The cruel beauty of the attacking giant

Blessed Savior and the Tower of LoveAttack on Giant

You can search for "The Cruel and Beautiful Search Novels of Attacking Giants (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Characters: Allen (savior), Mikasa, Elmin, Lewell, Lingyin (white hair), Han Ji, Irvine, Petra, Adelina (black hair), Histley Asia

"Is the world going to be destroyed?" Mikasa looked at the black fog and dark clouds that seemed to have crushed the earth. Elmin beside him silently lowered his head, hands tightly tangled together, and blue eyes were full of horror. A glimmer of expectation: "Well, God will give us a young man with an oracle as usual, and then..."

"Then we will die in his place." Liwell said silently, and the ringtone grabbed his hand when she saw it, and signaled him not to continue talking. Liwell frowned and pulled his hand back. The house fell into the room. There was a short silence, until the door was knocked, Han Ji went to open the door, and the green-eyed boy with a face full of hope and happiness introduced himself proudly: "Hello, I am the boy who was awarded the Messiah by God, I It's Alan Yeager."

"Ah, ah! Ooh! Hello!" Han Ji quickly covered his emotions and pulled Alan in as usual, "I'm glad to see you. If you come, the world will be saved!"

"Yeah, my name is Petra Lar." The girl with short orange hair introduced herself, her smile as warm as the sun was slightly stiff at the moment, and Elvin beside her stood up and faced the man who knew nothing about it. The child stretched out his hand: "Erwin Smith, lucky to meet."

"My name is Cistria Lance." The petite blonde girl smiled like a ray of sunshine. Sitting behind her, the white-haired girl and the black-haired girl looked at each other: "I am Adelina. • Orange, she is Ye Lingyin."

"Wow, are you twins?" Allen curiously looked at the girls who looked exactly the same in front of them, but their hair color looked like bipolar girls. Lingyin smiled, "Are they good friends."

"Eh, so cool!"

"I'm Mikasa Ackerman, and this is Elmin Arnold." Mikasa said with a light smile, and Elmin also ran to hug Allen: "It's nice to meet you!"

"Little devil." Lewell finally couldn't bear the optimism and noise that upset her. He got up suddenly, his narrow and sharp eyes looked directly at Allen whose smile suddenly froze on his face: "Since it's here, Tomorrow, let’s go to the tower and bring those blessings back. We are running out of time, and you are late.” After speaking, he closed the door heavily and left.Allen stared at the silently wailing wooden door: "He... He is, doesn't you like me?"

"Ah, no." Petra shook his head helplessly. "His name is Livier. He has always been this character. Don't care."

"Well, it's okay!" The boy in front of him returned to his previous happy smile. "That's just like Mr. Lewell said, let's set off to the tower to save the world the day after tomorrow!" His smile was like a bright knife, stabbing every One person, Adelina turned her head away, something seemed to be flowing in her eyes. She closed her eyes and silently held Lingyin's hand. Not surprisingly, Lingyin's hand was also trembling slightly. With.

The time of death is approaching.

"Could you please tell me first, what are those blessings?" Allen opened his eyes wide, and looked thirsty at the abrupt and silent people in front of him. He glanced around and fell on Han Ji's face. Ji took out a drawing from the drawer beside the table, "Now, come and sit down."

"Yes!" Allen sat down. He looked at the nine beautiful totems drawn on the paper, and Han Ji pointed to the first blue totem: "This is called a gorgeous ripple. It is the first blessing. Means, yes..."

"What is it?" Alan shook Han Ji eagerly, "Please tell me!"

"Obtain the gorgeous ripples, and all the polluted water sources in the world will become clear again." Han Ji lied and smiled hard, "The following is the Banquet of Flames. If you get it, humans will be renewed. Get the fire, the third level, that is, the third is the blessing of light, which can make this dark world regain light, and the fourth level is the darkness of rest. Have you heard the raging wind outside? These gusts are quiet. This is the blessing of the fifth floor, it is the shaking earth.

"Shaking the earth of...?" Allen was a little confused. Compared with the previous few words that sounded very attractive, the name of this blessing sounded inexplicably scared to him, Adelina answered, "What does this mean? It is to let the soil crack and the plants to regenerate."

"Ah!" Allen nodded earnestly, and then pointed to the thunderous accompaniment and whirlwind dance music and said loudly, "I will guess if this thunderous accompaniment made the dry earth regain the rain, the whirlwind. Dance music is the gods descending to sing and dance?"

