Otosaka Hayabusa proposed this conjecture, but Otosaka Yuyu did not react.

“Even if that’s the case, what does this have to do with us?” Otosaka Yuyu asked.

Otosaka said, “Our purpose is to save everyone, and the currently known enemies are research institutes and scientists, but it is not ruled out that there are other enemies.” ”

“The people who invaded the institute are likely to be hostile forces, and if you encounter them after going back in time, at least for now, you will have an advantage in having their intelligence!”

Otosaka Hayabusa rational analysis.

Otosaka Yuu cast an adoring gaze, “It’s worthy of being an older brother!” ”

Hearing his brother’s worship, Otosaka Hayabusa couldn’t be happy, and smiled bitterly: “I said so, but we can’t get out at all now.” ”

Even if Otosaka Yuyu still has the strength to launch infiltration, he can’t leave with Otosaka Hayabusa.


At this moment, the door of the confinement room was suddenly opened, and an old man with pale hair appeared.

“Hayabusa-kun, it seems that you have regained the ability to jump in time and space.” The white-haired old man wore a kind smile.

Although he is also a scientist at this institute, his philosophy is different from those of cold-blooded scientists who treat human children as dry batteries, so he is also labeled a heretic.

“Long time no see, it seems that you have been doing well lately.” Otosaka Hayabusa said.

“How can you live well when you are locked up in a research institute every day and are not taken seriously, and you have to watch children being studied like guinea pigs?” The old man laughed at himself.

Otosaka Hayabusa got down to business.

“What’s going on in the institute now?”

The old man said: “I don’t know, but it should have been invaded, and the difference in strength between the two sides is huge, maybe this place will be captured soon.” ”

Otosaka Hayabusa’s eyes flashed, and this might be an opportunity.

“I want to meet the invaders.”

Before the old man could say anything, Otosaka Yuyu said anxiously: “No, brother, it’s too dangerous!” ”

Otosaka Hayabusa said seriously: “The other party should not know my ability, and once there is a conflict, I will instantly use my ability to return to the past.” ”

The old man said: “Now almost all the guards have gone to intercept, originally I wanted to release the children, but the intention of the intruder is not clear, and it really needs to be confirmed.” ”

“Then let’s go!” Otosaka Hayabusa put his brother down and said with a smile: “Yuyu, you just rest here, I’ll be back soon!” ”

Otosaka Yuu wants to keep up with his brother, but now even if he goes, it will only be a burden.

“Brother, you must be careful!”

“Don’t worry!” Otosaka Hayabusa showed a confident smile to reassure his younger brother.

“Please take care of Yuyu.” He said to the old man.

The old man said, “Go ahead, I will take care of him.” ”

It seems that some strange flag has been set.



Stopping and walking along the way, Kanseiichi and Yuri Nao finally arrived at the control center of the institute.

This was the most heavily guarded place in the entire research room, but it was easily broken through under the ability of Qian Shengyi.

Most of the researchers in the control room were wearing white coats, and these were the scientists that Yurina said.

“Qian Shengyi, the student council president of Hundred Flower King Academy, I didn’t expect a high school student to force us to this point.” The scientist at the head had a hideous expression.

“Don’t say the standard lines of this villain, I’m in a hurry, and I’m ready to solve it early and go home for dinner.”

“You have a sister.” The scientist sneered, “It’s better for you to leave like this, I promise that there will be no follow-up to this matter.” ”

Qian Sheng rolled his eyes, “You can also say this kind of falsehood?” Don’t fool me like a normal high school student. ”

From the eyes of these people, Qian Shengyi saw jealousy and madness.

These scientists who study special abilities must now be eager to bring him to the experimental bench for slice study.


The Crimson King’s epitaph ability allowed Qian Shengyi to predict the enemy’s next move.

The scientist at the head manipulates the computer and threatens to expose his special abilities.

It is natural for humans to fear powerful beings.

At that time, it may be considered the enemy of humanity.

Gee, sloppy!

Qian Shengyi complained about his carelessness.

Just like Kamen Rider always hides his true identity with a mask, Seiichi Kan also wants to live an ordinary life… Although the new decade is actually revealing identity one faster than the other!


It’s time to stop again, it’s so good to smash Valudo!

There were many computers in the control room, and Qian Shengyi was not sure if the other computers would have backups, so they were all destroyed at once.



Valuable supercomputers are reduced to slag in the fist of the Platinum Star.

One stop is not enough, two stops, stop in succession, and the entire control room is instantly in ruins.

Time flows again!

In anyone’s opinion, the computer of the entire research room exploded in an instant, leaving only a little residue.

“Your next words are… How do you know I want to upload your abilities to the web! “Qian Shengyi prejudged.

“How do you know that I want to put your ability…” The scientist at the head was shocked and hurriedly covered his mouth.

Er Qiao silently nodded a like.

Of course, Qian Shengyi is not a prediction, but a direct ‘observation’!

It turns out that the ability of epitaphs goes with old things like this!

Qian Shengyi turned his head to look at Yuri Nao and said, “You go out and wait for me first.” ”

Yuri Nao pouted and said, “Do you think I’m still that fragile?” ”

“No, I think you’re getting in the way here.” Qian Shengyi said seriously.

Yurina gritted his teeth.


PS: Ask for the first order to customize, ask for flowers to evaluate the monthly pass reward!!

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