120: Back to School (2)

Chapter 120: Back to School (2)

The class was unusually quiet until the lunch break began. 

After the lunch break, Class 1-A had a class with All Might again.

The students were asked to wear their Hero Costumes before gathering. The boys asked Neji and Todoroki some questions in the changing room, though most were just consoling them after what Kendo said.

After that, they gathered in Field Gamma in front of the tall man who was standing with his hands on his waist.

“Welcome, everyone.” The man, All Might, spoke, this time not yelling that he was here. “I have heard about what happened to young Ida… I understand that you all must be under great pressure right now, and I do feel guilty about all this. Ida’s death was also my fault that I wasn’t present in Hosu, and also that I couldn’t teach him properly enough.”

The students muttered at his words, realising that he was just being respectful. What they didn’t expect was All Might to bow, albeit slightly.

“I am really sorry for all this, but exactly because young Ida encountered such an accident, I want to do my best to teach you all properly. So that, even in my absence, you can not only keep yourself safe but also save the lives of others.” He rose straight again. “Which is why we are here. This is Field Gamma, and we will train hard today.”

Field Gamma was a dense spread of factories that wind together to create an intricate network of maze-like alleys.

“Now, knowing what young Neji and Todoroki faced, we have decided to prepare you in case you encounter similar situations.” All Might said. “Which is why for today we’re going to do ‘Rescue-Training Race’! I will send a distress signal from somewhere inside and you’ll start at the border, trying to find and rescue me!”

The students looked a bit excited now, despite knowing this was a simulation of what Neji and Todoroki faced while trying to save Ida.

All Might continued. “We have 20 students, who’ll be split into four teams of five. Naturally, keep the destruction of property to a minimum!” He spoke the last line while eyeing Neji and Bakugo. Neji shrugged and Bakugo grunted.

“Anyway, I have prepared the teams beforehand. The first team participating were Kendo, Momo, Ochako, Setsuna, Mina!”

All Might ended his speech as some boys whistled. “An all-girls matchup, whoa…”


Bakugo crossed his arms as the girls prepared to start their match.

He didn’t care about any of this match.

He was just waiting for his own match and hoped from the deepest part of his heart that he would get matched with Neji. Neji, that useless fucktard who couldn’t even save a single guy and even allowed the villain to escape.

Bakugo felt weak after he lost against Neji. He felt his life was meaningless, and he was nothing but a worm in the greater scheme of things, but of course not. That’s not right. Neji wasn’t an invincible creature. He was just lucky to be born with a quirk that was a bit stronger than Bakugo’s own. Yet, even then, he was so pathetic that he couldn’t even save his fellow classmate.

‘This time…’

According to Bakugo’s calculations, he will be put on the same team as Neji and Inasa, because all three of them had flight ability. If any three were on another team, they’d win without any challenge, which shouldn’t be All Might’s goal here.

Bakugo had chosen Best Jeanist as his mentor in this Internship, and he hadn’t protested any of the Pro’s actions. Which was why, pleased, the man had given Bakugou some pointers to improve on his usage of quirk. Which was why…

‘This time, I will win.’

…Bakugo was confident, confident to win.

Just as the girls dashed upon All Might’s distress signal, Bakugo stopped thinking and decided to observe their childish game.

From behind him, Izuku Midoriya stood, observing his calm demeanour with a small smirk.


Neji didn’t pay much attention to Momo’s match, though he did have his eyes on it. Because he knew Momo wouldn’t win. Setsuna and Ochako could fly, and even if Momo made a Jetpack, it’s not as if she had ever used one before to use it properly so suddenly. So the winner would probably be Ochako or Setsuna.

So, Neji was instead watching Izuku from the corner of his eyes.

‘That creepy bastard.’

He was there when Ida died, and he was most likely the guy who killed the kid, to begin with.

Izuku Midoriya was dangerous with his ability to enter Astral Form, dangerous to even harm Neji seriously. Neji can’t see Izuku’s Astral Body without his eyes, and can’t harm him without his Power Gauntlet. So if Izuku hid his body somewhere and attacked Neji at the perfect time, Neji could be assassinated.

Unfortunately, Neji didn’t have any evidence on him to prove that Izuku is suspicious. Fortunately, he wouldn’t need to depend on the law starting from the upcoming two months. So, he could handle Izuku with his own hands. But he honestly wanted to finish the kid before then or who knows what problem he will cause in the Camp…

He has in fact made some plans, and he just needed to flip the coin after coming out of the dungeon. 

