Ch24.1 - Curry favour

“Pu Chi——”

The dagger pierced through the heart of the black bear. Blood sprayed all over the ground after it was fiercely pulled out. 

The black bear fell to the ground and lost its breath after it was strangled by the shadow tentacles and had its heart pierced. If one looked carefully, they would find that the fur on its body had traces of being burnt by lightning.

The little boy biting on a pacifier looked at the scene indifferently. Beside him, stood a silver wolf with shiny fur.



Jun Lu and Arashi were becoming more and more in tune with each other.

After he used his tentacles to take the black bear’s magic crystals, one person and one wolf continued their hunting session. 

Laura watched silently from a distance and could not help gulping down saliva.


She had already guessed that this little boy was not simple, but she did not expect him to be so brutal.

Facing the Stone Eater Black Bear with a body ten times their size, Jun Lu’s face didn’t even change colour. With his skills that seemed extremely mysterious to her, he only took ten minutes to strangle it to death.

There was also that evolved wind wolf; its battle instinct was not to be underestimated.


This also reinforced her idea of following them firmly.

She had to follow them, that was the only way she could survive!

What she didn’t know is that—— in front of the game screen, Yu Xingqiao was looking at her.  His fingers rubbed his chin, like he was thinking about something.

In fact, the matter of saving Laura, even if the system did not issue a task, he would have also rescued her. But he did not expect to be relied on after the rescue? 

It was impossible to have useless NPCs in the game, especially in the early stages. So he was thinking, what was the gamemaster’s intention in setting up Laura?

“Xingqiao, it’s time for dinner.” The nurse lady walked in with the nutrition solution.

Yu Xingqiao nodded, “Okay.”

“You can’t play with your phone after dinner.” 

Seeing that he was a bit addicted to the new game, the nurse lady’s expression was a bit stern.

Yu Xingqiao sulked but did not retort.

He took the nutritional solution handed over by the nurse lady, and slowly sucked it while looking at the phone screen.

Looking at the female NPC crouched to the side and secretly observing, he suddenly had an idea and asked the system, “Can I hire a nanny for the cub?” 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktlr kjs ktfc tf kjr cba bcilcf, atfgf kbeiv yf rbwfbcf ktb mbeiv tfiq tlw ajxf mjgf bo atf mey’r atgff wfjir.

Ktf cegrf ijvs bc atf rlvf ogbhf obg j wbwfca.


Dea rfflcu tlw rajglcu ja atf qtbcf rmgffc, rtf cjaegjiis atbeuta atja Te Wlcudljb wluta yf mtjaalcu klat jc bcilcf oglfcv tf wfa lc atf ujwf, rb rtf vlvc’a rjs jcsatlcu.

After Yu Xingqiao finished asking, the system popped up a box. 

[Congratulations on successfully unlocking the Hire function.]

[Now you only need to spend 1000 diamonds to unlock a job type and get an employment slot x1]

[There are various types of jobs for hire, you can hire and fire them at any time. They can protect the cub and take care of the cub’ daily food, very convenient oh.]

I knew it! 

Yu Xingqiao looked at the system description and felt a little smug that he had guessed Laura’s usefulness.

On the game screen, a page popped up.

The page showed the types of jobs that could be unlocked. There were nannies, bodyguards, drivers, chefs, and even beast tamers, magicians, and other strange professions.

“What can a magician do?” 

[Perform magic tricks to make the cub happy oh.]

Yu Xingqiao: “……”

Okay, this could be continued later on.

Thinking about the purpose from the beginning, Yu Xingqiao then recharged and spent a thousand diamonds to unlock the job type of nanny. 

After unlocking successfully, the page shrank to the bottom right corner, next to the pet column. It turned into a hammer icon with the word Hire written below.

He tapped on the icon.

A new page popped up. It was divided into two columns, unlocked and locked job types.

Among the unlocked jobs, there was only one icon, which depicted a woman in a maid’s outfit with the word “Nanny” written on top of her head, and the word “Hire” written underneath. 

Yu Xingqiao clicked Hire.

A box popped up.


[Please choose a way to hire a nanny]

[1. Open Recruitment] 

[2. Direct Recruitment]

“What does open recruitment mean?” Yu Xingqiao asked in confusion.

[Open Recruitment: You can post the recruitment information and wait for interested parties to apply.]

[Note: Open recruitment has some randomness, different pay may attract applicants with different attributes, you can make multiple attempts.] 

Yu Xingqiao sucked a mouthful of nutrient solution and smacked his lips.

That equated to random recruitment and random attributes, this was quite understandable.

“What about direct recruitment?”

[Select the NPC you want to recruit, set the pay, and the system will try to communicate with it. There is a certain success rate, the higher the pay and the more you meet the NPC’s needs, will result in easier success.] 

[Note: Every time you recruit, regardless of success, the system will charge you 1000 diamonds for your efforts.]

Wa, so expensive!

You just run the program. What’s so hard? You even need a hundred yuan each time?

Yu Xingqiao couldn’t help but spit out. However, he has already spent a thousand diamonds to unlock it first, so he was really not willing to just let it go. 

He looked at the cub who was fighting in the distance.

The little one had a serious face. His handsome little face was filled with concentration, really cool and meng. People couldn’t help but want to spend money for him, dress him up beautifully.

Yu Xingqiao sighed in his heart.

Sigh, forget it, it’s just a thousand diamonds, it’s a small matter. 

Yu Xingqiao clicked on Recharge. This time he might as well charge five hundred, so he wouldn’t have to keep recharging. He then clicked on [2. Direct Recruitment].

[You have chosen [2. Direct Recruitment]]


[Ding ~ deducted 1000 diamonds successfully. Please select the NPC you want to recruit.]

As the system box disappeared, the game screen turned a little whiter, and there was an exclamation point that appeared above Laura’s head. 

Looking at the meaning of this, if there were other NPCs here, he should be able to choose them as well.

Yu Xingqiao tapped on that exclamation mark.

Name: Laura

Gender: Female 

Identity: Institute sample collector

Strength: Middle-rank martial arts

Status: Healthy

Can be recruited as: Nanny, bodyguard, driver 

The new page that popped up only had the word [Nanny] that was lit up. The other two were dark grey, presumably because he only unlocked the nanny position.

[You chose to recruit [Laura] as a nanny. Please confirm if you are sure.]

[1. Confirm] [2. I’ll think about it again]

After Yu Xingqiao tapped confirm, a new page popped up, asking him to fill in the recruitment conditions. There were some options for him to check below, namely salary, room and board, personal safety, etc. 

After he ticked a few randomly, the system box disappeared. Only to see the screen, a text appeared on top of Laura’s head [In negotiation ……].

Yu Xingqiao waited quietly.

The nurse lady on the side was watching intently, just waiting for him to finish his dinner and confiscate his phone.

Yu Xingqiao then ate very slowly. Taking a mouthful of nutritional liquid, then savouring it for a long time. 

Finally, the system box popped up.

[Ding ~ Recruitment successful!]


[Ding ~ Congratulations on completing the branch quest [Recruiting a Nanny], Gold +100, Lottery draw +1]

[Lottery draw: 3, please use it as soon as possible.] 

[ [Laura] says to you: Thank you so much for coming to my rescue. I am willing to help you take care of the little master, no need for any payment, just ensure my safety.]

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