250: Interlude — Kimi’s Perfect Run (1)

Chapter 250: Interlude — Kimi's Perfect Run (1) 

It was morning, the soft sunlight fell over her eyelids, accompanied by the ringing school bell, Kimi's eyes abruptly sprung open with decisive shock.

"Young master…"

Memories returned and Kimi jumped up from her seat, looking around in haste. She was in an office, from the looks of it – a school office – though there was no one else present except for her.

"That… that magic worked."

The Dimensional Coupon worked. This wasn't her world anymore, and she was the only of the five girls who ended up here.

'But where is this?' She had no idea. Though she was wearing a different outfit than before, she had no memories of how she ended up here. This wasn't simple teleportation, she didn't have her cat ears and tail. Though she did have an ID card hanging from her neck with her name on it.

Name: Kimi Sugihara

Age: 34

Blood Type: O+

Occupation: School Teacher

Workplace: Kuoh High

The photo on the card wasn't hers. It showed a typical blonde woman with blue eyes, and as Kimi watched – the generic face replaced itself with her own, more beautiful one.

'The reality just rewrote itself.'

She had replaced someone else who existed in this world. She just hoped that person didn't have a family. Though even if she did, in the end – Kimi couldn't be bothered that much.

'But Kuoh High…' Unless that was just pure coincidence, she was currently inside the High School DxD verse. 'That trash anime.'

In the end, suspicious that the person she just replaced wasn't a normal teacher (given that, well, she worked in a magical school) Kimi decided to use her authority over Space-and-Time to look into her past.

With a thought she first cast a high-class [Block Sense] magic around the room, to stop the devils from sensing the magic being used here, and then she cast one of her exclusive spells. 

[Eyes of the Time]

Wheels over wheels of magic circles appeared over her head and in the next instant, her blue eyes spun as two phantom blue clocks replaced her pupils. Her eyes effortlessly saw the flow of time, the future and the past of this room, making her smile. 

She didn't bother looking at the future since it's an unstable flow, and rather focused on the past, observing as a blonde woman slept on the chair, her body slowly being replaced by someone else, someone more beautiful, with cat ears and tail that soon faded into nothingness. At last, the most complex and powerful thing of Kimi emerged, a small mole under her lips that didn't exist before she became a magical girl.

That mole… it wasn't actually a mole. But that's for later.

Kimi rewinded the scene a few seconds behind, making the other woman appear again. Then, she used another magic that'd let her know everything about the woman.

Kimi, standing in the rewinding time with a half-transparent body, pointed a finger at the woman and shot a bolt of Mana at her. The mana spread like blue spider webs on her body upon hitting the woman as three complex magic circles appeared above her. Swiftly, the spell activated.

[Tempest Ask - Target Locked]

Tempest Ask was one of Yue's spells, and only Kimi managed to learn that out of all the other girls. Yue could ask the reality for an answer and it would give her that answer without any objection. Kimi's wasn't on the same level as Yue, though. She could only use it on a single, living target, weaker than herself. (Though the Living Part didn't matter for Kimi given her Time abilities. Like what she was doing right now). As time would pass she would probably get to a level beyond Yue's, and time she had plenty of. 

Upon the activation of the spell – a curl within the fabrics of reality occurred and information flew out of it, smashing into Kimi's head like a sledgehammer. In the next instant, she suddenly knew everything she should know about the other woman. Along with her memories and even the opinions others held of her that the woman herself didn't know.

Yuhei Kotazaki, that was her. A Cat Girl from the Yokai faction. She was sent here to Kuoh High by her master, the Queen of Yokais, to act as a spy. It's only been a week since the new year started and Yuhei had just started her work as a teacher, but then misfortune struck and Kimi replaced her entire existence.

Kimi just rounded up the information, cancelling Eyes of Time, just as knocks fell on the door.

-Knock Knock!

"Hmm…" Kimi hummed as she wondered who it was. 

Did the devils notice anything? Highly unlikely, but she still decided to scan who was on the other side of the door. There, she could feel magical energy from the person behind the door, but it wasn't a devil's. 

Right. It was him.

"Come in."

At her permission the door opened and a spiky brown-haired boy, somewhat nervous, stepped inside the room.

Issei Hyoudou. The "Oppai Dragon".

"Um, Sensei, are you alright now?" Issei asked as he walked over to her, standing before her nervously. "It doesn't hurt anymore, right?"

