Ch22.2 - I’ve been cheated on?

There was another giant monitor!

The man who remained outside fired his gun and then ran for his life. While the second monitor did not go after him, it ran a few steps away and then turned its head to look at the SUV. 

Its long tongue flung out, easily shattering the SUV windshield. From the women’s screams, it grabbed Laura and directly dragged her out of the car.

Laura was still calm and already had a dagger in her hand. She rolled on the ground the moment she landed, and in the pouring rain, swung the knife instinctively!



Her dagger struck the giant monitor’s long tongue.

The giant monitor immediately retracted its long tongue at the taste of pain. 

Only, her dagger was not sharp enough and didn’t manage to cut off the giant monitor’s tongue.



Behind her, the sound of a car engine starting reverberated.

Laura jerked her head back and looked incredulously at her companions, driving away in her SUV.


In the midst of the rainstorm, the giant monitor that had been pulling the SUV loosened its long tongue, and started coming towards her at a swift and furious speed.

In Laura’s eyes, a trace of despair rose.

In a wilderness like this along with the rainstorm, her body and spirit had been exhausted to the extreme. Now facing two long-tongued giant monitors, how could she survive in this situation?

She was lost in thought for only a second. 

Before the running monitor got close, she ran for her life.

The direction of escape was the umbrella and the cradle!

But her speed was not as fast as the giant monitor. She had only run a few meters before her ankle was caught by the giant monitor’s long tongue. She fell to the ground with a thud, and was dragged back by the giant monitor.

The long-tongued giant monitor will not kill its prey immediately, but it will drag the living creature back to the cave and eat it up little by little, extremely cruel. 

“Help! Please help me!”

Laura stuck her dagger in the ground and was dragged a few meters before finally getting stuck on a rock.

She yelled loudly in the direction of the umbrella.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

[Ding~ Triggered the side quest [Road to Justice].] 

[Quest content: Please assist the cub to save [Laura] from the long-tongued giant lizard.]

[Task reward: Gold Coins x100, Lottery Draw x1, Main Quest Progress +0.1%.]


Te Wlcudljb tjv yffc cfgnberis kjamtlcu atf qiba qgbugfrr, jcv ktfc atf defra ybz qbqqfv eq, tf gfwfwyfgfv atja tf kjr qijslcu j ujwf, cba kjamtlcu j tbggbg wbnlf.


Lf delfais ygfjatfv j rlut bo gfilfo, atf qiba kjr rb gfjilralm jcv rmjgs.

Vevvfcis, uijcmlcu ab rff atf wjlc defra qgbugfrr +0.1% ybcer, tf mbeivc’a tfiq yea yilcx, jcv bcis atfc vlv tf gfwfwyfg atf wjlc defra mbcafca—— ab gjlrf atf mey ab yfmbwf j rbmljilra remmfrrbg klat jii-gbecvfv vfnfibqwfca bo wbgji, lcafiifmaeji, qtsrlmji, rbmlji, jcv jfratfalm dejilalfr!

Well, this side task is probably “moral education”?

But the cub is sleeping! 

Yu Xingqiao looked at Jun Lu’s status. His mana and health values were still low, and his fatigue had not been lifted.

His eyes fell on the miserable female NPC again.

She was quite pitiful, and it really wasn’t good to leave her alone.

Haish, then he can only step out to help. 

Yu Xingqiao exercised his fingers, and then released Arashi from the pet compartment—— he had to read the cub log to realise that Little Jun Lu could actually send Arashi into the pet compartment.

His family’s cub is just this smart!

Arashi appeared next to the cradle with a dumbfounded look on his face.

“Stay here and protect the cub well.” 

A line of small golden letters suddenly appeared in front of its eyes, and Arashi couldn’t help but be stunned; it supposedly couldn’t read, but looking at the line, it instantly understood what it meant——

It was asked to stay where it was and guard its master.

Arashi instantly became alert, and it also heard the movement coming from the curtain of rain.

After settling Arashi, Yu Xingqiao turned his attention to Laura’s side. 

Two giant monitors, one left and one right, had curled their tongues around both of her legs and were dragging her towards their nest.

Laura gritted her teeth and desperately clutched to the dagger, her entire lower body hanging in the air.


Her palm was cut by the blade, the blood that just gushed out was washed away by the rain. The will to live made her forget the pain for a while.

In her blurred vision, she seemed to see a silver-white figure appear under the umbrella. 

She wanted to call for help, but as soon as she made a sound, her energy would definitely give out.

What to do? Do I really want to die here?

At that moment, the pulling force on her feet suddenly loosened. She fell to the ground, mud and water sprayed on her face, but she did not care to wipe them off but only turned to look back.

For some reason, the two giant monitors were rolling on the ground in pain, as if someone was attacking them. 

Laura froze and snapped her eyes in the direction of the umbrella.

The cradle under the umbrella was still gently rocking, and next to the cradle, squatted a silver-white figure.

In the rain, she couldn’t see what kind of creature it was, but she knew that it must be the cradle’s guardian who had helped her!

Laura once again looked at the two giant monitors. 

She gritted her teeth, pulled out the dagger that was stuck in the ground, and rushed towards one of them.

Yu Xingqiao was poking at the giant monitors when he saw the female NPC rushing over, the dagger blade in her hand emitting a greenish glow in the night.

Only to see her dagger go up then down, directly disembowelling a giant monitor!

So ferocious …… 

Yu Xingqiao sighed, but his hands didn’t stop until Laura killed the second giant lizard as well.

However, after the two giant monitors died, the [Road to Injustice] quest did not prompt the completion.

Yu Xingqiao wondered, unless it’s because the cub did not participate? But the cub is sleeping and waking him up will affect his health!

After killing the giant monitors, the female NPC fell to the ground in exhaustion. Yu Xingqiao was a bit upset, so he clicked on her and dragged her under the umbrella to avoid the rain. 

Seeing that she was soaked through, Yu Xingqiao opened the mall and bought her a blanket to cover her.

Arashi dutifully squatted next to the cradle.


It tilted its head to look at the woman floating over, and then looked at the blanket that appeared out of nowhere, as if thinking.

After Yu Xingqiao completed all of this, he nodded in satisfaction. Just as he wanted to have a look at the cub, his phone suddenly beeped and a text message appeared. 

[Qiaoqiao, why didn’t you come online yesterday? Come let’s form a team ah, it’s four waiting on one, come quick! ]

[Ok. ]

Yu Xingqiao replied habitually, and when he skillfully opened another mobile game, he couldn’t help but stiffen.

Well, just going to play other games for a little while, the cub wouldn’t mind, right? 


The author has something to say.

Jun Lu:  My master doesn’t want me ……

System: [Ding ~ blackened value +10000] 

Yu Xingqiao: !!!

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