"It's the Messiah, everything is right." Irvine smiled and nodded. After watching Allen's triumphant expression, he lowered his head, "I'll tell you this. This is the Silver Garden. The poles have glaciers again."

"The last one is the fetal movement of magma," Lingyin walked over, quietly holding Han Ji's hand, and forced her to open her mouth calmly, "Magma is the hottest substance buried deep underground. With magma, there will be New land."

"I will definitely put these nine blessings in my bag for the sake of this world!" Allen vowed to raise his hand, "Please help me too!"

"Of course," Lingyin nodded, "From now on, we are partners."


"Don't expose anything." In the middle of the night, Lingyin found Liwell who was emptying herself on the lawn. She couldn't help but warn, "You know our mission, so..."

"It's dead." Lewell's voice still had a strong displeasure. He lowered his head and held the corner of the cloak tightly in his hands. The joints were slightly pale, like his face pale in the moonlight."Why must it be nine blessings, why..." He murmured, and the ring tone pursed her mouth in anxiety. For a long time, she said bitterly: "We are just stupid creatures abandoned by this world, God no longer wants to stay. Are you here? They have decided on the new ruler of this world a long time ago. As sacrifices, we are the last existence of mankind, and we can only sacrifice our lives. Those sacrifices before mankind did not come like this. ?"

"Cut, all gods are disgusting executioners." Levell cursed bitterly, and finally gave up and shook his head vigorously. He looked at the flustered white-haired woman in front of him and gently stroked her cheek. : "Go back, let me take a good look at you, and take a good look at everyone."


On the second day, everyone got up early, climbed the high mountain, and came under the black tower."The Tower of Love?" Alan read the stone stele erected at the door, his eyes could not hide the excitement, "We are about to accept God's blessing!"

"Boy, it's you, not us." Lewell walked to Alan. He raised his head and looked at the colorful shimmering lights in the tower windows, his eyes darkened, "Go in."

They quickly reached the first floor, the heavy stone gate was opened, and the totem exuding turquoise brilliance shone on the stone platform as if the crystal sapphire was soaked in spring water, and Alan stretched out his hand excitedly , The moment he touched the totem, a big hand blocked him.

"Huh? Mr. Irwin?" Allen looked up suspiciously, and Irwin paused. The corners of his mouth seemed to be heavy, but he still raised a proud smile, "Hey, good things should be blessed and shared!" After that, he pushed Alan away fiercely and rushed into Shimen, leaving a decisive back.Shimen was closed, Alan sat on the ground blankly, his face full of disbelief, and then slowly turned into anger, he turned his head and pointed at Shimen, "Hey! Look at him, Mr. Irwin!"

"It's okay, there are eight blessings." Han Ji comforted him and stretched out his hand towards him: "Come on."

"Oh..." Allen held Han Ji's hand suspiciously and stood up. "Eh, Miss Han Ji," he squeezed Han Ji's hand. "Your hands are so cold..."

"Ahahahaha, right? I caught a cold yesterday." Han Ji pulled her hand back subconsciously. She quickly led everyone up to the second floor. When the stone gate was opened, the orange light illuminated the entire dim hall."Banquet of Flames!" Fearing that the blessing would be snatched away again, Ellen hurried to the altar, but was still preempted by Han Ji. She swept away the kindness and laughter, and drew the knife she carried and pointed at Ellen. Tip of the nose: "Get out of the way, this is mine." Before Alan said anything, Han Ji jumped into the glory, and Shimen closed.

"Why, why..." Allen almost cried, and he turned angrily to question the silent people behind him, "How can they!"

"This is God's blessing, no one can resist this temptation, right?" Adelina smiled, and she threw away the hand of the ring tone, "the next one is the grace of light, right? Very good, that one is mine. !" She hurried to the fourth floor, the dazzling light before her eyes made her unable to open her eyes.Looking at the gleaming totem through her fingers, Adelina removed all her disguise."Really, boy Mao." She walked over and reached out to touch it, "I might hesitate to look at you again."

Lingyin looked at her empty palm, and she felt a sharp tingling in her heart.She closed her eyes and bit her lip. She looked back at Lewell. Lewell immediately knew what she was doing. Before she could rush over to stop her, Ling Yin had already ran to the stone gate that sealed the darkness of rest. ,"Wait..."