That's right. After using Tempest Ask, Kimi found out the reason she was napping inside the office while all the teachers were out, teaching in their respective classes. This morning the Hyoudou boy had bumped into Yuhei, causing her to fall over and hurt her head lightly. The nurse had taken a break so going to the infirmary was worthless. So Yuhei just decided to stay in the office and let her natural Yokai powers heal the headache.

Now that the lunch break just started, signified by the bell that woke her up, it seems the boy had come to check on her.

"Sorry, I got c-confessed to yesterday, so I was out of my mind in the morning…" the boy replied, blushing as he looked away from her, his eyes glancing at her chest from the corner. "That's… probably not a good excuse. Haha…"

As Kimi noticed his gaze she suddenly wanted to skin him alive. 

How dare he look at what belonged to Neji? Though Neji himself never bothered if people looked at his girls – knowing they can just look and touching them would cost them their whole existence – and Kimi also shared that sentiment most of the time, this time it was different because it was Issei of all people. Too ambitious yet so dumb. 

Kimi never liked him. He should kill himself.

Then again, she can help him with that.

"Ah, Issei-kun." Kimi smiled, putting her hands under her chest to push her chest upwards. "What are you looking at?"

[Image Here]
Issei flinched, rubbing his neck as he avoided eye contact. "Um... I, I was just… checking if you are alright, Sensei. S-since I bumped into that place."

'Oh yeah, that happened.' Kimi recalled. So he touched her. Technically not her, it was Yuhei, but still. He touched her. 'He needs to die.'

"Ah, I see." Kimi walked over, watching him take a step back, then another, and then another step. Soon, his back was against the wall and Kimi stood in front of him, her tall figure towering over his. "Is there anything wrong, Issei-kun?"

"Ah…" Issei gulped, his eyes lowering to her huge chest. "I'm just surprised… T-they are huge."

"Oh?" Kimi tilted her head. "Yeah, they already belong to someone, that's why they're huge. He made them huge. Did you know that touching the breasts of females can make them bigger?"

Issei blinked, clearly shocked. "T-that happens? Really?!"

"Yeah, it does." Kimi nodded. "But I don't think that this information will be very useful to you."

Issei looked confused. "Huh? You are wrong, Sensei. Haha, as I said I-I have a girlfriend now. This will actually be very helpfu-"

"Oh, no, no." Kimi said, while shaking her finger before gently putting it on his forehead. "Unfortunately, you are going to die before that. Hey, maybe I will even find her a better boyfriend? It shouldn’t be too hard."

Issei Hyoudou tried to say something, looking somewhat angry at the remark of being cucked – but he couldn't even scream as mana imbued with the space element surged from Kimi's finger, moving through his skull and then his veins before it expanded, causing his body to splatter into a wave of blood.

A [Psychic Barrier] appeared around Kimi, blocking any of the incoming dirt and allowing it to paint the office red.

Kimi calmly walked out of the havoc, leaving the office and walking opposite the wave of students who were making their way towards the canteen. Some greeted her but she didn't bother greeting back. She followed her memory, making her way to the student council office.

-Knock Knock

"Come in." a disciplined voice replied once Kimi knocked on the door. So she opened it and immediately found herself looking inside where Sona Sitri and Rias Gremory sat opposite each other on two sofas, with two cups of tea on their table.

Both of them frowned, clearly sensing her Mana. They have missed Issei's death because of the barrier that was still around the room, but the moment Kimi stepped outside the room they had sensed her Mana since she wasn't bothering to hide it.

"Kimi Sugihara…" Sona spoke as she put her cup down. "As I suspected, you are not a normal teacher. Please identify yourself before I take drastic measures."

Kimi walked inside and immediately both Rias and Sona's peerage reached the council, following behind her. Rias moved from her sofa to Sona's and gestured for Kimi to take her previous spot. Kimi did, sitting opposite the two Devil heirs while being surrounded by dozens of children.

The girls here were beautiful. Especially Koneko, that cat. Kimi wanted to hug her. But… no, this wasn't the time. She had a job to do.

Her young master told her to find the other girls before he did. She needed to live up to his words. She couldn't play around. She was sure he wasn't playing around either, if he managed to survive the assault of the Gods. On that note, she didn't know if he was even alive or not. There was a 'mark' below her navel, that should be able to tell her if the creator of the mark – Neji – was alive or not, and also the other way around, but it didn't work. She wasn't strong enough to sense through universes, and neither was he. 

