Heizuka Jing briefly explained what had just happened, and Qian Shengyi waited for the head teacher to approve the leave.

“I almost got hit by a car on the first day of school, so I don’t know if you’re lucky or unlucky.” Hiratsuka Shizune sighed.

“I don’t think it can be called lucky at least.” Qian Shengyi complained.

“Ha, being able to say such things means that you are not a big deal.”

Hiratsuka did not suspect that Seiichi Kan was lying, and that was the prerogative of a good student.

No matter how much the same treatment, there is always a difference between students with good grades and students with low grades.

“Do you want me to pick you up?” You don’t have anyone else in your family right now. Hiratsuka said.

She had seen Qian Shengyi’s file, and although she was a little regretful, there were no adults in his family.

It would be scary to face this kind of thing alone, right?

In order not to worry people and speak in a calm tone, what a good boy!

“No, I’m almost home.” Qian Shengyi said, “I’ll find some medicinal wine to treat my wounds and go to school, but I may be a little late.” ”

“No problem, feel free to find me if you have something.”

Hiratsuka Shizumi spoke unexpectedly.

As soon as Qian Shengyi returned to his rental house, he met the neighbor’s wife outside.

“Oh, Saint One-kun, are you injured?” The wife saw that Qian Shengyi’s body was dirty and asked with concern.

“yes, it’s unlucky, I fell on the first day of school. But it’s not a big problem. Qian Shengyi didn’t say anything about the car accident.

“That’s great.” The wife breathed a sigh of relief.

Since Qian Sheng came to Tokyo to study, he and this wife have been neighbors, and before he knew it, it had been almost three years.

His wife is a single mother who lives alone with her daughter, and has brought a lot of help to Qian Shengyi, who lives alone.

“If only my child worked as hard as Sheng Yijun, it was all because of me that she became a family squat.” Speaking of her daughter, his wife is happy and helpless.

“I don’t think it’s important if Nu doesn’t work hard, as long as Sagi-chan feels happy.” Qian Shengyi said.

His wife took her ex-husband’s surname, and Qian Shengyi called her Mrs. Hequan, and her daughter was called Hequan Sawu.

(PS: Don’t complain, Fushimi old thief didn’t say what Samisi’s mother was called, it can only be set like this, don’t spray~)

Mrs. Kazumi and her ex-husband are reorganizing families, but unfortunately her ex-husband suffered a plane crash, leaving Mrs. Kazumi Sagiri and a boy over there.

As a stepmother, Mrs. Hequan originally wanted to fight for the custody of the child over there, but was blocked by relatives on the man’s side.

So she is now dependent on her daughter.

These things were told to Mrs. Izumi when she was drunk, but he didn’t want to pry into other people’s privacy.

“Come to the house for dinner today, Samisu has been making trouble to play with you.” Mrs. Kazumi said with a smile.

Three years has long allowed the wife to come out of the shadow of her deceased husband, but she has no plans to remarry.

“Ma’am, you’re just too lazy to cook.” Qian Shengyi said helplessly.

“Haha, that’s one of the reasons!” Mrs. Kazumi showed no sign of blushing.

As a social person, this bit of cheekiness is still there.

“I see, I’ll bring the ingredients early in the evening.” Qian Shengyi said helplessly.

“Then I’ll give you money for the ingredients.” Mrs. Kazumi was ready to shell out the money.

“No need, I made a little extra money today, so I should repay my wife for taking care of her in the past few years.” Qian Shengyi said.

“Sheng Yijun, your words seem to have set some kind of incredible FLAG.” Mrs. Kazumi said, “You’re not going to move away, are you?” ”

“How is it possible.” Qian Sheng rolled his eyes, “It’s so close to the school, and the rent is not very expensive, if I move away, where can I find such a good house.” ”

“That’s what I said.” Mrs. Kazumi nodded and withdrew her purse.

“Then it’s hard for you, I want to eat potato stew at night!”

Qian Shengyi complained: “You are kind enough to make a request for nothing.” ”

The two have a good relationship, so they can make these insignificant jokes.

Bidding farewell to Mrs. Kazumi, Kanseiichi returned to his home.

The blessing of dragging that lady, this time is really going to be late.

Fortunately, I called the head teacher in advance.

Qian Shengyi took off his torn clothes and went to take a shower.

The well-defined muscles on the body reflect the beauty of male xing.

In his previous life, he was a social person and knew that his body accounted for a large proportion of making friends, so he also spent a lot of time exercising in addition to studying.

Although he has received a lot of love letters based on his appearance alone.

When taking a bath, Qian Shengichi did not summon the Platinum Star, although it was his own stand-in, but Hikaru Liuliu looked at a muscular man… The picture is too philosophical!

After enduring the pain and taking a bath, Qian Shengyi asked Platinum Star to bring a bottle of medicinal wine.

Although he has only just awakened the stand-in, his mastery of the Platinum Star is very accurate.

Among them, the platinum star comes with the effect of “precision A”, and there is also the credit of his strong mental power.

Opening the medicinal wine, Qian Shengyi used the Platinum Star A-class speed to quickly rub the ca.

The sourness made him almost gaffe.

“It’s worthy of being a double A at the speed of force, this feeling, it’s really cool!”

Qian Shengyi seems to have discovered another use for the stand-in!


PS: Two in a row, no more~

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