
“Your phone rang…”

With the melodious melody sounding, Shigongyue also kindly reminded the other party that the mobile phone ringed.

“Ah, oops!”

Koga Tomoe, who took out his phone and saw the contact on the caller ID, also showed a bad expression.

“I was chatting with you, and I forgot that I still have an appointment…”

After briefly explaining the reason, Koga Tomoe ran out in a hurry.

“Then, there is a chance to meet, Senior Yamashita…”

After saying hello from afar, Koga Bunkae hurried to find her group of so-called “friends”.

“How careless…”

Looking at Koga Pune’s figure gradually running away, Shinomiyazuki also said with a smile.

It turns out that it is better to wear a short skirt or not to run, and from the line of sight of Shinomiyatsuki, with the flying skirt, you can faintly see the scenery under the skirt.

Is this the original carelessness????

“Then as an apology for the sincerity of the whole thing, I will accept it unceremoniously.”

Looking at Koga Pune’s distant back, Shinomiya Yue thought silently while saying some strange things to himself.

“White words are a little childish…”

Until he couldn’t see the other party’s back, Shigong Yue withdrew his gaze.

At this moment, his mobile phone also rang.

Looking at the contact Ai Hayasaka marked on the caller ID, Shinomiya Yue didn’t think much about it, and directly picked up the phone.

“What’s wrong, Hayasaka, suddenly called me, did you miss me?”

Shinomiyazuki skillfully joked with Ai Hayasaka, and then Ai Hayasaka’s calm voice came from the other end of the phone.

“Rest assured, there is no such thing.”

“However, I just want to remind the Young Master of the Fourth Palace, have you forgotten something important?”

“Something important…”

Repeating Ai Hayasaka’s words, Shinomiya Yue’s face also changed, and suddenly he thought of something, and he realized what was important in Ai’s mouth…

It seems that too much time was wasted with that stupid JK (girls’ high school student) Koga Tomoe, and it was already late in itself, and now it is even more excessive…

“…… Yes! ”

The screaming Shinomiya Yue’s mind flashed the cute face of his sister Shinomiya Kaguya.

It’s definitely a bulging and awkward look.

Damn, the awkward look is definitely cute, and it seems to look at it!

No, no, now is not the time to think about this, a thousand words into one sentence.


“I hope that the young master of the fourth palace can go to the appointment as soon as possible, the eldest lady’s expression is a little worried…”

On the other end of the phone, Hayasaka Ai, dressed in a maid costume, stood silently at the height of the commercial street, looking through the one-way glass in front of her at her own eldest lady Shinomiya Kaguya who was waiting for Shinomiyatsuki.

“So, please ask the Young Master of the Fourth Palace to speed up…”

As Ai Hayasaka’s calmly reminding words came, Shinomiyatsuki also hurriedly ran up and rushed to the agreed place at full speed.


When Shinomiyazuki arrives at the place agreed upon with his sister and Chika Fujiwara, the secretary of the student council.

That is, the location of a relatively large commercial street entrance not too far from the single apartment rented by Shinomiyatsuki.

The fourth palace moon, who rushed over like the wind, also once again showed his extraordinary physique, outstanding physical fitness, and even his breath was not even chaotic at all.

It’s just that the current situation is not in the mood to worry about these things at all for Shinomiyatsu.

After looking around, Shinomiyazuki was sad to find that his cute sister Shinomiya Kaguya and Secretary Fujiwara were not here.

“And rightfully so.”

Shinomiya Yue also said to himself like this, as if he was giving himself a reason.

“No matter how I say that I was 1 hour late…”

“The first entertainment after the long farewell reunion between brothers and sisters was by me like this…”

At this moment, there was only indescribable regret that lingered in the heart of Sigong Yue.

Having said that, he couldn’t let the lost little loli he saw at that time leave alone.

But if it’s that stupid girl high school student, you can just leave it alone.

Shinomiyazuki was also very rude and thought about Koga Bun-e.

“Here is still a phone call to explain the situation.”

Thinking about it, Shinomiyazuki still decided to make a phone call to explain the situation, at least apologize on the phone first, to express his apologies as a brother.

Toot, toot…

A busy signal came from the dialed mobile phone, just like Shinomiyatsu’s somewhat apprehensive heart.

No one may believe it, but the dignified drag king, the newly promoted genius master of light novels, will one day feel uneasy because of an unspoken phone call from his sister.

In the next second, when the familiar mobile phone ringtone actually sounded behind him, and Shinomiya Yue hurriedly turned his head to look, the girl with the old-fashioned mobile phone that appeared behind him, who was not his delicate and cute sister Shinomiya Kaguya?

Of course, there is also Chika Fujiwara, the secretary of the student council, who accompanies her.

“Brother Sigongyue, you are an hour and three minutes late.”

Fujiwara Chika also said angrily.

“I’m sorry, although a lot has happened here, but I am still very sorry, in short, I am deeply sorry for not arriving on time.”

Using the standard aristocratic etiquette that he remembered learning in the Shinomiya family, Shinomiya Yue apologized to the two lovely girls in front of him.

“It’s okay~”

Shinomiya Kaguya smiled gently.

“It would be nice to be able to come safely.”

“I thought my brother met a girl halfway along the way and forgot about me.”

Shinomiya Kaguya said completely emotionless words in very gentle words, guessing the answer that was extremely close to the real situation.

Some people listened and cold sweat flowed.

“Well, it’s just a joke, right, brother?”

“yes, Kaguya, are you really kidding?”

Laughing, laughing, Shinomiya Yue was also thinking about what kind of expression he used to explain his very complicated experience.

Only when facing his sister Shinomiya Kaguya, Shinomiya Yue felt a little completely overwhelmed.

After thinking about it, Shinomiyazuki had an idea.

“It’s not too much of a problem.”

“Just met a lost little girl on the way here.”

“There is really no way to leave it alone, so I decided to accompany her to the police station…”

Shinomiyatsuki said that it was all true, but selectively ignored some of the experiences, and smart men would not confess everything to women, because it was dangerous.

Especially when I saw my sister’s “gentle” smile,

Like being taught [don’t do strange behavior in public” with some stupid female high school student, Shinomiyazuki felt that it was better to rot in her stomach forever.

Don’t get it wrong, how can a mature and excellent Light Novel master be afraid of his cute sister?

When pigs fly!


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