
“Roughly, that’s it.”

Picked up the black tea brewed by his sister Shinomiya Kaguya, took a sip gently, and said calmly.

“Well, very mellow black tea, even more powerful than before.”

Speaking of which, Shinomiyatsuki also praised his sister’s tea-making skills.

Shinomiyazuki simply explained his experience in the past half a year with the two people in front of him, without deliberately explaining anything, and the matter of writing light novels was only brought with a sentence [write some light novels to make money].

While some of the processes are painstaking, there’s no need to say it.

“Eh, is Brother Yue a light novel writer now?”

Fujiwara Chika also listened to the experience of the past half year told by Shinomiyatsuki, and then asked Shinomiyatsuki with her hands cutely.

“It’s really powerful.”

“It’s not powerful, it’s barely famous.”

“This is already very powerful, and I also like to read light novels.”

Hearing Fujiwara Chika say this, Shinomiya Yue asked Fujiwara Chika a little surprised.

“Oh, then I wonder what style of light novel Chika likes?”

Hearing this, Fujiwara Chika’s cute big eyes also suddenly lit up, as if opening a chatterbox.

“Speaking of my favorite words, it is really a light novel of the love department.”

“Kasumiko Kasumi’s ‘Love Metronome’ is one of my favorite series.”

When she heard Kasumi Shiko-sensei in Fujiwara Chika’s mouth, Shinomiya Tsuki also smiled.

Because the other party and he belong to the same editor in charge of the author, although they have not yet met, they often hear the old woman Machida Enko praise [Kasumi Shiko] for the timely delivery of the manuscript.

“Kasumi Shiko-sensei? It really happened that I was in the same editorial position as her. ”

“If you have the opportunity, I’ll help you get an autograph from Kasumi Shiko-sensei.”

Fujiwara Chika also seemed very happy to hear this, with her hands on her chest, and some little girls cheered.

“Really? That’s a big thank you Brother Yue. ”

After a pause, Fujiwara Chika also spoke.

“However, recently I also liked a novel, the content is very interesting, and I also recommend it to the light novelist’s brother Moon, and it is good as a reference.”

“Is it still a romance novel?”

“No, although my favorite light novel in the love department, this novel is not.”

“Oh, which master’s work this time?”

What can make Chika Fujiwara, who can make the love brain, like is not a light novel of the love department, and Shinomiya Tsuki also wants to hear which industry boss is the work.

“No, no, no,” shaking his finger, Fujiwara Chika also said to Shinomiya Moon with a look that I was very good at. “It’s not a master, it’s the work of a recent new writer.”

“Highly recommended, my stomach hurts when I laugh when I watch it.”

Fujiwara Chika, who suddenly thought of something, also stopped Amway’s words and said very resentfully.

“It’s that the update is very weak and often delayed.”

“The name is “I Can’t Be a False Devil”, which is the debut work of the White Moon Old Thief.”


When he heard this, Shigongyue even spewed out all the sipping black tea.

Although when the other party said it before, Shinomiyazuki had some speculations, but no matter how to say it, how can it be his fan when he thinks that Fujiwara Chika is also a love brain.

As a result, as soon as the other party spoke, Shinomiyatsuki knew that Fujiwara Chika was also an old black fan.

“Why, has Brother Yue seen it too?”

Fujiwara Chika also asked with concern when she saw Shinomiyatsuki’s performance.

“If you haven’t seen it, let’s say you’ve seen it.”

Haven’t you seen it, the old thief of the white moon in your mouth is me!

And Fujiwara Chika was like finding a comrade-in-arms, and then said all the complaints in his heart.

“Yes, then Brother Yue must be able to understand my thoughts, dragging out a novel five times is really too much.”

Looking at Fujiwara Chika’s indignant look, Shinomiyazuki also tentatively said good things to himself.

“Maybe Teacher Bai Yue himself may have something unspeakable?”

“Don’t be so polite to the old thief of Baiyue, Brother Yue, that’s a completely undisciplined guy!”

Shinomiya Yue can only smile awkwardly, or what else can you do, do you want to say that the unrestrained guy in your mouth is sitting in front of you!

However, Fujiwara Chika and Shinomiya Yue chatted happily, but they didn’t know that Shinomiya Kaguya’s gaze on the side had become extremely cold.

It’s probably like looking at a piece of flesh that has lost its life and soul.

There is a black gas called death all over his body, and if you look at it, you will be killed in an instant.

Especially Fujiwara Chika’s brother for a month, called the ultimate brother controlled by Shinomiya Kaguya, exudes a kind of [killing intent].

“That should be my title only, do you always want to take away the happiness that I came to hard?”

When Shinomiya Kaguya looked at Fujiwara Chika with murderous eyes, the other party still didn’t know.

“Na, Brother Yue, I haven’t seen you for a long time, where to go together this weekend?”

“Kaguya will come with you, the three of us together.”

As the secretary, Chika Fujiwara was also happy to make a proposal.


Like fluttering happiness, Kaguya Shinomiya was also extremely cute and agreed to Fujiwara Chika’s invitation.

“Sure enough, Qianhua, you are my lifelong best friend!”

Silently affirmed the other party’s Shinomiya Kaguya, as if the person who had sent out such a gaze before had nothing to do with her.


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