She needed to be certain about his living status as soon as possible. She needed to travel out of this universe.

As she sat down on the couch, the kids stood around the room like guards. Cute. These kids clearly couldn't fathom her power level. If they could, they wouldn't be taking their serious facade in front of her. Kimi, however, could sense their 'danger' level easily.

[Sona Sitri - Tier 8]

[MP: 99,659]

[Rias Gremory - Tier 9]

[MP: 301,579]

The others weren't strong enough for her to bother checking their levels. This technique was made with Neji's help, based on one of his innate senses (as he called it). Though it wasn't exactly on the same preciseness as Neji's skill, such as her spell couldn't sense the race of the target, nor the precise stage "Low, Mid, High, Peak" of their Tier. Regardless, it let her know a near precise level of their danger.

As for Kimi herself, she couldn't be bothered by these small fries.

[Kimi Sugihara - Tier 16]

[MP: 40,970,127]

As Tiers grew higher, the danger level multiplied by quite a bit. Kimi was confident in taking them down if worse came to worse.

Tsubaki Shinra, Sona's Queen, leaned over to whisper something to Sona. Though Kimi heard everything she said, given her lineage as a (true) White Tiger. She just informed Sona about the blood found in the teacher's office. Sona seemed to believe that Kimi revealed herself now of all times because she couldn't hide the fact that she killed someone. Kimi could actually do that, but she didn't bother correcting her.

Sona nodded to her Queen and looked at Kimi. "I heard the teacher's office is painted with blood. I don't suppose it's your doing?"

"It actually is." Kimi said, shrugging. "It was that kid named Issei Hyoudou." She watched Rias' eyes grow before the red-head glared at her. "Yeah, he tried to molest me by jumping on my breasts. I happened to accidentally use a portion of my powers to blow him up. I am sure my female friends here can relate to how irritating it can get if a random guy suddenly jumps to touch you."

At her words, both of the Devil heirs shut their mouths close and Rias even looked guilty.

Sona sighed softly. "I am sorry for that. Teenagers can… be weird sometimes. Especially boys. Though that boy was actually the bearer of a Sacred Gear, and my friend Rias here," he pointed at the red-headed devil. "Had her eyes on him. She wanted to recruit him. Now that he is dead though, Rias would be in a bit of trouble. So I hope that you have a good excuse for whatever reason you are here in our school."

Kimi nodded. "I do. But I would like to discuss this matter with the Satans if you don't mind." she said and watched both Sona and Rias frown. "It's complicated and I would rather not discuss that with a bunch of kids."

Kimi didn't have time for this. Not only did she need to make sure of Neji's life, but she also had to gather all the scattered girls and bring them to him so that he didn't have to. Kimi would get down with both of those missions right away.

"I don't think I can do that. The Satans are very busy these days and…" after a minute of Sona’s continuous protests Kimi decided that listening to her was pointless as she sighed and… unveiled her monstrous mana.

Blood trickled down from Sona's nose, the same happening with Rias, Akeno and Tsubaki, while the other kids in the room just dropped to the floor, unconscious.

"Anything else?" Kimi looked at Sona with a smile. The Sitri heir slowly shook her head with her mouth agape. "Good."


When Sirzechs Lucifer and Serafall Leviathan received calls from their cute little sisters, they for sure weren't expecting a warm greeting or countless questions about their health, but what they didn't expect even more was to hear about a dangerous Yokai who was threatening to hurt them if the Satans didn't go meet her.

Someone dared to threaten their sisters.

Though that person didn't specify how many Satans she wanted to meet, both Lucifer and Leviathan decided to go there. Teleport there. It took a single second and they were standing inside the room. Serafall was alone, while Sirzechs was being accompanied by his wife and maid, Grayfia.

Kimi watched their frown lessen as they looked around.

Grayfia was the first to speak, looking at Rias. "I thought you said she made everyone lose their consciousness? I see they are fine, though?"

Everyone who was knocked out was back on their feet, though they looked nervous.

"I woke them up by casting a healing spell around the room. I doubted the Satans would see me favourably coming to the room and finding their sisters' peerages knocked out. I am not here to fight, I simply have some questions." Kimi replied, looking at them. "Now, if you would allow the kids to leave so that we can speak freely."

It was Serafall who nodded at that. "Everyone, sorry for the trouble but we would like you to get out of here. Sona, Rias, you too."

