The cruel beauty of the attacking giant

Outside investigation (below)

You can search for "The Cruel Good Search Novels of Attacking Giants (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The Giant Wood Forest, just like its name, all the trees here are terrifyingly tall and hideous in shape, like the devil guarding this dense forest forbidden land, making people fearful.My hands couldn't help holding the reins tightly. Fear, tension, excitement, and anger were intertwined for a while, like knocking over a seasoning plate, the five flavors were so mixed that it was impossible to breathe.The broken sunlight is like blood stains under the knife blade of the executioner, breaking away from the goodness of the past, sticking to us like ghosts, wherever it goes, there is maddening heat.

“The Forest of Giant Trees is the place where giants inhabit at night,” said Adelina on the side. “Giants cannot live where there is no sunlight. Therefore, at night, giants who are unable to move must find shelters to protect themselves. This is the Tree of Giants. The meaning of Mori’s existence.” Indeed, although it is dim in the forest, there are still large swaths of sunlight that escaped the barriers of the trees and penetrated in. I rode in silently. The leader of the team, Captain Mikai, was very fast and observed him visually. Seems to be sniffing something constantly."What is Captain Mikai doing?" I was so surprised, there was no special smell in the forest, so he could only smell it so hard.

"He..." The corner of Adelina's mouth draws a slightly helpless arc: "He has always been like this, looking for the traces of the giants by smelling the smell. His trick is very effective, tried and tested, no giant can escape. His nose."

"Um..." I'll go if he is a dog...Swallowing the second half wisely, I turned my head and continued to stare forward: "I see."

"Oh, very calm!" Seeing that I had no reaction, Adelina chuckles: "What I knew was that Hou had been stunned for a long time!"


"Well, it turns out that you are not calm at all." Adelina curled her lips in disgust: "Forget it, go back and tell you." Indeed, after all, I really laughed.

"Be careful, there is a giant ahead!" Captain Mikai who had been smelling it for a long time suddenly yelled, my nerves suddenly tightened, and Adelina immediately stopped talking and pulled out her double knives, her blue eyes locked deep in front. The bottomless jungle."Wow! Wow!" The tall tree canopy suddenly shook, I instinctively raised my head, a huge face slowly appeared from the canopy, the giant suddenly opened his mouth and let out a earth-shaking roar when he saw us," Uh..." I covered my ears, and the powerful sound wave almost burst my tympanic membrane.The remaining sound disappeared. Before I had time to react, a huge object swept over to the right, accompanied by broken branches and screams."What..." The body failed to synchronize with the perception, and I was swept away. When the body was off the ground, I gritted my teeth and shot a steel cable nailed to the opposite tree, buffering the impact of the giant's palm."Your sister's..." The killing intent in my heart was inspired by the pain. I stepped on the trunk under my feet and leaped vigorously, and the whole person quickly approached the giant's face. The giant's eyes slowly turned to me, and my hand flicked. The white light of the blade pierced into that eye with a flash. I quickly replaced another blade and wound it around the back of its neck. I swung the blade with all my strength, and the blood burst, and the giant slowly fell to the ground.I fell on the huge corpse of the giant, and my heart was suddenly inexplicably excited. This was the first giant that I attacked independently and the first in my record.

"Huh, even grabbed it with me!" Adelina fell next to me, with a thick smile on her face: "No one who grabbed the record with me has a good end!"

"Then from now on, I'm the exception!" Tacitly high-five with her. The fear and hatred of her before disappeared instantly. In the face of life and death, any hatred is nothing, as long as it is a person who is fighting for the purpose of agreeing, no matter the end of the world , They are all comrades in arms."So now, how about together?" Adelina raised a confident smile: "I am the strongest here."

"I don't believe that I, the chief, will lose to you," I am also not to be outdone: "We are together, we are the strongest combination!"

"Yes!" Adelina's blonde hair fluttered with the wind, like a banner of victory: "Go away, ringtone!" Written book

"Okay!" I also squeezed the button on the controller, and a gas of gas sent me into the air and flew side by side with Adelina. Suddenly, I didn’t feel scared anymore. I was with my partner, regardless of the challenges ahead. How cruel, as long as we are still together, then everything is beautiful.

"Roar...Roar..." The roars one after another accompanied by chaotic footsteps approached like dark clouds. I was taken aback, this is...

"No..." Adelina's face changed drastically: "Over there, in the huge crowd..."

"What!?" The news hit me like a head blow, giant crowd, kidding...

"Get together, don't spread out, and keep it relatively quiet!" In the chaos, the voice of Captain Mikai, like a compass, settled our lost ships. We formed a circle. Back to back, watched vigilantly at the canopy that was shaking more violently in the distance.Finally, a 7-meter-class giant jumped out first, and I couldn't help but sneer, dare to save a little guy like you to come out?"Go to hell!" A soldier jumped out of the team and shot a steel cable nailed to its throat. The whole person ran across the giant's neck like a whirlwind, and the steel cable was held back like a noose with the movement of the soldier's body. The giant's neck and the giant's face were only twisted, and the huge head fell like a meteorite.

"It's amazing..." I couldn't help but sigh, "What is this soldier's name?"

"Hehe, he is not an ordinary soldier, Ringtone!" Adelina smiled strangely: "That's the Captain of Flagg United, whose strength is comparable to mine."

"No wonder..." I watched the Flagg United captain fall back into the team, "but I have used that trick."

"Then, just use it again for me!" Adelina pointed at me with a flick of a knife, and an 8-meter-class giant suddenly appeared. Adelina smiled at me: "I won't rob you this time. , Can you be alone?"

"That is!" I shot a steel cable and nailed it to a tree next to the giant: "Come on, I don't even need a knife!" After pulling the cable to the longest length, I fell on a tree and became a giant. When I stopped in front of the steel cable, I immediately took off and flew away. The steel cable was stretched to its tightest. Like a wire saw, I flew towards the giant and circled its neck twice. The giant began to struggle.The crowd below was silent, and it seemed hard to believe my strange way of crusade."Fantastic!" I opened the gas valve to its maximum and pulled the wire rope in the opposite direction."Kacha!" The sound of broken bones came, and the giant's body began to shake."Yo Xi, go to hell!" I grabbed the wire rope with both hands and strangled it, the giant screamed in pain, and the huge skull fell to the ground with a scream. I retracted the wire rope and returned to the team. Adelina shot it. A glance of approval, "Awesome, ringtone!" "That is!" Little was smug, but what happened below made me no longer proud, and the huge crowd in the distance suddenly changed direction and rushed towards us. !

"What, why did you suddenly change direction!" "How could this happen!" "I was found..." The crowd commotion, and I was so squeezed that I almost fell over, and my head hit the tree trunk. I suddenly understood that the giant crowd had changed direction. The reason: the roar of the giant that I strangled to death just now!"Would you like to be so dramatic..." I clenched the blade in my hand, and it seemed that the most terrifying battle had come...

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