By the end of the last class of the afternoon, the setting sun had begun to fill the sky.

This also means that the time for club activities has begun…

In the multimedia club room of the learning department, all the members have already arrived early.

Yukinoshita Yukino is still looking at the bunko book wrapped in the white book in his hand as always, and whenever there is nothing wrong, Shinomiyatsuki can see Yukino reading the bunko book.

Fumino Furuhashi and Riju Ogata are still concentrating on practice problems, and it seems that only the two of them belong to the normal activities of the study department.

As for Koga Tomoe, she came today as always, and is now chatting with her friends on her mobile phone.

Only Shinomiyatsuki was not doing his own thing, because he knew that a very troublesome guy was coming soon.

However, there is no way around this.

Of course, Shinomiyatsuki doesn’t want to cause trouble if he can, but this is a condition that is difficult to refuse from a person who exudes mature feminine charm like Kirisu Mafuyu.

“The Minister … Is there something going on with you? ”

After putting down the mobile phone, Koga Tomoe also asked about the sad-faced Shinomiyatsuki in front of him.

Since the previous incident in the tennis department, she has also officially submitted an application for admission to the department, and after receiving the approval of Mafuyu Kirisu, who is the consultant and instructor of the study department, she is also an official member of the study department.

Therefore, it is no longer called Shinomiya Yue as the senior of the fourth house, but the membership of the unified society is called “minister”.

When Koga Tomoe spoke, Yukinoshita Yukino immediately put down the treasure-like library book in his hand, and then glared at Koga Tomoe.

Her eyes seemed to say again, “Don’t you care about him? ] feeling.

Damn, is your minister in trouble, and this is the attitude of your ministry members?

Fortunately, there is Koga Tomoe, otherwise Shinomiya Yue is estimated to be waiting for a while, until Ichiki Yue comes to the door of the society, he can explain.

“Actually, there may be a troublesome guy next…”

Shinomiyatsuki told everyone the conclusion bluntly, and Yukinoshita Yukina, who listened to him say this, also closed his book.

“That is, where did the minister know someone like Xiang Penghua?”

That’s awesome… Under the snow!

I guessed the approximate content based on this level of intelligence alone.

Koga Tomoe, on the other hand, showed a shocked expression [So I’m just a trouble?] His gaze was also pitifully looking at Yukinoshita Yukinoshita on the side.

“Well, that’s probably the case, but this guy next is much less cute than Peng Yi.”

Shinomiya Yue did not refute either, but more accurately depicted the guy who was a color feather.

However, after hearing Shinomiyatsuki’s words, Koga Tomoe’s expression seemed to become much happier.

“Eh, hey, hey~”

“Is there anything to be happy about?”

Yukishita Yukino still maintained her indifference, her good-looking brows were light, and she looked at Koga Tomoe who was happy with a puzzled expression.

“Nope… I don’t know, but I have to be happy…”

Well, it’s a very Koga Bun-e style answer.

The Learning Department is as daily as ever…


Looking at the time on my phone, it was almost time to end the club activities.

Shinomiyazuki has always been a very punctual person, so if there is no accident, he will definitely not be late, and he will not spend an extra minute either.

On time, on time, just like a civil servant commuting to and from work.

“15 minutes to go…”

At the same time as the fourth palace moon chanted, there was a light and rhythmic knock outside the door.

Although Shinomiyazuki really wanted to pretend that there was no one inside, some couldn’t do it, after all, there were many people in the study department besides him.

If it were in his own home, he would definitely do it.

It was like when his editor, Machida Enko, the old woman came looking for him.

“Please come in…”

Yukinoshita Yukino also said in place of Shinomiya Yuki, who was the minister, and answered directly.

“Excuse me~”

What sounded at the door was indeed the very familiar leisurely tone of Yi Shi Yu.


When he saw the color feather coming in, Koga Tomoe also looked at him with a resentful gaze, which made Shinomiyatsuki very puzzled.

Because Isseiha is a beautiful girl.

The very standard kind, just looking at the appearance, you can’t find any flaws at all.

The ends of her flaxen hair are smoothly draped over her shoulders, and her very delicate face is full of smiling faces that make people feel comfortable, but if you look at her appearance, you won’t think that she is the troublesome guy in Shinomiyatsu’s mouth.

“I’m really sorry to come at this time, but I also had something before, so the time is a little late.”

Ichisei Yu is very familiar, and it seems that he has no intention of being polite.

“Can I sit here?”

After choosing a position where you could see the Shinomiyatsuki head-on, Isseiyue also pointed to the position in front of him and asked.

There is a cute girly style in every move.

“I’m sorry~ So, senior Shinomiya, what about Kirisu-sensei?”

Ichisei Yue also asked Shinomiya Yue on the opposite side directly.

“Kirisu-sensei has memories of a faculty member, and he will come over in a little later.”

When answering, Shinomiya Yue found that Yigong Yue was obviously carefully dressed, and Shinomiya Yue could clearly smell a faint very fresh perfume smell emitted by the other party.

“Got it…”

“Is this the senior’s club? Eh, it’s obviously called this kind of name society, and there are so many beautiful girls together…”

The words of a color feather are like the emotion that a greasy middle-aged uncle would make.

“What’s wrong with you? Ichisei Ha-san? ”

Just when Ichishiba still wanted to express her opinion, Yukinoshita Yukino’s words also directly poured cold water on her.

And I don’t know if it’s an illusion of Shinomiyatsuki, but now Yukino under the snow seems to be particularly thorny.

If the tone under the snow on weekdays is like a snowball, very indifferent, then now the words of Yukino under the snow are like a snowball with a thorn, not only cold, but also stabbing others.

However, Ichisei didn’t lose his smile at Yukinoshita Yukinoshita’s prickly indifferent tone.

Still very calmly responded.

“If there is a problem, there should be, but relatively speaking, more accurately, it should be Kirisu-sensei who called me here…”

Even Yukinoshita himself didn’t know why he became so irritable today.


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