The kids, exchanging glances, soon left the room and Serafall and Sirzechs took the sofa that was previously taken by Sona and Rias. Grayfia stood behind Sirzechs.

"So," Serafall asked, frowning. "May I know who you are?"

She was respectful. Right, she could sense her power, unlike her little sister.

[Serafall Leviathan - Tier 15]

[MP: 12,568,780]

[Sirzechs Lucifer - Tier 18]

[MP: 24,683,683]

[Grayfia Lucifuge - Tier 13]

[MP: 8,385,683]

None of them had as much Mana as herself. Kimi also doubted that they had as many spells as her. However, they had devil cheats. Sirzechs in particular was just at this Tier only because of his destruction magic.

Kimi decided to reveal her true self. Her cute cat ears and tail appeared in sight again, with her dress changing to that of 2B's. This was her go-to uniform these days. Though her hair was still long and blonde.

[Image Here]
"..." Sirzechs shifted in his seat as Grayfia frowned.

Kimi ignored that and spoke. "I will be honest, I am from another world. I replaced the previous "Kimi's" entire existence and now I am here. I am looking for a way out of this verse, and would like to ask if you know of any way or someone who might know a way. Or any space-magic expert."

This made the room serious again as Sirzechs and Serafall exchanged glances.

Then, without any warning, Sirzechs struck with a ball of destruction mana.

Kimi frowned as the ball closed distance but could do nothing to stop the sudden attack. The flaming ball of destruction engulfed her and-



It was morning, the soft sunlight fell over her eyelids, accompanied by the ringing school bell, Kimi's eyes abruptly sprung open with decisive shock.


The mole under her lips glowed bright blue as she jumped up from her seat.

"Fuck." She grumbled. She just died. Why did they act that way? Did she miss something in the plot of DxD? Or was it in the novel? "That hurt."

Dying hurts. Not recommended, 0/10, wouldn't try again.

She rubbed the small mole under her lips to reduce the slight itching as the light died out. 

"At least the Regression worked."

Inspired by Nawab's story that Neji shared, Kimi made this spell. She was warned to never test it up since Neji is supposed to be a Singular Being or whatever and time anomalies in whatever timeline he stood on couldn't exist. But it worked now, now that she wasn't in the same timeline as him.

How it worked was simple. The mole was actually thousands of complex magic circles placed on top of one another. Also, (for nerds) though it looked like a mole, it was placed right on her soul, not her cheeks so cutting that part of her face wouldn't ruin the spell or anything of that sort.

 When the spell is activated, Kimi's existence gets locked on the timeline. Like a stamp. Like… a Savepoint. From that point onward, no matter how many days, months, or years she spends of her life – if she were to die – she will inevitably be dragged back to her original spot in the timeline when the spell was first activated.

This spell was activated just a few days ago, from her point of view. Exactly 7 days before Neji sent all of his girls away. Kimi had hoped the spell would bring her back to that point so that she could stop him. One reason why Kimi didn't even try dodging or stopping the ball of destruction that Sirzechs threw was that possibility. But, whatever thing about singularities that Neji had said, it was all real and Kimi couldn't step into his timeline by using time travel. She just returned to the start of her existence in this world.

Regardless, she was annoyed at the Satans. This time, she would force them to tell her the answers.

-Knock Knock!

There, Issei was here.

"Come in." Kimi said, watching the nervous boy enter the room again, closing the door behind him.

"Um, Sensei, are you alright now?" Issei asked as he walked over to her, standing before her nervously. "It doesn't hurt anymore, right?"

Kimi smiled. "It does." Dying hurts.

As Issei blinked, she reached out her arm to strangle him by the throat, watching as his eyes grew wide and he tried fighting it. Perhaps, if this kept growing, his Sacred Gear would react, and as expected – it did.

Red light shone from his left arm and a gauntlet started to materialise around it. Kimi didn't bother waiting any more than that and cast her spell at Issei.

[Soul Destroy]

Issei stopped struggling immediately, and the gauntlet abruptly appeared on his arm. Kimi looked down on the gauntlet and tried to pull it off, and with no opposing resistance, it came off. With Issei's soul gone, there was nothing it could stick to to resist her.

However, she could sense another soul inside it. She didn't want anybody inside her soul (and head) so she decided to destroy it too. She was about to cast Soul Destroy again but a voice interrupted her.

