
At eight o’clock in the evening,

It was already completely dark

Shinomiyatsu, who returned to his home early, also changed into a relaxed home clothes, and when he chose to play games to relax his spirit, Shinomiyatsu’s mobile phone also rang.


When Shinomiyazuki turned his head to look, who was the name in the call prompt who was not his editor, Machida Enko?

Since she knew that Shinomiya Tsuki was a high school student, in general, Machida Enko, who was the editor, rarely contacted Shinomiya Tsuki directly during the day, unless it was a weekend or there was an emergency.

However, apparently because he has already delivered the manuscript, the current fourth palace has a lot of air before the end of the month, and after connecting the phone, a mature woman’s voice also came from the other side.

“Hey, Hakugetsu-sensei? Answered the phone so quickly, it seems that the phone is not muted this time? ”

The reason why Shinomiya Tsuki was slow to answer the phone in the library last time, Machida Enko, who is a mature and elegant woman, remembers it very well.

This old woman still has a vendetta!

Shigong Yue, who said so, also quickly changed the topic.

“Haha, what a joke, Sister Yuanzi.”

“Is there anything important about calling me so late?”

Machida Enko on the other end of the phone heard Shinomiya Yue ask this, and also turned to talk about business at work.

“Indeed, I have some matters here that I need to communicate with Teacher Bai Yue.”

“The last two chapters of the third volume of “I Can’t Be a False Devil” sent by Bai Yue-sensei before have been received, and I have fully reviewed them.”

“I have to say that this is the most interesting light novel I have seen recently, and it is unexpectedly interesting, and Shirayuki-sensei did not delay at all this time, even completing the work three days before the deadline, and with this extremely excellent level of quality, I did not expect.”

Machida Yuanko’s words did not feel happy at all when she heard Shinomiyatsuki.

“Is this a compliment to me? I’m not happy at all? ”

“Well, if it is, it is not in vain that those readers and fans on the Internet have recently “cared” for Teacher Bai Yue? ”

When it comes to the group of readers who can only pit daddy, Shinomiyazuki will think of some bad memories.

Other readers will honor their own author as a teacher to show their respect, and the only one left here is the old thief who is called here by their own fans.

Isn’t it just procrastination? Is it necessary?

Recently, there is also an excessive bastard, publicly posted on his blog a campaign to raise sanitary napkins for [the menstrual period of the old thief of the white moon], once released, the response was enthusiastic, and it was initially estimated that if the fourth moon was dragging more this time, he would probably receive a cart of sanitary napkins.

“Then say something to make you happy, Shirayuki-sensei, the date of publication and release of the third volume has been set, given that the quality of this volume is really excellent, in my experience, if this quality can be maintained, this “I Can’t Be a False Devil King” of yours will definitely become the ace novel of the Immortal River Bunko, so as to obtain more resources to promote.”

“Ace novels? What does that mean? ”

As the deputy editor-in-chief, Machida Enko also explained in detail with Shinomiyatsuki.

“The so-called ace novel is the main work of the Immortal River Bunko, not only will it be promoted, signed for sale, the generation of new peripherals and other matters, but if Shirayuki-sensei can continue to maintain this quality and update speed, there will definitely be a series of adaptations such as manga and animation in the future.”

Hearing this, Shinomiya Yue was also bright, because the [God-level Novel System] explained that once his work is successfully comic or animated, the points earned by the novel will be doubled.

That is, 50 points become 100 points, and 100 points become 200 points!

“Another thing is that Mr. K, who is in charge of illustration production for Shiragetsu-sensei, cannot continue to work for the time being, so the new illustrator needs to be confirmed by Shiragetsu-sensei.”

“Can you tell me, what caused it?”

Shinomiya Yue is also uncertain and asks, will it not be used as a scapegoat by his readers and fans!

“It’s not a big deal, but I accidentally broke my hand and injured myself because of a fall, and I couldn’t paint for a short time.”

Listening to Machida Yuanko’s words, Shinomiyatsuki also breathed a sigh of relief.

But this is his fault to blame his fans, in fact, the fans of the fourth palace moon are very united, and the cognition is the same, there is a debt and a master, anyway, grab the old thief of the white moon and spray it will be over.

Everyone else is friendly and will not accidentally injure friendly troops.

“So, I have a very good teacher recommended by the illustrator here, and I will email you the specific details and contact information, because you still need to be the original author Bai Yue-sensei to determine that you finally want to cooperate with this teacher.”

Saying that, Shinomiyatsuki’s computer was also prompted by a new email.

On the phone, Machida Enko also talked to the end.

“Well, that’s the main thing this time, please give me an answer as soon as possible, and my side can contact the other party and formulate the information for the publication of the third volume.”

By the time Sigongyue thought of saying a few words, the other end of the phone had already hung up.

“Well, forget it, let’s see, what a powerful big touch!” Thinking about it, Shinomiyatsuki opened the email sent by Machida Yuanko.

The names of the recommended illustrators at the top of Machida Enko and the profile that followed were also Shinomiya Tsuki wide-eyed.

“Teacher Elomanga, specialty: Drawing pictures with special colors, especially loli.”

Covering his forehead, Shinomiya Yue stared at the extremely colorful loli picture drawn below the profile with a black line.

“Otherwise, I’d better call the police, the guy who can call this kind of name and likes to draw this color loli is definitely a pervert!”


PS: To clarify, this book will definitely not have any poisonous points and sadistic plots, purely for the sake of fighting you guys, please support if you like it.

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