"How can this be channeled?" Ye Changsheng frowned.

The hidden danger of the acquired thunder body, Ye Changsheng had never heard of it, and he had never even come into contact with this kind of Dao body in his previous life, let alone understand it.

He wants to use the system within the clan, and maybe there is a way.

But he is now, thousands of miles away in Zhongshan.

Far water can't quench the thirst of the near.

"System, is there a way to save my nineteenth generation little grandson?"

[Ding, the hidden danger of the thunder body broke out the day after tomorrow, and it is not within the scope of the system. Not

in scope!

It made Ye Changsheng think of the absence of the server in his previous life.

There was no way, Ye Changsheng looked at Ye Renjie's painful appearance on the small screen, and he was anxious.

Ye Changsheng hurriedly clicked on the personal panel.

[Host: Ye Changsheng. [Identity

: The ancestor of the Ye family. [

Status: Consciousness Qingyan (Special: Family symbiosis, undetectable). 【

Level: Mid-stage foundation building.】 [

EXPERIENCE: 550/2500.] (Conversion: Produce incense + family blessing index). [

Family size: Level 1 36/100 (normal). [

Family Luck: Level 1 (Click to view details). [

Family assets: Ye family's ancestral house (rating: not into the stream, generating incense +1400 per month). 【

Descendants: Omniscient and Omnipotent (Complete Upgraded Version) (Click to view descendants.)

[Incense: 150 (Conversion: Assets (Month) + Number of Incense Sticks per Month * Number of People * Level * Sincerity Value

)] [Loan Amount: 0 Incense Points (Total Degree 15000 Incense Points)]

[Items: [Qualification Enhancement Charm" x1, [Incense Doubling Charm" x1 (Active), "Hundred Turns Emperor Jue" Upperpart", "Fortune Plundering Technique", "Liaoyuan" × 1, "Mall One Discount Coupon" ×1, "Searching for the Missing Person". 【

Shop: Opened.】 【

Monthly Mission: Opened (Click to view details). [

Achievement: Activated.] (Click to view details)]

Looking at the pile of items in the system panel, Ye Changsheng's spiritual power moved.

"There you have it!"

I actually forgot about "Luck Plundering Technique".

"Fortune Plundering Technique": The level of the ground is supernatural, and it can plunder the luck of others. (Hint: This supernatural power is defective and has certain side effects, which can be completed by consuming incense points.)

Although the exercises obtained, the system would help Ye Changsheng to cultivate and master them instantly, but this exercise alone had not been used since he got it.

Everything is broken because of it.

Moreover, plundering other people's luck is detrimental to yin morality.

And it has side effects, plundering other people's luck to get a big benefit for a certain period of time, but after a period of time, you will encounter a catastrophe, if you can't deal with it, you may lose more than you gain.

The guy who was cleaned up by Ye Changsheng at the beginning is very likely to take this 'calamity' on himself, and then it will be gone.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, Ye Changsheng is unwilling to use this kind of exercise.

Only now, as a last resort.

"Complete the exercises. "

[Ding, to complete the 'Qi Luck Plunder Technique', you need to consume 4000 incense points.

4000 incense points

! You rob

it! A high-level supernatural power in the store is only 6000 incense points, and I just need 4000 incense to complete it!

The system is silent.

Ye Changsheng reluctantly clicked to complete.

[Ding, deduct the host incense: 150, the incense point is insufficient, does the host take out a loan?]

"Yes. "

I just paid off the debt, and now I'm in debt again.

[Ding, loan 3850 incense points, remaining incense points: -3850.] [

Ding, the exercise "Qi Luck Plundering Technique" has been completed. "

Fortune Plundering Technique": The heavenly ladder is a supernatural power, which can plunder the luck of others and be used by designated candidates, regardless of distance. (All you need is the image of the predator in your mind.)

Ignoring the distance

! This exercise is against the sky!

And there is a difference between supernatural power and exercise.

Exercises: Required for monks, used to tell monks how to cultivate, with spiritual skills, one person can only practice one type of exercise.

Magical powers: high-level psychic skills.

Because of the singularity of the exercises, when the system told Ye Changsheng that Ye Xianxian could practice the double exercises, he would not believe it so much.

Unlike supernatural powers, as a kind of spiritual skill, it can be cultivated without restrictions.

And ignore the distance.

For Ye Changsheng, it was excellent!

From the moment the exercise was completed, the spiritual power in Ye Changsheng's body was running automatically.

In the blink of an eye, the supernatural powers are clear in the chest.

There is a system, it's so fast!

Ye Changsheng looked at the old Taoist priest on the screen, the Jindan period, and the high-grade spiritual weapon, obviously he also had atmospheric luck.

"Let you kidnap your descendants, your luck, just borrow it from me first!"

From the ancestral hall of the Ye family, a big golden hand flew out, and the hand was full of purple lines, densely packed, outlining a totem, and the power of mysteries circulated in the totem.

The big hand escaped into the void, and the next moment, it appeared on the top of Zhong Mountain.

The old Taoist priest was stunned, looked at the sky with a big hand, and looked confused.

The big hand suddenly exerted force and went straight to him to grab it.

When moving, the wind swept the clouds, distorted the space, and was terrifying.

The old Taoist priest was shocked and jumped three feet high.

Hurriedly raised his hand at the sky and pulled out the stopper of the thunder-swallowing gourd.


Thunder rolls in.

In the gourd, a purple squirt out, and the thunder flashed.

Attract the righteousness of heaven and earth, and eliminate the demons and monsters of all ages.

Woowoo woo ......

The devil cries wolf.

In the void, the ghosts killed by thunder and lightning let out their last wails when they were dying.

Although the thunder is strong, it can't touch that big hand.

I saw that the big hand easily passed through the thunder training, and instantly arrived in front of the old Taoist priest, and grabbed it into the old Taoist's body.

When he left, he held a large handful of golden streamers in his hands and held them in his hands, like a little star.

The old Taoist priest instantly aged several years, collapsed on the ground, looked at the sky in disbelief, and let out a heart-rending roar: "Give me back my luck!"

He could clearly feel that when those big hands left, they took away all his luck.

In the face of this ethereal and strange supernatural power, even if he is a half-step Yuan Baby, it will be useless.

[Ding, plundering luck 45.] The

prompt sound of the system came, Ye Changsheng looked at Ye Renjie, and he was also forced to do it.

Luck, ethereal.

Atmospheric transporters, a life without worry, adventures are continuous, even if the talent is not good, there are great achievements.

On the contrary, if you have bad luck and talent, you are doomed to die.

Tianjiao is easy to die, which means that their luck is not worthy of talent.

Now, Ye Changsheng can only use this method to make Ye Renjie an atmospheric transporter, maybe because of a blessing in disguise, his body will independently channel hidden dangers and resolve the crisis.

"All to Ye Renjie. The

voice fell.

The top of the bell mountain.

The luck held in that big hand was all stuffed into Ye Renjie's body.

[Ding, unlock achievement: Son of Luck.] 】

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