Hearing the beastly words of the former lover, Wang Yan, who was already seriously injured, spat out a mouthful of blood. Her eyes were blazing with rage, and she held on to her injured body, pointing the blood-stained sword at Li Hongfei.

Li Hongfei was stunned, laughing so hard that he was extremely arrogant, "You still want to fight me? Can you still beat me now?"

He is so proud now. The Zhu Guo is his, the beauty is his, the savings of the two inner disciples are his, the reward for completing the mission is his, everything is his!

He planned everything.

Everyone was plotted by him.

Everything is according to his plan.

Just when he was complacent and arrogant, a slightly mocking voice suddenly sounded.

"And me?"

A young man as strong and strong as a cheetah walked out, full of energy, his eyes were clear and extremely oppressive.


"Qi Condensation...Second level? It scared me to death, Qi Condensation second level! Haha~"

He almost laughed like crazy. Is there something wrong with these people's brains? Are they actually fighting against someone like him who has no plans at all?

"Can a cripple and a useless person be able to beat me?"

Zhan Nianchuan threw two pills to Wang Yan, stood in front of her, and faced Li Hongfei.

After taking the pill, Wang Yan threw it directly into her mouth. She felt the sudden power of the medicine and her eyes lit up. This was a second-grade low-grade healing pill and a rejuvenating pill.

After giving Zhan Nianchuan a grateful look, Wang Yan sat down cross-legged and handed over her safety to Zhan Nianchuan.

Li Hongfei's eyes flashed fiercely when he saw this, and his face became ferocious as he felt Wang Yan's continued recovery of injuries and vitality.

"You want to stop me? Just because you are a second-level Qi Condensation waste?"

"Go to hell!"

Zhan Nianchuan stared at Li Hongfei indifferently, with an expression of extreme disgust on his face, and said unceremoniously:

"It's you that damn it!"

"Kill your fellow sect members, betray your lovers, repay kindness with enmity, and forget your loyalty for the sake of gain. This is you!"

"Li Hongfei, you are simply the scum of scum!"

"You are worse than a pig or a dog!"

Listening to Zhan Nianchuan's scolding, veins popped up on Li Hongfei's forehead, he clenched his fists tightly and roared angrily:

"Shut up!"

With a pinch of the magic formula, several fireballs blasted towards Zhan Nianchuan from different directions. The surrounding temperature suddenly rose sharply, threatening to burn Zhan Nianchuan into coke.

Li Hongfei didn't give up. He followed the fireball and slapped Zhan Nianchuan with his palm. The air suddenly buzzed. With this palm, he struck out with all his strength in anger, vowing to kill Zhan Nianchuan on the spot.

Seeing the fireball and the palm strike at the same time, Zhan Nianchuan was horrified by this astonishing power, but he could not retreat. He had to grit his teeth and take out a low-grade blue shield of the Xuan level, and input all his mana into it without reservation. The blue light of the small blue shield surged, blocking Zhan Nianchuan and Wang Yan.

"Boom boom" sounded loudly several times, the blue light flashed wildly, and quickly dimmed, but it still stood in front of Zhan Nianchuan and Wang Yan, not taking a step back!

Zhan Nianchuan threw pills into his mouth wildly, and used all his strength to make the small shield grow bigger. The blue light flashed again, which made Li Hongfei look extremely ugly.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Li Hongfei tried his best and kept attacking Zhan Nianchuan, but he couldn't break the small shield. This shield was a magic weapon that could withstand a blow from a monk in the early stage of foundation building. It was extremely hard. As long as Zhan Nianchuan had enough magic power, he could hardly break it. May be defeated.

The fireballs he fired would always compete with the water balls fired by Zhan Nianchuan. Although they were not as good as him in quantity and power, they would also greatly reduce the power of the fireballs, and they would have no power at all if they hit a small shield.

"You bastard, are you her concubine? Why are you working so hard?"

Feeling Wang Yan's rapid recovery from injuries and vitality, Li Hongfei was so anxious that he even cursed like this.

"Hey, I'm not, I'm still a virgin."

Standing here and being beaten, Zhan Nianchuan is also extremely tired. This small shield has amazing defensive power, but the mysterious magic weapon consumes spiritual power extremely. At this moment, the mana in his body is almost at its lowest point, and the situation is gradually getting better on his side. He will definitely not be annoyed if he can talk and scold him.

Li Hongfei was stunned, not knowing whether to scold or laugh. He saw that the situation was indeed wrong. Once Wang Yan regained her strength, he would definitely be the one who was finished.

Staring at Zhan Nianchuan fiercely, Li Hongfei took out a red talisman with a painful look on his face and squeezed out a sentence full of hatred from between his teeth.

"Bitch, bastard, go to hell!"

A burst of blood light suddenly aroused, turned into blood and blasted towards Zhan Nianchuan and Wang Yan unstoppably, turning their faces into blood.

This is the talisman of Zhang Xuan's early stage!

Zhan Nianchuan looked at the powerful bloody Pilian who was bombarded with concentration, his expression extremely calm, and there was no trace of fear in his brows.

At this moment, a figure stood in front of Zhan Nianchuan, Wang Yan!

Zhan Nianchuan was shocked, took a deep look at Wang Yan, and quickly stood at the front again.


Before she finished speaking, Wang Yan was extremely surprised to see a small thunder ball flashing with purple lightning appearing in front of her.

Compared with the bloody training, it is so inconspicuous, but the terrifying power contained in it makes people even more frightened.

Looking at the thunder ball that suddenly appeared, and feeling the overwhelming power contained in it, Li Hongfei's pupils shrank sharply, and he was overwhelmed by a feeling of extreme danger.

On Zhan Nianchuan's side, Wang Yan was stunned when she saw what Zhan Nianchuan did.

He roared wildly, and a low-grade Xuan-level defensive talisman suddenly appeared in front of him, shining brightly.

A blue light flashed, and the small blue shield quickly grew larger and blocked in front of him.

Zhan Nianchuan's clothes shattered, and a set of scales flashing black light protruded.

In an instant, Zhan Nianchuan set up three defenses!

It was too stable. Wang Yan behind him felt that even the talisman of the top grade of Xuan level might not be able to break these multiple defenses.


It was as if a thunder exploded in the cave, and the shock wave shook all around. The surrounding rock walls shattered one after another, and stone chips fell like rain, like an earth dragon turning over, with amazing power.

Wang Yan's ears were buzzing, and his eyes could not see anything. The dust in the cave was flying, and it took a long time to calm down.

As the dust fell, a tall and majestic figure of a young man gradually appeared.


Zhan Nianchuan looked at the tattered body of Li Hongfei in front of him, silent.

Half of the six people who set out on this monster hunting mission had died, which caused some ripples in his rock-hard heart. However, when he thought of the blood feud he had, he quickly regained his composure.

After carefully examining the bodies of Li Hongfei and Chen Xijin, Zhan Nianchuan was surprised to find that Li Hongfei's storage ring was not damaged, while Chen Xijin's storage bag had turned into ashes. It seemed that the storage ring was much more advanced than the storage bag.

After erasing the remaining spiritual imprint, Zhan Nianchuan probed his spiritual consciousness into it. He was very satisfied with the space of ten feet in radius, and the rich items inside made him overjoyed.

Eight hundred-year-old red fruits.

Dozens of various elixirs.

Hundreds of spiritual stones.

A large number of spiritual herbs and medicines.

A yellow-grade upper-grade long sword.

A red book.

A formation plate that drives the formation.

A flying boat.

Zhan Nianchuan curiously opened the red book, and on the title page were several large characters:

Chenhuo Zhendian·Qi Condensation Chapter 3.

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