["I wouldn't do that if I were you."] A calm feminine voice said, coming out from within the Sacred Gear. ["Unless your goal is to destroy the Boosted Gear itself, which I doubt what you are after. Without me, Draig, this thing wouldn't work."]

So it seemed. Also, Draig was a girl? Young Master would have liked that… In any case, Kimi shrugged.

"Guess we just have to test it out?" Kimi said, activating the spell. Immediately the voice died out and the green orb on the gauntlet lost its light. "Ah… she wasn't lying."

That's sad. Looks like she will have to try it out in the next run. She still put the gauntlet on her left arm and tried activating it, but it didn't work.

"Who is there?" Kimi heard a call from outside. The door burst open and Sona Sitri looked inside, her peerage behind her while Rias stood beside her. "Satan…" her face twisted as she looked at the scene inside, specifically the Boosted Gear resting on Kimi's arm.

It seemed she and her friends had come here sensing the magical anomaly since Kimi didn't bother hiding anything this time.

"Sitri Heiress, Gremory Heiress." Kimi said, clenching and unclenching her gauntlet-wearing hand in an attempt to intimidate them. "I would prefer if I got to talk to your older siblings rather than yourselves, if you don't mind."

She had no intention of bothering with this useless bunch (since Koneko wasn't here yet). Sona, being the smart girl she was, nodded quickly and quickly backed off.


A few minutes later, Serafall, Sirzechs, and Grayfia were here again. (Again – for Kimi, but first time for them. Time travel was like that.)

 "Please identify yourself and state your business." Sirzechs was the one to initiate conversation this time, his face serious as he looked at her arm. "We don't want to fight."

Kimi was channelling her mana within the gauntlet to make them think that the Boosted Gear still worked. It didn't. Maybe they would hand over the information to her nicely, this time.

Kimi did the same thing she did last time, changing her teacher outfit to that of her "uniform". This time Sirzechs didn't even blink and rather kept focused on her for any sudden attacks. 

Kimi decided to present herself differently this time. "I am a Yokai. One of the secret, direct subordinates of my Queen, Yasaka. She wishes to learn about dimensional travel so that we can escape this world and find a better one for us Yokais to live." Kimi said. "She has already found a way to leave Kyoto without dying."

Both Serafall, Sirzechs and Grayfia frowned, but this time they didn't attack outright. After exchanging glances, Serafall was the one to speak this time. "Yasaka is thinking about that…? She should have contacted me about it. Anyway, since you are just a convoy we should go meet her ourselves."

Kimi immediately activated [Teleport] without warning them. Most mages could only teleport to where they have been to before or where their eyes could see. However with Tempest Ask she had seen everything about Yuhei in detail, including her abode that was the Yokai Mansion. So although she hasn't been there before, she could still teleport with that scene in her mind.

In the next instant, she was in a dining hall with the three Devils beside her. Yasaka, the Queen of Yokais, was smiling as she ate with her daughter – however, her entire body shifted when she sensed their presence.

[Yasaka - Tier 17]

[MP: 26,585,595]

"What's the meaning of this?" She asked as she stood up, her breasts jiggling from that single movement. She gestured to one of the guards to take her daughter away, while she walked in front of the Satans. She looked at Kimi. "Kimi? Did you bring them here? What's the meaning of this? Are you declaring war on the Yokais, Satans?"

Unlike how Kimi expected, Sirzechs gave a serious nod. "Indeed. It is your fault for trying to learn dimensional travel magic of all things despite knowing the dangers." 

Aha, so that's what it was. What was danger was there though? Looks like Kimi wouldn't get anything out of them by asking nicely.

Yasaka gave him a confused glare but without a single second of waste, Sirzechs fired a ball of Destruction mana. However, the Yokai queen fared better than Kimi herself. She dodged the attack and breathed out Foxfire from her mouth that Sirzechs deflected with a short burst of destruction mana that shattered the walls around them.

Kimi wasn't able to focus on that battle any longer than that as both Serafall and Grayfia attacked her. Kimi used her exclusive magic, [Freeze], on them, but they barely slowed down. Normally people will freeze in time, but these ultimate-class devils were kind of big shots.

"So you can't use the Sacred Gear? I should have figured." Grayfia said and tried to attack Kimi using hand-to-hand combat, however that was one thing Kimi specialised in so even a devil hundreds of years old like her couldn't fare well against her.