It’s not a time to worry about killing actual people. Fuck people, moreover people like Midoriya. Neji was in a tight spot, and he would murder all the villains in the world if needed.

For now, he has to wait until summer camp whilst using the time on hand to seduce some… companions.

Unfortunately, the class and school would be bleak for the upcoming few days, so flirting now would be disastrous. Which was fine with Neji, as he would use this time to spend on Kimi inside the dungeon.

While thinking and planning his upcoming actions, the match between the girls ended and Momo, as expected, didn’t come out first. Setsuna came first, Ochako came second, and Momo came third using a jetpack she made. Mina was fourth and Kendo was fifth.

Momo dejectedly walked beside Neji while sweating. Making something as complex and large as a Jetpack must have tired her out both mentally and physically.

“Haah, my quirk is really not for these things.” She spoke with a sigh.

Neji shrugged his shoulders. “Eh, not really. Only rules and morals are obstructing your views.” He said. “Give your quirk to a villain, and bam, he is a world-class criminal if he studies enough science books.”

Momo deadpanned. “Exactly, I am not a villain.”

“I mean you can be,” Neji spoke. “Or at least a vigilante.”

Momo narrowed her eyes on him. “Are you feeling okay, Neji?”

Neji shrugged again. “I am just joking, don’t worry.”

Momo nodded. “Okay, if you say so.”

As she turned her head to the front, where All Might was preparing the 2nd team, Neji eyed her.

‘The case is this severe. Wow.’


The second and third matches also ended soon, and Neji wasn’t called yet. So, in the fourth and last match, everyone knew who would go against who.

“Alright,” All Might said. “Young Neji, Katsuki, Inasa, Izuku and Sero, please step forward.”

All five of them had the greatest mobility in this area. So putting them on the same team was needed.

The five students stepped forward, everyone wearing a different expression. 

“Alright now, take your stances. I am going to send the distress signal.” All Might said, pointing at the remote control on his hand. Clicking it will sound the distress signal.

The five students did what he said, taking positions to take off any moment just as All Might clicked the remote and the alarm rang.

The path this time was a bunch of pipes placed side by side to create a road, with gaps every few dozen metres.

Just as the alarm was rung, Bakugo blasted his palms and dashed across the road, Inasa made a wind current and used it to fly behind Bakugo, Sero threw his tapes on a pipe going over the route and swung forward, and Izuku repulsed his feet off the ground and used the mobility to move forward in a fluid motion.

At last, Neji moved too.

Neji could simply blast in the sky and reach the other side in a second or two, but he didn’t do that. He instead tapped the ground with his feet, creating a single blast upon contact, as he blasted forward like a bullet.

He passed Izuku, leaping up and jumping off a pipe going over the route that Sero was using to move forward right that moment, as he passed Sero too by jumping off the pipe like a rabbit.

He made a single blast in the air, to move farther than his leap would have allowed to otherwise and did a front flip on top of another pipe by pulling the pipe away with his hands. Like a monkey, or an upgraded Tarzan, he used both his hands and feet to move, while rarely using his quirk for a sudden outburst.

Next, he passed Bakugo who was swiftly trying to catch onto Inasa. Bakugo growled in annoyance as Neji winked at him while doing a flip, his hands landing on a pipe as he pushed off and flung high in the air.

“Don’t mock me!!”

Bakugo yelled and tried to catch up, but his monkey-like movements were too much for Bakugo.

Neji’s movements were unpredictable and were quite diverse from his own great reflexes. Neji didn’t seem to be moving as if in a fight, he was moving as if he was Tarzan, which was quite different from Bakugo who’s shown great reflex before.

Neji, ignoring Bakugo, went beside Inasa, still in his weird movement pattern, pushing and kicking off the pipes, as he swiftly dropped on the finish line.

Yelling loudly, annoyed and furious, Bakugo also reached the finish line after Inasa did.

Here he thought he could beat this guy…


Away from UA, in Rumi’s home, the bell rang as Rumi ran towards the main gate.


Reaching the gate, she opened it with a large grin on her face, already knowing who the person behind the gate was.

“Welcome, Ryuko!”

Rumi said, looking at the blonde dragon who nodded with a smile.

“Hello, Rumi. It’s been a while. So what did you want to discuss with me?”




Author’s Note: These games in school are useless for Neji. Fortunately for Neji, there are no more of these until Summer Camp.

Also, what da dragon doin ?????

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