The student council of Hundred Flower King College, the current accountant Momoyo Lili Xiang, hung up the phone of a certain president who did not care about things.

“What’s wrong?” Momoku Qiluoli, who was sitting in the main seat of the student union, asked.

There are only these two sisters in the current student union.

“The president asked me to acquire a junior high school.” Lili Momo’s pronunciation uses a voice changer, and it sounds nondescript.

“School?” Tao Xunqi Luoli was a little surprised, and said: “It is worthy of him, and actions are always unpredictable. ”

Momoyo Lilixiang’s face hidden under the mask actually twitched the corners of her mouth, Qian Shengyi really didn’t treat her as an outsider at all, and all the work was entrusted to her.

Including the game company established some time ago, she is all responsible for the handover of details!

Now it’s school again, and you don’t need to think about it, he will definitely be a dispenser!

“Vice President, if this continues, I will become the president’s private secretary.” Momoyo Lilixiang complained coldly.

“It’s not impossible.” Momoji raised her eyebrows and lifted Momo’s chin with her index finger, with an unfathomable smile.

“If Lilixiang is used as a bet, Saint Yijun will definitely participate in this kind of bet.”

Momoku Qi Luoli is a madman born for gambling, and even her own sister can be sacrificed.

“Please don’t make such boring jokes.”

“It’s boring.” Momoku Luoli shrugged, and the light green lip gloss reflected a different luster.

She sat down again and said casually: “Since he wants to buy the school, you can deal with this matter.” ”

Momoku Qili is too good to be good to Qian Shengyi, if he didn’t know Momoku Luoli’s character, he would definitely think that they had a leg!

“I see.” Lili Lixiang sighed in her heart, but her appearance was not different.

Lori Momo’s mind has been on the papers on her desk, which is why she is still at school during the holidays.

These materials record the younger generation of the Bai Yu clan.

The Bai Kaoru family has a huge family, peach kaoru, snake kaoru, etc., bone kaoru…

Although it is not as exaggerated as a hundred branches, it is not much worse.

As the leader of this generation of Bai Xun family, there are many people who disobey her little girl.

Therefore, in order to make herself more happy, Momoku Qi Luoli took the position of the head of the Bai Xun clan as a bet, and attracted the people of the Hyakuan clan like sharks that smelled blood.

As long as you can win the position of president of the Hundred Flower King Student Council, you can become the head of the Bai Yu clan, and no one will refuse such an attractive condition!

“Don’t you need to inform the president of this matter?” Lili asked.

Momoku Qiluoli smiled and said, “Saint Yijun is a troublesome personality first, and telling him this kind of thing in advance will definitely stop it.” ”

The real power of the Hundred Flower King Academy now is still on Tao Xunqi Luoli, which was given to her by Qian Shengyi.

When he made this decision, he should have thought about the current situation.

“But if the president is bought by some splitting family…” said Momo, Lili Xiang, worried.

“That person wouldn’t be so boring.”

Obviously he didn’t have much contact with Qian Shengyi, but Taoxun Qi Luoli looked like he knew him very well.

“I see, I’ll keep this a secret.”

In fact, the only people who knew about the admission of the people of the Bai Xun clan were Momoku Lili Xiang and Momoku Luoli.

In order to make this gradually calm school boil again, Momoku Qiluoli will stop at nothing.



“Once the school’s affairs are done, the handover work will be handed over to you, Hayabusa-kun.” Qian Sheng threw everything to Otosaka Hayabusa.

“Is it really good to leave such an important matter to us?!”

Although it is exciting to be trusted by Seiichi Kansaka, Otosaka Hayabusa is still worried about living up to everyone’s expectations.

“Hayabusa-kun, you have outstanding talents, and the first step you have to do is to believe in yourself.” Qian Shengyi turned on the mouth cannon mode.

“Yes!” Otosaka Hayabusa was encouraged.

“I’ve seen the institute’s stockpile food, which is enough for everyone to eat for days.”

“In the past few days, you will first familiarize yourself with the education model of the school, and then I will arrange for someone to take you to the school.”

Just as Lili Momoku expected, Qian Shengyi once again acted as a handshaker.

He is not afraid of the exposure of people with special abilities, and he is even more afraid that this kind of thing should be exposed by the country.

‘There is such a thing as superpowers in this island country’, this kind of news caused social panic every minute.

So most of the things have ‘political assistants’ wiping their asses.

Qian Shengyi and Taoxun Qi Luoli have a good relationship, relying on the big tree of the Baiyan clan, whether it is open or secret, it is not so easy to target him.

As a result, the Star Sea Academy, a school that accommodates people with special abilities, was established.

From the ability of Comet Charlotte, it is good to call it this name.

After arranging the general content, Qian Shengyi looked at the time, and it was seven o’clock in the evening.

It turned out that it took so much time to occupy this institute.

Qian Shengyi was ready to go home, and he didn’t know if Bai would order takeout by himself.

“Where are you going?” Otosaka Hayabusa saw that Seiichi Kan was leaving, and hurriedly asked.

“Of course it’s home.” Qian Sheng shrugged.

Although it hurts to say the word ‘go home’ in front of a group of people who are mostly abandoned by everyone.

“…,” Otosaka Hayabusa barely squeezed out a smile, “yes, you go slowly.” ”

Qian Shengyi thought for a while and said, “Write down my mobile phone number, you can find me if you can’t handle it.” ”

“I see!”

As soon as Qian Shengyi left the institute, he felt that something was wrong after walking a distance.

It’s like forgetting something, and it feels like someone is following.

“Should it be…” Qian Shengyi guessed and summoned the Platinum Star.

“Sure enough!”

The corner of Qian Sheng’s eyes twitched, and he looked at the person who had been following behind him, “This Miss Youli, may I ask where are you going?” ”

Yuri Nao’s abilities are still quite good sometimes, and Kanseiichi can’t find her without using a stand-in.


PS: Chapter 3 (8/11)

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