From the side, Serafall took in a deep breath before releasing it, making a thin line of water leave her lips, missing just by Kimi's ears as it hit the wall behind, penetrating the wall in an instant. That was a dangerous technique, Kimi realised, so she used another of her exclusive magic, [Ultimate Haste], as all of her senses and movement became tons of time faster. She also entered her Byakko Mode, transforming into a humanoid white tiger and dodging their attacks.

Grayfia tried to lock her using a spell that caused black demonic chains to erupt from the ground, but Kimi moved away from there and came behind Grayfia, her body being circled by crackling lightning that boosted her speed. 

With less than a second's thought, she channelled high voltage electricity into her finger, along with multiple [Paralysis] spells and used ‹Finger Pistol› by shoving her finger inside Grayfiya's heart, making the woman gasp and stop in her tracks.

"Grayfia!" Serafall yelled, causing Sirzechs to turn around as well. The red-haired Satan's eyes bulged open as he prepared to attack Kimi, but Yasaka kept him busy. Kimi teleported away (with Grayfia) from Serafall's incoming water tentacles and channelled mana into Grayfiya's heart, which soon spread to her entire body as Kimi expanded her mana with her control over space element, causing the Strongest Queen to burst into a puddle of blood.

"Nooo!" Sirzechs yelled, running at her and although Yasaka managed to stop him again, Sirzechs had enough of it as his entire body burst into a wave of destruction mana, killing Yasaka, and barely missing Serafall who had covered herself with a dome of water, but engulfing Kimi like a wild fi-



It was morning, the soft sunlight fell over her eyelids, accompanied by the ringing school bell, Kimi's eyes abruptly sprung open with decisive annoyance.

She died twice in less than an hour.

Issei came to check on her again and she killed him again, but this time she put a barrier around to have at least some time on her hand. She severed the Boosted Gear from him again and decided to hear Draig out this time.

["I wouldn't do that if I were you."] A calm feminine voice said, coming out from within the Sacred Gear. ["Unless your goal is to destroy the Boosted Gear itself, which I doubt what you are after. Without me, Draig, this thing wouldn't work."]

"Yeah, I am not planning to destroy you this time." Kimi said, looking down at the gauntlet. "Now that I take a better look, it's not as if you can harm me anyway. Okay, I will take you as you are. Just don't get too jealous, okay?"

["Jealous? What do you mean?"] The female dragon asked, but Kimi ignored it and just put the gauntlet on her left hand and felt it connect to her soul. Now, she could bring this gauntlet back with her whenever she reversed time. Also, in the next restart, Issei wouldn't have the Sacred Gear since Kimi wasn't jumping timelines and was rather 'teleporting' herself to a Savepoint right in this timeline. 

["What the… you… are a time traveller…"] the dragon's voice was filled with shock and confusion for a minute. Silence fell before she chuckled. ["Also, as I said, you should have listened. The Boosted Gear wouldn't work without me, look how you died."]

"Oh shut up already. Also I would like it if you stopped reading my memories." Kimi said, but sensing that the Dragon didn't stop she decided to play a special memory in her head. "Like what you see?"

The second time she and Neji had sex. The Dragon had fallen silent.


A few minutes later, Kimi realised that she didn't have to go to the Satans.

["I want to meet this guy some day."] She heard Draig say in her mind, her voice amused. ["You are searching for a way to leave this universe in search of him? Then no need to bother the Satants. I have your answer."]

Kimi blinked. Really, she was wasting her time. Also, Draig was a good girl.

["Never call me that again, I am older than you can imagine. In any case, as for your problem. Unfortunately, you can't leave this place. Not without being stronger than the Great Red, who's guarding The Dimensional Gap. The Dimensional Gap is a location that lies between the different dimension of – Draconic Deus – the name of this universe."] Draig said. ["If you want to travel to another world, you'd need to pass by Great Red's authority. So I suggest instead of asking about the whereabouts of dimensional magic users, you should rather start becoming stronger yourself."]

Kimi opened her mouth to say something, but just sighed and shook her head in the end. With her meta knowledge, she had theorized that to be the case as well.

Kimi slumped down on her chair, rubbing her temple with a frustrated look on her face. "Guess this will take a bit more time than I initially hoped it would." 

But then again… time she had eternal. Enough to make her Perfect Run.




Note: 5.2k words for Kimi ????

~All the previous chapters, this one included, were proofread and edited by @Shortmotor and @Potato.

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