Ye Renyan looked at the island shrouded in mist behind him, and his mind was uncertain.

He couldn't see through the fog, but he could feel that behind the fog, there was a powerful force.

Tyrannical and palpitating.

The fog obscured it like a blindfold, blocking all vision.


Wave your hand with a sword aura.

The sword qi was as red as a crescent moon, and after rushing into the mist, it disappeared immediately, and the trace was inaudible.

Not even a sound was heard.

"This can't be the lair of

the two-headed snake, right?" Ye Renyan muttered, at first, a fireball led ten two-headed snakes, the fireball was not big, but it could hit so accurately, it could only show that the two-headed snake behind the fog was surprisingly much.

Zheng Zheng -

The sword roared loudly, as if in response to Ye Renyan's words.

The high-grade spirit weapon is already an extremely valuable treasure, especially the Burning Sky Flying Sword, which is full of spirituality, if there is a chance to become an acquired spirit treasure, there will be a sword spirit born, and over time, maybe you can catch up with Xiao Zi beside Li Mochou.

"The soldiers will block the water and cover the earth, no matter what it is.

After Ye Renyan recovered his strength, he made up his mind to go in.

The only way to get out of here is to go to the end and find the portal at the end.

If you are afraid and stay in this place all the time, how can you get out?

Ye Renyan doesn't want to be trapped in this broken place for the rest of his life.

Reach into the mist.


It's like pinching marshmallows.

But Ye Renyan's face was shocked, he couldn't even feel the existence of his arm, and after reaching into the mist, all connections were cut off in an instant!

Including his own limbs.

Ye Renyan gritted his teeth, and the whole person rushed into the mist, but what was behind the fog made him dumbfounded.

"There is such a thing here!" A

black palace is in the middle of the island, sitting in a radius of 100 meters, majestic, like an ancient imperial palace, but it is black.

The two-headed snake hovered around the palace, and a hideous snake head symbol in the center of the palace was particularly eye-catching.

Inside the palace, the spiritual power leaked out, and Ye Renyan sensed a pure spiritual power, and there must be treasures inside.

Hiss ......

The snakes spit letters.

Looking at Ye Renyan, his upside-down eyes were extremely indifferent.

It's none of their business, as long as Ye Renyan doesn't take the initiative to do anything to them, few will take the initiative to attack Ye Renyan.

Ye Renyan looked around, the surrounding area of the island was full of fog, and he couldn't see the next road, and the exit was very likely to be in the palace.

If you want to continue walking, you have to enter the palace.

The two-headed snake didn't attack, but just stared at Ye Renyan with upside-down eyes, allowing him to come to the palace easily.

Woo ......

Ye Renyan suddenly heard a melodious flute, coming from behind the door, the flute sound was melodious and graceful.

It's just that Ye Renyan didn't mean to appreciate it, his brows frowned, he didn't expect that there were still people in this palace.

Hiss ......

There was movement behind him.


The wind rises.

I saw that the two-headed snake behind Ye Renyan all rioted after hearing the sound of the flute.

The group of snakes danced wildly, their eyes were blood-red, and they rushed towards Ye Renyan.

Zheng -

the sound of the sword resounded.

The Burning Sky Flying Sword came out of his hand.


The head of a two-headed snake was pierced.

Puff puff ......

Several fell one after another, and huge corpses were piled up on the ground, and blood stained the ground red in an instant.


Woo ......

The sound of the flute suddenly became urgent, and then I saw that the remaining two-headed snakes were even more violent, with red scales and armor on their bodies, and they rushed towards Ye Renyan without fear of death.

Ye Renyan glanced at the palace, "Someone is actually controlling this group of two-headed

snakes!" The flute sounded, and the group of snakes danced.

It was someone who wanted to put him to death and perish in the mouth of the serpent.


sound of the sword was melodious, interrupting the sound of the flute.

All the two-headed snakes suddenly stiffened and froze in place, not knowing what to do.

Ye Renyan's pupils dilated, "This is this opportunity!"

rushed towards the palace suddenly, and in an instant, he slammed open the palace door and fell to the palace ground.

The palace door slowly closed, and the interrupted flute sounded only for a moment, and then the flute sounded again.


the hall, the two-headed snake let out a dull roar and rushed towards the palace.

As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the temple, the huge hideous snake head mark hanging on the door suddenly lit up.

Snake eyes scarlet.

I saw that the two-headed snake that had just come into contact with the temple gate exploded in an instant, and the snake gallbladder in its body was intact, slowly rising into the air and blending into the hideous snake head mark.

The mark flickered, glowing with a misty glow.

The rest of the two-headed snakes stopped instantly, instinctively afraid of the mark, and actually bowed their heads, as if they were kneeling.

It's just that Ye Renyan can't see it anymore.

In the palace, he looked at the chair at the end of the palace, on which sat a snake girl, half human and half snake, with a human body and a snake tail, like the legendary Nuwa in the wilderness.

It's just that the snake girl's upside-down pupils are full of tyranny, and when she saw Ye Renyan, she slowly put down the flute in her hand.

The long hair is attached to the snow-white fragrant shoulders, and there is only thin clothing on the body, which can even be said to be unobstructed at a glance.

With a good appearance, combined with the strange diamond-shaped pupils, it looks like there is a strange charm.

Especially the water snake waist, snow-white and slender, Ye Renyan can clearly see how flexible the tight waist is, if it is on the bed, this flexible little waist will twist out a thrilling arc.


But he didn't have the strength to appreciate it now, and he could clearly feel the explosive power contained in the snake girl's body.

Tenth-level demon beasts

!The terrifying strength of the late stage of Jindan!

Even when Ye Renyan had spiritual power, he was only an ant-like existence in front of her, not to mention that he had no spiritual power now.

"Human, what do you mean, you're also here to get a spiritual weapon?"

the snake girl said calmly.


The ground cracked suddenly.

In front of Ye Renyan, a circular hole appeared.

I saw that there was a stone pillar slowly rising, the cornerstone made of lotus jade, and a jade flute lying in the middle of the lotus.

Exquisitely carved.

Containing a large amount of spiritual power, Ye Renyan only glanced at it, and felt a shock in his heart.

This is a medium-grade spiritual weapon!

If you look closely, it seems to be a pair of the jade flute in the hand of the snake girl.

Ye Renyan smiled, "Passing by, I'm passing by, sister, why don't you let me go?"

The huge difference in strength made Ye Renyan unable to think of a way to defeat the snake girl.


has a crisp sound and a clear texture.

The snake girl got down from the chair at such a fast speed that Ye Renyan didn't even have time to react before the snake girl pressed her shoulder with one hand.

Spiritual power is like a mountain.

Vast as the sea.

The strong sense of oppression made Ye Renyan unable to resist in the slightest.

"The high-grade spiritual weapon Burning Sky Flying Sword, the Innate Fire Body, and the Heavenly Grade Lower-level Exercises. The

snake girl said slowly, her face strange.

Spiritual power flowed in Ye Renyan's body, and in front of the snake girl, he didn't have any secrets to speak of.

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