"This, you don't need to think about who it belongs to, right?" Lingyin almost tried her best, laughing wildly, "A bunch of fools, goodbye!" She rushed into the stone gate quickly, her shaking hands hesitated and touched This totem symbolizes death."Darkness? Haha, I'm not afraid..."

"You, you..." Allen could hardly believe what was in front of him, he cried out sad and angry again, Lewell stood silently behind him, Petra comforted, "We will not betray Yours, they are just ghosts who are obsessed with their hearts. Let’s go. There are many more blessings. Don’t worry.”

When the swaying earth showed its true colors, the sound of rock cracking suddenly sounded, and Lewell conditioned to stop in front of Alan, "Boy, get away, this is mine." He was always succinct and violent. Kicked away Allen who was trying to resist, turned and rushed in.Lewell looked at the violently trembling yellow totem, and his gloomy face showed a sense of relief, "Cut it, it's dirty." He touched it no longer hesitating, and his body was swallowed by the strong light in an instant and ceased to exist.

When he reached the sixth floor, Alan rushed up almost without hesitation. When his fingertips were about to touch the dance music of the whirlwind, he was still pulled back by Mikasa, "This is mine." The black-haired girl resolutely smiled and smiled. Just as dazzling as a flash in the pan, she leaped deep into the whirlpool raged by the hurricane, leaving only a few silent companions, and Ellen sitting on the ground.

"You all know what we are going to do, right?" Cistria gritted her teeth, she pushed Elmin away next to her, rushed to the thunderous accompaniment, humming a song in her mouth, He closed his eyes and greeted the golden lightning falling from the sky."In this case, I am contributing to the world, right? No one will throw stones at me, right?"

"You can't!" It seems that Alan, who knows everything, grabbed Elmin's arm, "You can't take my blessings, it's me who was chosen! You bastards, I shouldn't trust you !"

"Yeah, it's just too late." Elmin didn't look at Allen, he rushed to the penultimate stone gate, the one that was closed was the Silver Garden."Wait a minute..." Petra stopped Elmin, but he was still pushed away. Elmin turned her head in excitement, and seemed to be happy with tears, "Hahahaha, this must be me Yes, you know!" The teardrops at the corners of his eyes became ice, and Elmin's figure disappeared into the white light.Petra stood in place, biting her lip. She looked up at the last blessing, the "magma movement", closed her eyes, "Sorry, Ellen." She knocked Ellen to the ground neatly and opened it. At the last stone gate, she turned her head and smiled proudly, "It's too late, idiot. You are just an ordinary kid, why are you selected?" After finishing, she smiled and walked into the depths. Blazing.

"You, you all..." Alan, who hadn't received a blessing, knelt on the ground and burst into tears. He hated them. This group of hypocritical and despicable little people, so deliberately took all the blessings. , Making him the Messiah only empty-handed.The torch in his hand was as cold as a corpse. Allen hesitated again and again, but picked it up, took a heavy step, and walked to the altar.

The door of the altar slowly opened, and the holy light of the gods made Allen couldn't help closing his eyes.When he opened his eyes again, he was stunned.Where are there any gods, where are there any altars, there are only nine bones in front of them, and a candle made of blood is in his hand.Here, he saw his partners who had betrayed him, their blood shed on the altar, and their deaths were terrifying.

"What's going on..." Allen knelt down in fright, he muttered incoherently, reaching out his hand in vain to catch them.He saw that Elvin who was suffocated by the whirlpool, Han Ji who was burned to death by the fire, Adelina who was dehydrated to death under the strong light, in the dark, was extremely afraid of the ringing of suicide, fell into the cliff and was chaotic. The unrecognizable Levire was stone-smashed, Mikasa whose skin was torn apart in the blade-like whirlwind, Almin was chopped to death by thunder and lightning, and Petra who finally swallowed magma instead of him, almost invisible. .Their bones were displayed in the center of the altar, and the blood flowing out gathered along the gully to the highest stone platform. Slowly, an emerald green totem appeared.Allen tremblingly crawled towards this totem and raised the torch in his hand high. He was crying and laughing, for the sake of those partners who were scrambling to die for him, and for the world's recovery.He looked at the totem in front of him and stretched out his hand without any hesitation: "Please don't leave me, sorry, I am here."

The top of the Tower of Love condensed a brilliant brilliance, and it exploded in an instant, sweeping across this withered world, wherever it went, withered trees every spring, the world was brightened up again, and new life came, but they didn’t know, this How much of its former glory has been swallowed by the tall tower that stood forever.

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