, what was your status before this?"

"Actually, I am also a soldier." The door opened, and I smiled, "I am waiting for you here."

"Okay." Nab ran quickly, and I stood hovering in the doorway, Emily also seemed to open the other door, like Marta who was still missing and they sent a signal.

"Hurry up, hurry up..." I looked anxiously at Jack's red light in the distance, the red light getting closer and closer, and finally turned into a bright red flame and came to my side.

"Fuck." I was knocked down by his claw without reacting at all.The pain made me lose my ability to react, but Jack did not drag me roughly, but picked me up gracefully.

"Oh?" I was so scared that I forgot to struggle, "Hey, hey, let me go, let me go!"

"You haven't told me your name, my beautiful lady." Jack asked me faintly with blood red eyes.I was silent for a moment, "Ring tone."

"This is a name worthy of your beauty." Jack didn't put me on the gallows, but took me all the way to an underground exit.

"I lost." Jack said unhurriedly, "This is the cellar, and it's another exit. Get out from here."

"Why let me go?" I wondered, "Isn't it hunting?"

"I'm not interested in prey that has lost the ability to resist." Jack turned around and flicked the mist blade, then stepped on the mist and gradually became invisible.I quickly climbed to the mouth of the cellar and jumped down without hesitation.

"It hurts! It hurts me to death!" Tears almost fell from my ass after a solid fall.Following the dim passage, I came to the ground.A crumbling sign hung at the door of the dilapidated manor in front of me, with the word Olydis on it.

"I still want to return to the Investigation Corps." I mumbled and walked in, but the moment I stepped into the gate, the surrounding environment was shattered by a strong light.Levi's face gradually became clear.

"I can't sleep for this long even on weekends." Lewell threw a ball of clothes on my face, "Get up for morning exercise."

"Oh, oh..." I rubbed my eyes, the environment in front of me was very familiar, it was my own room.

This dream is really good.

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