Bang bang ......

In the void, a boom echoed.

I saw that the woman in red was swollen and her clothes exploded.

The lower body made a sneering sound, and the legs with jagged bones were stuck on the ground, and the body became thick and long, and it was a huge centipede!

Behind her upper body, the bone armor was raised high, making her body stiff, and the arms composed of bones were open, and the finger bones were sharp and clawed, extremely sharp!

She also had bone spurs that bent like antlers growing from the back of her head, her face was full of hills and ravines, indescribably terrifying, and her mouth made a sharp sound, like the hoarse cries of countless women mixed together.

"Roar!" came

the dull roar of the beast, threatening the sky.

She was only at the pinnacle of foundation building, and she had already entered the Golden Pill!

"Die!" came

from the voice of the woman in red from the mouth of the giant centipede.


The thousand-legged centipede moved, its body was continuous, and the houses on both sides of the road collapsed, and it arrived in front of Ye Renjie in an instant.


A thousand feet like a spear.

There was a burst of sound in the air.

One by one, they stabbed at Ye Renjie.

Ye Renjie hurriedly dodged, only to see that the ground was poked by centipedes, and one after another large holes as wide as a basin appeared on the ground, if it was nailed to a person, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Let my sister love you well.

On the back of the thousand-legged centipede, the face of the woman in red appeared, looking at Ye Renjie, with murderous intent.

The body is large, but it does not appear bulky, and it is extremely fast.

Dodging one after another, Ye Renjie was a little overwhelmed, and all the spiritual power around him was swallowed by the white mist, and a spiritual power vacuum had been formed, and without the supplement of the spiritual power of heaven and earth, he gradually felt a feeling of physical exhaustion.

"Since you're tired, don't hide, let my sister take you to feel how your children, who were protected by your grandfather with his life, died!"

The giant jaw in front of the mouth, opening and closing, seems to be able to easily crack the rock.

Ye Renjie pointed a little in the middle finger of his right hand, and said calmly: "I was going to save it for the time when I broke the realm, but I didn't expect it to come in handy so soon, Wanqing, I disappointed your expectations." A

bright golden light rose from Ye Renjie's eyebrows.

In the sky, a huge formation was formed, and circles of Sanskrit inscriptions were inscribed, converging into a ring, and a strong and powerful momentum suppressed down.

The white mist rolled, and the screams from the fog could be faintly heard, like the hoarse cries of countless men, women, and children.

When the formation appeared, the white mist was slowly receding.

The thousand-legged centipede's body suddenly stopped, looking at the formation in the sky in shock, and was shocked, "Seal, it's actually a seal, are you sealing the spiritual power in your body?!"

Spiritual power is the wind.

Fish rush in.

Ye Renjie's empty dantian was full at this moment, and the momentum on his body suddenly increased, and his cultivation had stopped at the peak of foundation building.

On the way to Mousse City, Mu Wanqing used her majestic knowledge to give Ye Renjie a month of careful counseling.

It is not inferior to the true inheritance of the elders of the great sects, and even surpasses it.

In this short month, Ye Renjie has been reborn.

The seal in the center of the eyebrows was applied by Mu Wanqing himself, in order to accumulate thick and thin hair, accumulate spiritual power, and when it was lifted, with a powerful spiritual power impact, it was cast into a golden pill!

Thunder roared.

On Ye Renjie's dantian platform, the black thunder dragon opened his eyes and glanced at the changing thousand-legged centipede of the woman in red with disdain, "I'll lend you strength." The

words fell.

The black thunder dragon suddenly decomposed, turning into thin black lines and rushing into Ye Renjie's meridians, and the surface of its body was covered with a layer of black thunder, like armor.

The majestic power makes Ye Renjie feel illusory.

"Even if it's the pinnacle of foundation building, what can it be?" I could vaguely hear the sharp voice of the woman in red, "I'm in the early stage of Jindan, and all the decent people have to die!"

Wind Hunt.

Ye Renjie looked up, waved his hand and thundered and jumped in the palm of his hand, the power of the Heavenly Dao was contained in the palm of his hand, and he no longer dodged.

"Shenxiao Thunder Method Second Style: Thousand Arms Thunder Fist!" A

muffled thunder came, and it was Ye Renjie's fist.

Boom, boom, boom!

Ye Renjie swung his fist faster and faster, rolling the wind.

Gradually, it was difficult for the naked eye to catch the speed of his punches, and the afterimage of the fist made people look at it, and Ye Renjie seemed to have thousands of arms.

The wind rose with the thunder, and the thousands of arms actually held thunder and lightning in their palms, and the electric light was swishing and lightning, and every blow was thunder rolling, and the lightning splashed everywhere!

Bang bang punch after punch hit the thousand-legged centipede, wrapped in the power of the Heavenly Dao, and innate suppression, so that her own strength did not exist at all, and she completely fell into the disadvantage.

Ye Renjie's eyes were like electricity, locked tightly, and every punch hit the same position.

Thousands of thunders are superimposed, thousands of fists are superimposed

, there is nothing that cannot be broken, there is no hammer that cannot be killed! The sound of bone cracking is endless, and I saw that the huge centipede's abdominal bone armor was broken, and then it was pierced by a punch.

Green blood was scattered all over the ground, and the air was filled with a strong fishy stench.

The centipede shrank rapidly, and in an instant it turned back into the original woman in red, and a large hole was opened in its chest, which was transparent from front to back, and blood was gushing and flowing, and its life was short.

She smiled at the corner of her mouth, and looked at Ye Renjie with a hideous face, "Even if you kill me, you don't have any chance of winning, in this city, there are even more terrifying things waiting for you, you so-called famous and decent people are going to die, I will eat you all!"

Before the last word fell, his head drooped, and his eyes widened in anger.

Ye Renjie frowned, and found that the fog in the city was gradually thinning, and the spiritual power of heaven and earth that was swallowed by the fog was gradually recovering, and a mansion of luxury was located at the end of the long road.

I saw that not far away, Mu Wanqing was holding the Yo You Lu Ming Sword, swinging the sword and cutting off the head of a huge frog like a mountain.

Like the woman in red, the frog corpse was rapidly shrinking and eventually turned into a woman in green.

"Did you solve it quickly?" Mu

Wanqing saw Ye Renjie and appeared in front of him in the blink of an eye.

Looking at the dead woman in red, I felt a strong evil aura from her, and the person who entered the demon was not worthy of pity.

Ye Renjie nodded and looked at the huge mansion at the end, "Our target should be in that mansion." "

The red walls and green tiles, the two white lanterns hanging in front of the house are still lit by candlelight.

There are people in the house.


At the moment when the woman in red and the woman in green died, in the hall of the house, the young man who was sitting slowly opened his eyes.

"It seems that I really underestimated you to be able to kill the frog girl and the centipede girl, and in that case, I should also move my muscles.

There was not the slightest sympathy for the death of his companion in the words, only the excitement of hunting the impending prey.

Standing up, he looked out the door, "It's time to hunt." "

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