JOJO’s manga seems to have strange magic, and the more Mrs. Kazumi reads it, the more attracted she is to this story.

The manga has a clear idea and explains the protagonist and villain at the beginning.

Although he is a villain, Dior Brando gradually shows his personal charm.

“That’s great, this comic!”

After reading the original manuscript brought by Qian Shengyi, Mrs. Hequan did not hesitate to praise.

“You’ve passed the prize.” Qian Shengyi said modestly.

“No, the one who is really powerful is Saint Yijun, this talent of yours… It should be called the ‘talent of God’! ”

Mrs. Hequan is full of strength in the second dimension, and the old two-dimensional is old.

“I’m not some Yan Yi Kami.” Qian Shengyi complained.

It’s a pity that there is no classic tokusatsu drama in this world, and Mrs. Kazumi can’t get his point.

“Wait a minute, I’ll call my editor friend.”

Mrs. Kazumi dialed Ayano Iida’s mobile phone and called her friend, who was close to thirty years old and still single.

Because of the strong recommendation of Mr. Eromanga, Ayano Iida rushed over.

On the way, I didn’t forget to buy snacks for my goddaughter and Izumi Sawrito.

Half an hour later, Ayano Iida, a capable manga editor, arrived at Mrs. Wakaizumi’s house.

“Sawu, I haven’t seen you for a long time, do you want to your mother?” Ayano Iida hugged Kazumi Samisi and rubbed hard against her.

“Don’t, it’s so uncomfortable!”

Kazumi Sagiri looked disgusted, but for the sake of a large bag of snacks brought by Ayano Iida, Kazumi Sagiri put up with her for a minute.

Mrs. Kazumi entertains Ayano Iida in the living room and introduces Seiichi Kan to her.

“Ayano, this is the Kanshōichi I told you, although he looks young, his manga level is already among the top in the industry!” Mrs. Kazumi spoke highly of Seiichi.

“Whew.” Ayano Iida looked at Seiichi Kan, and her eyes lit up.

The honest and young mei teenager is also too attractive to her, who is about to become an old aunt.

Ayano Iida wondered if she had been stolen by her good sister, right?

Oops, it’s really suspicious to think so!

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have recommended it so much!

“Seiichi-kun, this is Ayano Iida, the editor of JT (Kodan).” Mrs. Kazumi introduced Qian Shengyi.

Hearing that Ayano Iida was the editor of JT Club, Seiichi Kan was a little surprised.

JT is the existence of the three major manga clubs in the island country, along with Jiei, the elementary school club.

I didn’t expect Mrs. Kazumi to know the editor over there.

But think about it, after all, Mr. Elomana is also a famous big man in the industry.

“Yo, hello.” Ayano Iida greeted Seiichi with a smile.

“Hello.” Qian Shengyi responded politely.

No matter how big Mrs. Waizumi’s face is, Ayano Iida will not let worthless works appear on the pages.

The most important thing is the quality of the work!

Ayano Iida looked at Seiichi’s original manuscript, and the more he looked at it, the more frightened he became.

Her initial thoughts, like Mrs. Izumi, were unbelievable that this was the standard of a high school student.

After reading the original manuscript, Ayano Iida couldn’t help but smile bitterly.

“To be honest, the Kanshenichi-sensei manga exceeded my estimate too much.”

Ayano Iida uses the word ‘sensei’ to address Seiichi, which is a recognition of his strength.

“Miss Iida can just call me Seiichi.” Qian Shengyi said.

Ayano Iida nodded and said, “Seiichi-kun, in fact, this manga of yours is more suitable for Jieisha. ”

Jiying is recognized as the center of the bloody king manga in the island country, and the name of “JUMP” is well-known throughout the island country.

Although Ayano Iida is the editor of JT, she still thinks that Seiichi Kan’s “JOJO” is more suitable for Jiei.

“If you are interested, I can recommend you over there.”

“Of course, we JT are also developing towards the route of the blood king road recently, if Sheng Yijun votes “JOJO” to our JT Club, I will give you the greatest publicity and treatment!” Ayano Iida said seriously.

She recognized Qian Shengyi’s work and gave her bargaining chips.

In fact, she can not mention Jiyingsha, but Qian Shengyi has a good relationship with her friend Eromoga, and she can’t pit acquaintances.

Although letting him come to JT is not a pit.

Kanseiichi thought about it for a while, and Ayano Iida couldn’t help but get nervous.

“I’ve thought about it…” said Ryōichi, “Miss Iida is a friend of Mrs. Kazumi, and I believe in Miss Iida’s abilities, so I decided to cast the manga at JT Club. ”

Ayano Iida was overjoyed.

“Saint Yijun, you will definitely not regret this decision!”

Ayano Iida is serious, she sees the potential of “JOJO” and will fight for his interests to the best of her ability.

After talking about work, Ayano Iida relaxed and chatted with Seiichi and Mrs. Izumi.

“Ah, the young people are really good now, some time ago at the Comic Newcomer Award, I met a girl with excellent drawing skills, who seems to be the same age as Sheng Yijun.” Ayano Iida boasted.

Mrs. Kazumi was curious and asked, “Is there a genius like Seiichi-kun?” ”

The gap between people was revealed at this moment, and Mrs. Hequan, who had already been hit by Qian Sheng, felt that her resistance had increased.

The corners of Ayano Iida’s mouth rose and said mysteriously, “You should have heard of that person too… A talented mei girl painter who often appears in foreign painting magazines. ”

Mrs. Kazumi suddenly realized, and said, “Are you talking about that Shiina Mahaku?” ”


PS: Look at the poor monthly pass count of this book, can you bear it?

Now the book is almost stable with two chapters a day. Decided, add one more chapter for every ten monthly passes ~ starting from 30!

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